From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 420: Backing her up

Chapter 420: Backing her up

"Kneel!" Grandpa Tang's stern voice made Tang Li close her eyes.

Grandpa Song looked at his friend, "Can you stop acting like a grumpy old man?"

Grandpa Tang did not look at him as his cold gaze remained fixated on his granddaughter who was slowly inching closer to his grandson-in-law, "Kneel right at this moment."

Tang Li quickly hid behind Mo Yuhan as she clutched his shirt in her fists. This old man was rarely this angry at her.

It seems like he was still angry that she did not inform him about the situation in States and went there alone.

The last time when she talked bad about his daughter, he was provoked by her words and had slapped her. The situation this time did not look better either. What if he picked up a cane and beat her up? She bit her bottom lips at the thought and clung to Mo Yuhan. 

"Tang Li-"

"It's all my fault," Mo Yuhan interrupted the angry old man shielding the woman as he stood in front of her. 

Just when Grandpa Song thought that the little devil will end up getting reprimanded by the old man who was reeking of gunpowder today, his beliefs were shattered when Grandpa Tang sighed softly and shook his head. 

"How can it be your fault? Did you ask her to run there after you completely unarmed and defenseless?"

Tang Li poked her head out of Mo Yuhan's back, "But I did take my bodyguards."

"I didn't ask you to speak," The old man glared at her. 

Tang Li cleared her throat as she hid beside her man again.

Mo Yuhan pursed his lips, "I left without informing her. She was worried about me which is why she acted on impulse."

Grandpa Tang's gaze softened.

Tang Li smiled as she nuzzled her nose on his back. 

Mo Yuhan stiffened. 

Sensing his reaction, a glint flashed in her eyes as she bit him through his shirt. At the position they were standing at, the grandfathers will only able to see Mo Yuhan as she was properly hiding behind him. 

"We'll take our leave now," Mo Yuhan said, his voice slightly deep. 

Both the Grandpas nodded.

"Go. Take a rest," Grandpa Song said, considering that both of them must be tired after the long and tiring journey.

Mo Yuhan held the woman's hand as he dragged her out with him, "What were you doing there?" He asked as soon as they walked out of main door of the mansion. 

She stood on her tiptoes and bit his lips, "I was doing this," She laughed looking into his blue eyes.

He grabbed the back of her head and smashed his lips on hers, their tongues entangled as they kissed, barely leaving any space between them, They parted when they were breathless. 

Tang Li buried her face in his chest, "Thank you for me backing me up."

"Who would I back up if not you?" He picked the woman in his arms as he walked towards the car. 

"I can walk." 

"But it's better to carry you like this," He glanced at the small smile playing on her lips, "You like it anyways."

She chuckled. 

In fact, she was strong enough to fight against the whole but when her Grandpa's temper worked up, both she and her brother would rather go on a long trip than facing the old man's wrath. 

Luckily, the old man had soft corner for the Mo siblings and more fortunately, the Mo siblings were their spouses. So blessed they were.

While being in their pretty pink bubble, the couple was unaware of the two old men's gaze that were set on them. 

Grandpa Tang had his lips stretched in a soft smile while Grandpa Song had his brows tugged slightly. 

"Cheng, I have always wanted to ask you something," Grandpa Song finally spoke up after contemplating for some time. 

"What is it?"

"Why did you matchmake Xiao Li with Mo Yuhan?"

"It was a risk on my part. Old Man M0o was on the winning end as he was getting my beautiful, talented and sweet granddaughter but taking his grandson as my grandson-in-law was a risk that I took back then," Grandpa Tang sighed, "I knew that if Mo Yuhan didn't like my granddaughter, then her existence in his life will be negligent and unnecessary. He would not bat an eyelid in abandoning her ruthlessly. But at the same time, I knew that if he fell in love with her, then he will bring the world to her feet. I've always ever wanted the best for my little princess and Mo Yuhan was that best for her. So, even if there was a risk involved, I took the bet. Luckily, the red strings of fate was already binding them together. They had loved each other since they were kids."

"But..." Grandpa Song frowned, "Don't you know what kind of man he is? A young man like him is so ruthless that they even call him a devil? When I first came to know that they were together, I doubted he might have been harsh with Xiao Li."

"My little princess is not a porcelain doll which will break with a slight pressure," Grandpa Tang shook his head. 

"But still..."

"Those cheerful men these won't know when they will end up backstabbing and betraying you with a happy smile on their faces. While Mo Yuhan...I have only seen him smiling at my granddaughter," Grandpa Tang glanced at their car which drove out of the mansion gates until it appeared like a small dote, "He is cold and ruthless to everyone except her. Even if he set the world on fire, he will never let a single flame touch her."

A devil will never let any harm befall on what he treasured. 

And that was all he could have wished for his granddaughter.

Grandpa Song sighed but eventually nodded. It was true. Mo Yuhan was indeed the best for their granddaughter.

"Jiren," Grandpa Tang called out to his friend.

"What is it?"

"I'm not investigating all these because I had promised my daughter that I won't look into it. But if your younger son really had any involvement in my daughter's death, I won't spare him," Song Tianyu was not the kind of man who will do anything immoral but he did not know Song Tianyi, neither did he understand that man.

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