Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Vol 2 Chapter 2360: Finally! Skeleton giant tiger! Unknown means!

Vol 2 Chapter 2360: Finally! Skeleton giant tiger! Unknown means!

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[Soul Origin]: 442500/500000;

[Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] (Peak Holy LevelIncomplete): 10500/20000 (skilled);

[Heart of Evolution] (unknown): 23000/100000 (skilled);

Wang Teng was getting closer and closer to the core area at this moment. He glanced at the attribute panel and felt a sense of satisfaction.

Picking up attribute bubbles along the way, his [Soul Origin] attribute has reached more than 440,000 points, and he is getting closer to perfection.

And the speed of improvement surprised Wang Teng even more.

Although he was almost close to the core area, the area where he picked up the attribute bubbles was actually only part of the area.

Because from the perspective of the [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array], this barrier is obviously in the shape of a ring, shrinking circle after circle.

Wang Teng approached the core area from one direction, so the range for picking up attribute bubbles was naturally only one of the fan-shaped areas.

If he really wants to harvest the wool, he can completely harvest the entire [Golden Mountain Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array], and the attribute bubbles he will get will only be more.

But there is not much time now, so he can only collect part of the wool first.

At the same time, the perception of [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] has also improved a lot, directly from the entry level to the proficiency level.

Moreover, the attribute value has reached as many as 10,500 points.

The upper limit of its proficiency level is 20,000 points of attribute value. Now it has reached half of it, and the breakthrough does not seem to be very far away.

Wang Teng guessed that in the next journey, he could even be pushed to the proficiency level.

However, the attributes of this [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] are still incomplete and not complete.

He knew exactly why.

The phantom of [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] that appeared in his mind before has lit up a large area, but the central area is still not lit up.

This is probably the reason for the incomplete attributes.

If you want to make it complete, you must enter the core area.

The core area of [Heart of Evolution] is exactly the center of the [Golden Mountain Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array].

The difficulty rises instantly!

"Now we are probably less than one-tenth of the distance from the core area." Wang Teng's eyes flashed, and his heart became a little solemn.

At this distance, even with the soul power he has evolved, he must be careful.

Because the power of the soul of the Bone Demon God must be entrenched not far ahead.

The other party's perception ability cannot be underestimated.

The Machine Tribe's [Mysterious Technique to Control Souls] is indeed very strong, but Wang Teng's strength is too weak after all, and the gap between him and his opponent is too big. This is an irreparable flaw.

So he might actually be discovered at any time during the rest of the journey.

Of course, he was not helpless.

The mastery of [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] has reached the proficiency level, which is indeed good news.

The higher the mastery of this formation, the easier it will be for him to disguise himself and hide.

I just dont know how far the Demon God Gu Guo controls this formation?

If he is completely in control, then his hiding effect will not be great.

However, judging from the previous situation, the Bone Demon God should not have fully mastered this formation, and his degree of control over it was not even high.

This point can be analyzed from the side.

In Wang Teng's view, the dark power entangled in the [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] is still independent and has not been completely integrated with the [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array].

If the Bone Demon God completely controlled this formation, it would not be in this state.

Wang Teng is quite experienced in this.

After all, he possesses both the power of light and darkness, and he knows very well what the blending of the two looks like.

Those dark people, in addition to their own attacks, are more like a trigger mechanism.

Its existence is very likely to trigger the [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array]!

This is not difficult to understand.

The soul power of the Demon God of Bones is not much, so instead of struggling to control the [Golden Mountain Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array], it is better to just leave a trigger mechanism, which is simple and convenient.

It's a pity that the other party didn't expect that there would be a monster like Wang Teng.

[Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] was almost useless to him, so he didn't even have a chance to trigger it.

Therefore, the dangers ahead are dangers, but Wang Teng is not without any hope.

Otherwise, he would not dare to come.

In addition, [Heart of Evolution] has also improved a lot, and its attribute value has now reached 23,000 points, which is really not low.

Although it is still at the proficiency level, this is the [Heart of Evolution], and its complexity and mystery are beyond the imagination of outsiders.

