Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 321 - Deciding Factor Of A Winner

It was the first bout within the enigmatic realm that stood against him; the minotaur clad in sable fur, layered with scars and crimson eyes that sought only violence and destruction. The lair of the great, fiendish beast was a different world in comparison to the grand stage he was used to battling atop; surrounding by countless bones, stacked like golden treasures a avaricious noble would stow away, grime lined the old walls formed of stone, painted with dried blood.

"Come, beast. Defend your keep."

Planting his feet down against the cold stone, he readied himself, beneath his soles he crushed the bones that littered the quarters of the menacing minotaur. Watching with unwavering eyes as steam propelled from the flared nostrils of the salivating beast, each hefty breath it took expanding its scarred pectorals, Ju-Long felt his blood burning with a reignited passion.

In his hand he wields an axe, so large it could cut down the grand sturgeon--how thrilling. This is the excitement Oriru has lacked--a true life-or-death battle, not a one-sided massacre. If I'm hit by that blood-stained weapon, I'll be cleaved in two.

Show me, guardian of this labyrinth, a taste of Purgatory's sweet nectar of death, he thought.

Scraping its hoof against the ground, it carved through the stone effortlessly as it lowered its upper-body, preparing to charge forth with its massive axe stuck between its immovable grip. It was hardly different from an Oriru bout; the moment that grand, sharp weapon was hoisted above its head in preparation to swing, Ju-Long dashed forward with his famous, world-class speed.

Like countless times before, his large, callused shoulder collided against the minotaur before it could react--sending it crashing back against the stone wall that caved in behind its forceful impact.

I've spent decades training my mighty shoulder; slamming it against any durable surface I could find: stone walls, rocky mountains, ancient trees--anything and everything. Many times I returned home with a bruised, fractured, or broken shoulder.

I didn't go down the path of Oriru for fame or wealth, but it was the only thing I was good at. Hurt and destroy; it was all I could do--I couldn't control my strength. If it was for the honor of Jinyue, if it made my old man proud--I would do it, he thought.

"As expected; you don't break easily."

Witnessing the minotaur shake off the damage it took, Ju-Long spoke calmly as Asterius unearthed himself from the wall, shaking debris from its dark fur as steam fell from its scarred nostrils.

Exhibiting its utmost speed, the bloodthirsty beast took a single step before appearing directly before the towering human who nearly matched the beast in size--holding its blood-stained axe above its head while its crimson, malicious eyes locked onto the human.

Roaring out as saliva trailed the air, the beast swung the axe brazenly towards the golden-haired man's skull--however, its sharpness could not greet the man's flesh as the minotaur's arm fell completely still mid-swing. Gripping tightly onto the forearm of the half-man half-bull, Ju-Long's inhuman crush strength caused the beast's arm to layer with veins as its flesh pressed against its hide from the enormous pressure; with a compromised arm, it released its hold of its axe, allowing the heavy object to pierce the ground it fell upon.

There wasn't a change in the stoic expression present on the man's face as he watched the now helpless minotaur attempt to escape his grip--a futile effort that brought the beast to its knees. Finalizing his crushing grip, the mountainous man caused the forearm of the black-furred guardian to burst into a mesh of blood and flesh as it roared out in agony.

"Fall, beast."

While Asterius was on its knees in such unforeseen agony, Ju-Long raised his calloused, wide hand into the air before slamming it down, palm-first, upon the beast's skull. It was as if the heavens had decided to plummet upon the labyrinth; falling from above its skull, the hand of immeasurable weight buried its body into the stone beneath. It was that single, unrestrained showing of strength that reduced the head of the beast to nothing but red liquid.

And on he pursued his journey, beginning it with his first trial overcome with great ease. It was the grand search of a worthy challenge--the path of Ju-Long, the greatest Endai.

Now show me, Purgatory, this Champion's Culling--show me true strength, Ju-Long thought.

