From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 430: All our life

Chapter 430: All our life

"I think I am more in love after witnessing this side of him. A man as cold and detached can act like that too...." Lan Xingyu dreamily sighed, "I only want him."

Lan Xifan slammed his hands on the table as he stood, "You are even ready to be the third party in their relationship now? Are you really stooping that low? It was good that our parents have passed away earlier. If they were alive to witness this right now, they might have doubted their upbringing given the way you are bending your morals for a man without feeling ashamed of it."

"Brother..." Lan Xingyu's eyes welled up with tears at his harsh words. 

"Don't call me brother," The man's voice turned cold, ''You ran away from home without informing me. Do you even know how fucking worried I was? If Mark did not inform me about your current whereabouts, I would have been looking for you still now. You are so obsessed with a man that you refused to see the reality. Mo Yuhan has only ever loved Tang Li. There is no chance for you or for any other woman who is ready to cut open her heart for him. Even if you want to reduce yourself to become his mistress, he will not spare you a glance."

"D-Do you have to be so rude?' Her tears streamed down her cheeks as she sniffed, "I have adored him for more than a decade. I-It was I who saw him first. I even wrote a letter to him which could never reach him because of her..."

Lan Xifan sighed before pulling her to his embrace, "Even I saw her first, I approached her too and we became friends. But the one she ended up with was Mo Yuhan. it's not about who saw whom first, it's all about who stuck to each other till the end."

Lan Xingyu cleaned her tears and snot on her brother's shirt, "I could have accepted her as a sister-in-law but because of your cowardice back then, she ended up as my love rival today."

The man glanced at his shirt in disgust before looking at his sister, "She was just my teenage first crush. You don't have to let your imaginations run wild like this. Moreover, what love rival are you talking about? I don't think you are getting anywhere between them. They are doing very well in their relationship. It is only you who is overestimating her worth here."

Lan Xingyu pursed her lips but she didn't have words to defend herself. From the day she stubbornly stayed here, she has tried every trick to seduce Mo Yuhan but the man did not even glance at her once. If it was not because of his wife, he might have thrown her out of the Grace villa already. 

"How did Mark know I am here?" 

"Tang Li and Mark are best friends," The man replied.

Lan Xingyu kept quiet for a moment before speaking up, "Now, will you drag me back to States?"

"You still want to seduce him?" The man narrowed his eyes. 

She lowered her head. 

He hugged her, "We are coming here after a long time. And I already have a lot of discussions pending with Mo Yuhan regarding the project. Let's look over the work first. Then, we can tour around Beijing."

"You have time for that?" She glanced at him excitedly. 

"Yes. I can make time for you."

She smiled, "You act like a good elder brother today."

"I am a good elder brother," Lan Xifan patted her back, inwardly letting out a sigh of relief that her mind was at least a little diverted from Mo Yuhan at the moment. 


"How are you feeling now?" Tang Li asked as she helped him on the bed. 

Mo Yuhan grabbed her wrist before pulling her on top of him, "I am jealous."

"Yes?" She raised an eyebrow, wondering whether water went into her ear while she was showering. 

"You ignored me," He said, biting the tip of her nose. 

She rubbed the spot he just a bit, "What?"

"You are mine."


Tang Li couldn't comprehend where this was going. Did she step into some parallel universe?

Why was Mo Yuhan acting so unlike his character?




The gears in her head turned immediately, "Don't tell me you are jealous of Yi Fan? Well...Xifan..he is called Xifan now. I forgot about it."

"That's Lan Xifan for you," His tone had a sour undertone to it.

She laughed. 

After some time, both of them glanced at each other quietly for a few seconds before Tang Li spoke up, "I have something to confess to you," She inhaled a deep breath. 

"Your love for me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, not that."


"To be honest, I...I stole Lan Xingyu's love letter back in the school days. The one she had written to you and that is the reason I let her stay here because it was my fault and I also did not want to let you know about it," She said in one breath. This is so embarrassing. She wanted to find a hole and bury herself there.

"You stole someone's love letter?"

"Uh-huh?" She glanced at him hesitantly.

"For me?"

"Yes...It was written for you," She said in a soft voice, her face turned red slowly. 

Mo Yuhan couldn't resist pinching her cheeks, "Lili, how can you be so adorable?" 

She blinked. 

He pulled her into his embrace, "Why did you not tell me earlier about it?"

"I was embarrassed. I still am," She softly mumbled. 

The sound of his deep masculine laughter dominated the room, "I didn't know that you were so possessive about me back then. So cute."

She punched his chest, "I knew it. You have got one more thing on your hand and you will now tease me with it all our life."

"All our life, yeah," The corner of his lips tugged up.

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