It is quite difficult to reach such a level.

Wang Teng felt that he should be content.

Compared to the entry-level level at the beginning, I dont know how much this has improved.

If this so-called barrier area didn't have many attribute bubbles that he had never obtained before, the attribute value of [Evolutionary Heart] would not have been improved so much.

All in all, the superposition of insights from [Jinshan Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array] and [Heart of Evolution] will undoubtedly be more beneficial to Wang Teng's next exploration.

In this regard, the situation does not seem so bad.

He took a deep breath and galloped forward with all his strength, completely entering the last tenth area.

This part of the area can actually be regarded as the core of the [Golden Mountain Ten Thousand Peaks Soul Locking Array], but it is still a little far away from the core of the [Heart of Evolution].

Although the two overlap, they cannot be completely equated.

After a while, Wang Teng controlled that trace of soul power and suddenly paused, looking far ahead, his heart couldn't help but shake.


A dense darkness shrouded the front.

All the golden light disappeared, leaving only the indescribable darkness. Black mist was everywhere, and a thick dark and evil meaning was faintly transmitted.

If Wang Teng hadn't been gifted with darkness and was extremely adaptable to the power of darkness, he might not have been able to see clearly what was going on over there.

Even so, he was also shocked and almost thought that he had seen the place of dark origin law again.

The same darkness!

Just as profound!

Just as indescribable!

Not too similar at all.

But he quickly came back to his senses and knew that this was not the real place of the original laws of darkness, but rather the power of darkness exuded by the Bone Demon God.

It might even be where the soul of the Bone Demon God lies.

Because he had already felt that special and terrifying aura, and there was an indescribable pressure that filled the air.

That's divine power!

The pressure that only god-level beings can possess.

The Blood God clone had personally experienced such pressure, so he was no stranger to it either.

Wang Teng was a little speechless. He really didn't expect to see the soul of the Bone Demon God so soon.

How far have you just walked?

It seems that I just entered the last tenth area, why did I suddenly see the soul of the Bone Demon God?

Do you want it to be so fast?

Although he was mentally prepared, he was not prepared to see it so soon.

What a hell!

There is really no need for us to be in such a hurry to meet.

He was full of regrets and had nothing to express, and he hesitated on the spot. He did not dare to approach the area in front of him easily. He could only hide in the dark and observe from a distance.

Suddenly, as the black mist rolled, a huge figure suddenly emerged.

"That is"

Wang Teng's eyes widened suddenly, staring at the sudden appearance of the behemoth, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

That seems to be an extremely ferocious skeletal giant tiger? !

The reason why he could see it was because what was just exposed was the head of that huge creature, which was exactly the head of a tiger.

The scene looked like a huge head protruding from the black fog.

If an ordinary tiger dies and only the skeleton is left, it is actually not easy to distinguish it at once.

But the skeletons and heads exposed in the black mist were very vivid.

The skull of the skeleton was completely covered by bone armor, and it looked like a mechanical tiger head, lifelike.

There is even a very domineering "king" pattern on his forehead.

It's just that the material of this "mechanical tiger head" is not metal, but bone.

Of course, the material is probably no less than some extremely hard metal. You can tell just from the metallic luster.

What's more, you don't need to think about it to know that this is owned by the Bone Demon God, how can it be easy?

The black mist rolled, submerging the tiger head that was extremely domineering, yet full of evil and ferocious meaning.

Wang Teng slowly came back to his senses, his eyes flashing violently.

A giant skeletal tiger! !

Why is it a giant skeletal tiger?

Where did the Bone Demon God go?

What kind of method does the giant skeletal tiger use?

Questions suddenly appeared in Wang Teng's mind, causing him to frown tightly, feeling confused and confused.

He originally thought that the soul of the Bone Demon God was in the darkness, but who would have thought that things would take another turn. It was not the Bone Demon God at all, but a giant skeletal tiger.

But even so, he didn't dare to underestimate it at all.

Because even from such a long distance, he could still feel the terror of the giant skeletal tiger.

To him, this was incredible.

