Game of Divine Thrones

Chapter 269: Game of Divine Thrones 4

Chapter 269: Game of Divine Thrones 4

A huge barrier arose at the edge of the forest.

There was a circular groove on the wall. The size of the groove perfectly with the crystal sphere obtained from the forest.

“Place it over there.”

“Yes, my Lord.”


As soon as the crystal ball was inserted, the wall began to split in two with the sound of the lock being released.


A blue temple atop a hill began to take shape in the distance.

Woohyuk expected that the Wind God was confined in the temple.

“Let’s go. The Night Fairies seemed to have stopped pursuing us.”

“Phew, when I think of those black fairies, my body still trembles. I can’t sleep comfortably at night even now,” Reina said as she shuddered. She recalled what happened the night before.

The forest was so magnificent that she decided to spend a night in the forest, but a group of Night Fairies relentlessly attacked her throughout the night. Furthermore, she had brought the Night Fairies to the party when she was running away.

Thanks to this, everyone in the group had to stay awake until the day became bright.

“Now it feels like an epic dungeon. Up to last night, it was easy compared to what I was honestly prepared for,” Reina commented.

“… But the real challenge remains, right there,” Woohyuk said as he motioned to the temple with his chin.

The party knew about the seriousness of the upcoming situation because they heard Woohyuk’s explanation as they advanced to this point.

Five people were needed to defeat the Wind God.

Although all the members were excellent in their own way, it was still a difficult challenge.

“Don’t forget, you volunteered to come here, Reina,” Woohyuk mentioned.

“Well, that’s true, but…”

“Then don’t complain and give your best effort.”

It was questionable whether the Wind God would be hit by the magic arrows shot by the elf, but it was better than nothing.

When Reina was in the Croix Principality, she was quite a marksman among the elves, so she often assisted Ophelia on various official tasks.

When they arrived at the blue temple atop the hill, Woohyuk opened the large bronze front door.


Once the door was open, everyone got a good look at what was inside.

A wide-open area with a huge magic circle in the center.

Above the magic circle stood an angel with wings and a man with green hair, who seemed to be enslaved, as he was held captive with a chain of light.

“You’ve worked hard up to this point. My name is Gabriel. I am one of the archangels who serve the Creator.”

“Archangel… Then this must not be our first meeting,” Woohyuk replied as he took a few steps forward.

Woohyuk himself was Archangel Rafael in his previous life, so he must have known Gabriel.

He wondered if he could get some information out of Gabriel using his past life’s relationship.

“How many memories have you recovered from your previous life, Rafael? If you’ve recovered any, you should feel burdened by the heavy sins you committed,” Gabriel stated.

“Well, I don’t know much about that. I’ve suffered quite a bit getting this far,” Woohyuk responded.

“You will eventually give in. The Creator’s system has maintained the world for eternity. You’re insignificant in the larger picture,” Gabriel said in a condescending manner.

Gabriel looked at Woohyuk as if he were petty.

From his point of view, Woohyuk was nothing more than a fallen angel.

If it wasn’t for the Creator’s explicit order, he would have hurled with weapons at Woohyuk already.

“The system is pretty absurd. Even the gods have rebelled under the Creator’s system. It is the Creator and you followers who should be ashamed,” Woohyuk replied back.

“Stop spewing blasphemy. I’ve been ordered not to kill you, but I wasn’t restricted in acting against the people behind you,” Gabriel said as he ground his teeth and stared at Woohyuk’s party.

At that time, the Wind God, who was silently waiting next to Gabriel, opened his mouth to speak, “I knew we would meet someday, Rafael. Seeing that you have wings, it seems you’ve regained some of your archangel powers.”

“It looks like you have something ready for me, right? Or do you want me to beat Gabriel and save you?” Woohyuk asked.

“Don’t get me wrong. The reason we gods rebelled was not because of an internal dispute but to lead you to this point,” the Wind God calmly replied as he stared at Woohyuk with an unpretentious expression.

He seemed to have something to say to Woohyuk.

However, when Gabriel intervened, the conversation stopped.

“This place exists to give the previous Wind God’s Divine Throne seat to whoever is powerful enough to subdue this traitor, the Wind God. I’m here to oversee that job,” Gabriel explained.

“If we don’t get rid of the Wind God, will you attack us?” Woohyuk asked.

“I won’t hurt you unless you preemptively attack me. Just keep in mind that no one can get out of here unless the Wind God is executed, even if I die to you here,” Gabriel said in a somewhat tired voice. It seemed he felt this responsibility underneath him and tiresome.

Pissed off at his attitude towards them, Reina started digging into Gabriel, “Are you really an archangel? Why are all your actions and words so disgusting?”

“I just follow the will of the Creator. I don’t care about anything else. Thoughtful, trusted angels rebelled in the past. All of them died or fell into hell,” Gabriel flatly stated. He spoke as if he would take out his gallbladder for the Creator.

Woohyuk nodded his head and shook his hand in a shooing motion toward Gabriel.

“Okay, get out of there. I want to talk to the Wind God.”

“That’s fine. Conversations are allowed by the system,” Gabriel halfheartedly replied as he gave them some room to talk.

When the proper atmosphere for dialogue was established, the previously silent Wind God spoke up, “Because you’ve come this far, you know why the Creator started the Game of Divine Thrones, right?”

“Isn’t it to pick out guys who listen to his words better? Of course, the main purpose would be to use me to restore the system and control the power of the demon,” Woohyuk answered.

“The latter is correct. But the former is wrong. The Creator does not want a mortal flesh and blood creature to sit in the Divine Thrones,” the Wind God explained, correcting Woohyuk.

The reason why the Creator started the Game of Divine Thrones was simply to make the Eeth Continent fall deeper into confusion and chaos, creating the optimal stage for his descent into the world.

