Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 488: Passing the Trial

Chapter 488: Passing the Trial

Moray smiled and wanted to shake her hand, but hesitated and didnt extend his hand in the end. Im Moray, one of the people who entered the ruins along with Xiang Ning. If it wasnt for him, Id be dead now, too.

Fang Rous ears perked up when she heard that. Do you have any news about him?

Looking at how she reacted to the words Xiang Ning, he smiled bitterly. Unfortunately, I only know whatever the public knows. But Xiang Nings a good guy. To think that he would go and lure the monster away for all of us to escape. Thats why I, Moray, am here in Marsh City. I want to contribute something to repay the favor.

Moray put up an impeccable front. His movements, expressions, and words were convincing. If his entourage didnt know what kind of man he was, they might really have believed him. The bodyguard was witnessing all of this and pondered whether it was fortune or misfortune for the Dexter Company to have him as the boss in the future.

Seeing how Moray didnt have any news about Xiang Ning, Fang Rou lowered her eyes as the light within them dimmed a little. She didnt really want to speak anymore, so she just smiled weakly. Thank you.

Please cheer up soon, alright? This is my floor and I have to go now. Theres still things I need to do.

Fang Rou nodded and watched them leave. She then selected her fathers office and went up.

When she arrived, Fang Zhenyuan noticed something was off with her. Whats wrong? He was holding the contract that Moray had given to him.

Who was that person?

Oh, youve met?


Hes the young master of the Dexter Corporation. The reason they came was to set up a branch here.

The Dexter Corporation is coming here to set up a branch? Fang Rou was shocked by the sudden news. She knew the Dexter Corporation, but all of their branches could only be found in larger cities. How could a small city like theirs attract such a large corporation?

Regardless, itll be beneficial for them to be here since were expanding. Fang Zhenyuan set down the contract and stared at his daughter. He was silently questioning her.

Its nothing much. Its just that he was one of the survivors in the ruins. He was saved by Xiang Ning, Fang Rou sighed. That was indeed something Xiang Ning would do.

But if he were there, he would have been furious. If it werent for them blocking the pathway, he would have escaped.

I see.


The skies gradually darkened.

Young master, should we act tonight?

Wait, be patient. Well stand by for another two days. Once the contracts been signed, well act. For now, we should wait. Im still thinking about what to do to that little Miss Fang. Moray was drinking some wine as he stared at the city below him. He was staring at the suburbs where Xiang Ning's house was!


Xiang Xiaoyu, just stay here at our place for a few days. At least until youre feeling better. Thanks to you, we wont have to worry about our daughters studies!

Chen Zixins mother was worried about Xiang Xiaoyu. She had heard about her from her own daughter. As a mother, she could sympathize with how much pain she was going through. She was also worried that she would do something stupid since she was staying alone. That was why she proposed that she should stay with them for the time being.

Chen Zixin was happy with it, and so was her father. How could they just leave such a child all on her own?

Xiang Xiaoyu wanted to reject, but Chen Zixins mother firmly held her hand while Chen Zixin herself was using her puppy eyes to persuade her. So she relented in the end.

Yay! Chen Zixin was naturally the happiest. She decided to use all of her savings to buy something for her as a surprise!

Xiang Xiaoyu, you can come and sleep with me. My bed is big enough for both of us, so you wont have to sleep in the guest room.

Her mother smiled warmly. She had no objection to her daughters idea, but she still needed to respect Xiang Xiaoyus decision.

Ok! Thank you, auntie and uncle!

Alright. You girls can go watch television while I clean up a little. Now, where is that useless husband of mine? Stop lying down and wake up! Go and cut some fruits for the children.

Its ok auntie! You dont have to!

Haha, quickly go now, dad!


Back in the ruins, Xiang Ning was panting hard.

Level: Tier seven, four-star martial artist

Mental Power: Tier seven, four-star spiritual cultivator

He tried jumping vertically. Much to his surprise, he could jump up three meters! If he got a run up, he would be able to reach four meters at least! His strength was unrivaled among tier sevens. He could use the Eight Gates technique to fight off tier eight enemies, but tier nines would still be too strong for him.

Advancing from tier six to seven had completely changed his body, and the same would happen when he advanced from tier eight to nine. Still, there werent more than a hundred tier nines on the entire planet.

Congratulations on completing the training. Ill now assess the results of your training. You must destroy this door. If you can do it in one day, you may leave.

Xiang Ning stood motionless as he saw a door appear on the wall. He was hesitant. Are you sure you dont need my help?

Congratulations on completing the training. Ill now assess the results of your training. You must destroy this door. If you can do it in one day, you may leave, the AI repeated.

Could it be that its request is behind this door? Xiang Ning didnt believe anything was free in this world. Everything has its price. Even though he had gotten this far thanks to his own efforts, the training menu and resources had been given by the AI. They werent things that he could obtain by himself.

Xiang Ning had advanced into tier seven, four-star in just a single year. Tomorrow marked his eighteenth birthday. An eighteen-year-old tier seven martial artist was unheard of.

That was true even though cultivators had appeared quite recently in the history of mankind, but it was still more than enough to shake the world.

He went up to the door and gathered strength in his fist before punching it with all his might. The sound of tearing wind howled through the chamber as the door buckled. The air rippled and twisted from the impact.

Xiang Ning shook his hand and launched another attack, this time using his martial techniques, and the door easily burst open. He was now capable of exerting fifty tons of force with his fist!

Behind the door was a control center. In the middle of it was something shiny. Xiang Ning walked over and saw that it was a key, something that resembled a USB, and a chip.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

MC passing the trial in the nick of time! I like how everything aligns perfectly for MC. Plot armor ftw!

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