Taking the stance that came more natural to him than breathing, the golden-haired Endai honed his eyes on the opponent before him.

"…Iris, I shall recognize you as a formidable opponent."

Not responding to the words from the colossal man, Iris kept her intense gaze locked on her opponent. Even though he spoke such words laced with honor, a somber look inhabited the man's eyes.

By the stance the man was taking, it was clear to any that had been watching the match what he was planning.

"Is he crazy? He knows he can't wildly charge in there."

Ren muttered as he witnessed the resolve of the Oriru wrestler.

"That's the thing with Oriru wrestlers…they're incredibly stubborn—more than anyone else, from what I've heard, of course. An Endai is no exception—their bodies are their treasure; when challenging that weapon they've honed all their lives…well, they won't back down."

Jae-Seong's words were concerning to both the young otherworlder and the high elf.

Dashing forth with his powerful legs propelling him, Ju-Long rapidly approached the blue-haired girl with his palm reared back.

He's still coming…!? Iris thought.

Quickly, with speed born of incredible strength, the massive, hulking man entered the radius of the girl's magecraft.

There was no reason to be found behind such a strategy, but such thought processes couldn't be linked to a man such as Ju-Long. Immediately upon reaching this zone of incredible heat--his body was lit ablaze.

His skin quickly became engulfed in such flames, but his movements didn't halt--he was intent on the engagement with his foe.

"...Stop this, you'll…!"

Before her cautionary words could fully meet the man's ears, Iris received a harsh palm strike to her abdomen--sending her flying back with a violent burst. Landing harshly against the back wall that had been reinforced by the arena' barrier, Iris found herself lacking breath in her lungs as she winced--slowly bringing herself up to her two feet.

If I didn't prioritize my reinforcement at the last moment...I might've been out, she thought.

Wiping the saliva caressing the edge of her lips, her ears were met with an announcement from Asmodeus before she could look up at her opponent.


It seemed half the crowd had fallen to silence while the other half was in a complete uproar of excitement--though Iris found little reason for such joy as her eyes met with the form of Ju-Long.

Standing as tall as ever like the immovable mountains of Akitein, the man's body was bathed in flames that slid across his form with malice. In just a few moments existing within the zone of absolute heat, his tan skin had taken a darken, burnt hue as his flesh sizzled and bubbled up, beginning to burn away amongst the wrath of the retaliatory flames.

Raising the hand he used to strike his opponent, Ju-Long looked somberly at it--the skin had long since melted off, leaving only bone existing on that once mighty, massive hand of his.

"Why did you…?"

Iris looked at the man, who remained silent as he looked at his decimated limb.

"This is why I came here. I had forgotten pain, excitement...the thrill of life. You were able to return all of that to me, honorable foe--thank you. You've given this foolish warrior a death that made life worth living."

"Wait, no…!"

As much as she wanted to reject the somber, but gentle words spoken by the towering man bathed in flames--even she could understand the resolve buried within his eyes. There was nothing that could be done; the flames had seized his body--removing the life from the grandiose man as the essence of his soul soon was vacant in his eyes.

Even in death, the great Endai didn't fall--remaining standing as the cold grip of death could not bring him down.


The crowd immediately filled the arena with a storm of triumphant roars and applause--though Iris shook her head slowly as her eyes were left trembling at what had just transpired. Releasing her spell, an emptiness filled her gut.

"No, I didn't...I didn't…"

A bittersweet victory; one that could not be appreciated by the heart, but nonetheless--she would move forward.

The smell that quickly filled the arena made her want to puke; it was as if leather had been guided over a flame--its sweet, nauseating fumes filling her nose as she wanted to expel her disgust.

I didn't mean to…I didn't...I didn't, it was all she could think.

As tears lined the rims of her eyes, she found herself retrieved by the reliable, draconic knight who didn't speak a word--just simply guiding her back to the spectator's room with a sealed expression across her lips.

"Thank you, Valerie…"

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