Upon hearing these words, Reina made an exasperated expression.

“Wait, are you saying we’ve been doing all this crap so far for nothing?!”

“Unfortunately, yes. But there is no need to be frustrated. If all the races join forces, we might be able to redo the Odyssey Plan.”

To break down the Creator’s system, once and for all, and create a new order.

To accomplish this, Woohyuk needed the Holy Grail, Verserios, and the Ark of Knowledge in perfect condition.

However, when the previous Asura died, there was no longer anyone who could wield Verserios, so the gods rebelled, causing the Creator’s original design and system to become distorted.

“You’re interfering with the Creator’s plan?” Woohyuk asked with a raised brow.

“Yes. We knew well that the Creator’s knowledge forbidden was about the combination of light and darkness. This combination distorts the existing system and leads the future in an unpredictable direction,” the Wind God calmly explained.

The totality of that forbidden knowledge was the Ark of Knowledge.

The rebellious gods used their powers with the knowledge gained from the Ark of Knowledge. As a result, the Creator’s influence upon this world became weaker.

“So, the Creator is trying to restore the system by developing the next Demon Lord as soon as possible? SO that he can reset his system?”

“Yes, that’s correct. He could have solved the problem by reverting the time to a previous time or resetting the system altogether, but the fundamental flaw inputted into the system through the Odyssey Plan made his previous troubleshooting solutions meaningless.”

In a word, everything was up to Woohyuk now.

Will the Odyssey Plan be executed to create a new order, or will it be nullified to reboot the system and maintain the existing order?

Either way, it was only possible when Woohyuk’s soul was used as a medium, so the Creator tried to move Woohyuk according to his will.

“In other words, you made the situation in my favor by starting a revolt amongst the gods before the Creator could come up with a definite measure and plan against me,” Woohyuk said, summarizing the Wind God’s points.

“That is accurate. One day, we found out the ultimate purpose of why the Game of Divine Thrones was created by the Creator.”

The Game of Divine Thrones was created strictly to benefit the Creator.

The Creator lifted the veil of time to glimpse into the future. He eventually learned that there was a chance that he would no longer be if he left things as they were.

To change that future, the Creator began to experiment.

Using multiple dimensions, the Creator was able to create dimension wherein the gods and demons were diametrically opposed to each other while also creating dimensions where the gods and demons constantly fought and exchanged within the same space.

In other words, the gods were neither more nor less than the Creator’s lab mice, and the various multidimensional scenarios were designed to find the optimum path for total destruction and genocide, wiping out the demons and gods. This would reset the system and give the Creator stable control.

“If you were destined to die anyway, you were hoping to go out with a bang? That was the purpose for your rebellion?” Woohyuk asked after hearing the Wind God’s explanation.

“We decided to bet everything on you, Rafael. We helped you so that you can defeat the Creator, destroy his system, and create a new world order with the Odyssey Plan.”

The Wind God regarded Woohyuk as a more appropriate ruler of the system than the Creator.

Woohyuk nodded his head as if in agreement.

“If so, perish here, wind God. Once you perish, I can gain the strength to fight the Creator.”

“That’s difficult. In your present condition, you will continue to be dominated and controlled by the Creator.”

Therefore, the Wind God intended to challenge Woohyuk under a specific, difficult regiment so that Woohyuk could bring out his potential more.

As he revealed his willingness to fight, the chain of light that restricted him disappeared and a system message emerged.

[The Wind God is released from his bondage.]

[If the Wind God is defeated, the challenger will take over his Divine Throne.]

‘In the end, it goes like this.’

Like it or not, he had to follow the Creator’s design.

Like mindless adventurers proceeding with quests to get rewards.

Considering how the system developed him up to now, the words of the Wind God made sense. Woohyuk had to overcome his limits.

Woohyuk was expected to grow to an appropriate level each time he faced his limits. Thus, he continually moved according to the Creator’s master plan.

‘Well, I’ll just consider this a mock battle before confronting the Creator.’

He had a lot of ultimate artifacts, so he felt he had a good chance.

When Woohyuk activated Black Constellation with Liandry’s ring, pitch-black mana started burning from his body.

“You guys fight while considering your personal safety as much as possible. You guys don’t have to do too much,” Woohyuk said as he turned to his sides and faced his party members.

“Okay, my Lord,” Leifina responded.

“If you give me a heart, I will do what you tell me to do,” Irene followed.

“Well, I’m only shooting arrows anyway…” Reina murmured.

“If it’s dangerous, we will avoid the situation using teleportation magic, your Majesty,” Allen said as he brought his fist up to his chest.

In this way, the five-man raid to beat the Wind God began.

Woohyuk first used the Seven Color Rainbow Ring to increase his Battle Foresight ability to the limit.

‘I’ll predict his behavior and find the most appropriate response to his attacks.’

The power of the Wind God entailed many abilities.

Using his Battle Foresight ability, Woohyuk was able to see countless blades of wind hitting the party.

‘Because he has near-infinite mana, he’ll unilaterally pour out a wide area magic spell.’

It was better to deal with the wide-area magic spell with his own wide-area magic spell.

Woohyuk created a number of dark sphere orbs in the air after raising his demonic mana as much as possible with the Seven Color Rainbow Ring.


The dark sphere orbs and the wind blades clashed endlessly, shaking the interior space.

The Wind God spoke up when Woohyuk was foreseeing the next situation with Battle Foresight.

“The future cannot be predicted at all times. This is the same for the Creator as well. What you’re seeing is just a possibility.”

The Wind God raised his right hand with a tired expression.

Shortly thereafter, a magic circle spread out in the air, and a translucent bondage system covered Woohyuk and his party members.

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