You must know that he has seen many skeletal creatures. Not to mention the skeletal creatures seen in the Ruins of Dead Bones, even the Dragon of Dead Bones is rare to see.

These experiences allowed him to truly see the power of those skeletal creatures.

But in comparison, even the Dragon of Death Bones seems unable to compare with the giant skeletal tiger entrenched in the darkness.

The feeling that the skeletal giant tiger gave him was not simply domineering, but also a kind of hidden terror.

It was as if he was facing an extremely terrifying dark existence.

That feeling was even stronger than when he faced Demon Lord Gu La.

"Is this a skeletal creature? Or is it condensed by some kind of soul method?"

Although the tiger head had disappeared, Wang Teng's eyes did not move away at all. He was still staring into the black mist ahead, guessing in his mind.

The appearance of the giant skeletal tiger was too unexpected. He needed to know more information. It was not a wise move to step forward rashly at this moment.

The black mist rolled and squirmed again, seemingly unconscious, revealing another part of the skeletal giant tiger's body.

This time it's not a head, but a body, located slightly behind the front legs.

When Wang Teng saw that scene, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.


This giant skeletal tiger actually has a pair of skeletal wings on its body!

There is a word called being more powerful than a tiger.

Tiger beasts, star beasts, etc. are already extremely powerful. If they are equipped with wings, they will make up for their shortcomings and be able to exert great power. .

It is not impossible to fight against divine birds, even dragons, etc.

The giant beast in the starry sky that Wang Teng saw next to Yu Yunxian, the emperor of the Daqian Empire, the golden-winged red sky tiger, had two wings, which made people extremely fearful.

At that time, Wang Teng was quite envious of the starry sky beast and even had the idea of seizing it.

But later on, the relationship between the two parties did not deteriorate, and they actually became friends, so this idea had to be given up.

Although Wang Teng considers himself not a good person, he is not willing to **** things from his friends.

What's more, the golden-winged red sky tiger is probably just a cub. It's not known how long it will take for it to grow up, so there is no need for him to waste too much time on it.

Are there not enough powerful beast pets around him?

After the resurrection, Elizabeth merged with the body of the giant rock dragon beast, and could be regarded as a starry sky beast.

Moreover, it also possesses the talents of the ant-human mother's body, and its potential is even more powerful than the Great Rock Kui Armored Dragon Beast.

There is also Xiaobai. As a member of the Youyan Mingcrow clan, his talent is extremely good. Later, after transformation, he is even comparable to the cubs of the giant beasts in the starry sky.

In addition, there are ice dragons like Ice Tisi and light-absorbing slugs, which are not real starry sky beasts, and are much rarer than the golden-winged red sky tiger. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

It can only be said that a person's vision is related to his experience. Now that he has seen too much, his vision is naturally very different.

A mere golden-winged red sky tiger was really not that attractive to him.

That's too far.

Back to business.

Although he is not that interested in the Golden-winged Scarlet Sky Tiger anymore, it is undeniable that if the Golden-winged Scarlet Sky Tiger grows up, it will still be very powerful.

In the same way, the giant skeletal tiger with two wings in front of him must not be simple, and it must be even more terrifying.

The difficulty has increased again.

Wang Teng sighed inwardly, feeling his head was a little big.

How can this be broken?

Do you want him to rush forward and fight with the giant skeletal tiger?

It's obviously unrealistic.

The Bone Demon God doesn't even know where he is. What if the opponent suddenly appears in the middle of the fight?

There is a sense of dj vu as if after defeating the fake BOSS, a real BOSS suddenly appears.



Absolutely not!

There was a villain in Wang Teng's mind who shook his head crazily and immediately threw this dangerous thought away.

He could only continue to observe silently, hoping that the giant skeletal tiger would reveal its chicken feet.

Time passes slowly.

Just when Wang Teng became a little anxious, he finally saw a glimmer of light, and his eyes suddenly burst into light.

Property bubbles!

There were actually attribute bubbles in the black mist.

Regardless of what these attribute bubbles are, they are still a hope. (End of chapter)

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