From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 428: The women out there are not me

Chapter 428: The women out there are not me

Tang Li hooked her arms around his neck, "Umm...I think they can all wait."

A charming smile made its way on his lips mesmerizing her in an instant, "What do I do? I seem to be falling for you more and more with each passing day," She pressed a kiss on the corner of his lips, "Isn't it too much of a bad habit on my part?"

"Who knows?" He pressed his lips on hers while his hands swiftly went into her robe. 

She gasped, "You're impatient," She murmured against his lips. 

"Always impatient to have you," As soon as the words escaped his mouth, his lips sucked her bottom lips taking them between his teeth. 

Her heart raced at the intensity of his movements and she responded to him with equal passion. His hand went towards her breasts from beneath her robe and her body arched when he took one in his rough palm, kneading it.

She moaned.

'Knock knock'

She froze. 

"Ignore it," Mo Yuhan whispered as he continued kissing her. 

She responded to him. 

'Knock Knock knock knock knooooock~'

She was startled by the consecutive knocks, "She will break the door," She muttered. 

Mo Yuhan's face darkened as he got off her body. A chilly air lingered around him rendering her speechless. 

Just as he got off the bed, Tang Li quickly held his hand, "Don't go. I will deal with her."

"I don't think you want to 'deal' with her," Mo Yuhan narrowed his eyes. 

Tang Li got off the bed as she cleared her throat. 

Mo Yuhan grabbed her hand before pulling her closer to himself, ''Don't tell me you have a soft corner for her? Or a crush probably?"

Her eyes widened, "What are you talking about?" Her face scrunched up in disgust at the thought of having a crush on Lan Xingyu. 

Mo Yuhan coughed, "Grandpa Tang said that you were interested in women until you met me."

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "And you still believe in that? How many times I have told you that I am not interested in women? Grandpa used to believe that because I always stayed away from men. I only dated when he threatened me with his health. And when I brought Yueyue home, he believed that...well, that I am interested in women."

"Why did you stay away from men?" He asked, a little intrigued. Although his face couldn't hide how pleased he was with it, "And what do you mean by bringing Ying Yue home?''

"I stayed away from them because I tried to look for you in everyone. And about Yue-"

'Knock Knock Knock Knock'

Mo Yuhan pursed his lips and it was pretty apparent on his face that his patience was running thin. 

She quickly pecked his lips, "I promise I will compensate."

His azure eyes sparkled and the winter in the room was easily replaced by springs.

She smiled and walked towards the door. 

'Knock Knock'

'What did I do to deserve this?' She thought to herself.

Devil Tang Li appeared on her shoulder, 'You stole a psycho's love letter and now that bitch has gone crazy.'

Angel Tang Li appeared on her other shoulder, 'Don't talk so indecently. It was her fault that she stole someone's letter. She is the one to blame, no one else. This is the cycle of karma. You get what you do.'

'What do you know, huh?'

'I know about morals, unlike you.'

Tang Li shooed them away. She had enough on her mind already.

She opened the door only to find Lan Xingyu leaning against the door dressed in a sexy night robe revealing almost all her assets. "What is it?" She asked coldly. 

"Mosquitoes in my room," Lan Xingyu answered lazily, inwardly cursing Tang Li. Why is it her who opened the door?

"So, do you want to sleep between me and 'my husband'?" She emphasized on the last words. 

Lan Xingyu gritted her teeth as she grabbed her hand and dragged her out. 

"I will be back soon. Wait for me~," Tang Li blew a kiss in Mo Yuhan's direction before getting her hand out of the woman's grip. "I am not used to be controlled." With that said, she grabbed Lan Xingyu's wrist and dragged her towards the guest room where the woman was currently staying.

She closed the door behind them. 

Lan Xingyu looked at herself before looking at Tang Li, "I was there to seduce him but you had to come between us."

Tang Li smiled, "I don't know how to knock sense in your head but we will try it in your way," She dragged the woman towards the mirror, "Look there. Compare us. Since all you want to do is seduce, then tell me, do you think he will be seduced by you while having a woman like me beside him?"


That was a straight slap on Lan Xingyu's womanly ego who almost vomited a mouthful of blood. She could not even bring herself to deny it when she looked at their reflections. While she was all dressed up with makeup and everything, Tang Li stood there wearing a simple satin black robe with her waist-long hair brought to the one side as they fell over her shoulder. She was a sight that could bring any man to his knees. 

Her slightly swollen lips hinted at many things that Lan Xingyu did not want to delve into. 

"Secondly, if Mo Yuhan was a man who could be seduced by every other woman standing naked in front of him, then I would not be standing beside him in the first place. I am letting you stay here just because I told you that I owe you one for what happened years ago. About the relationship between him and me, I don't find it necessary to tell you anything about it but I will inform you that he will never be yours. I trust him that much. Not because of the way I look, but because any woman out there is not me," Tang Li folded her arms in front of her chest. 

Lan Xingyu's fingers curled into a fist, ''And what if he lost everything?"

"What do you mean?!"

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