Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 210: Surprise

Chapter 210: Surprise

The cult members were discussing the best way to instill despair in the rescue team, and Xiang Ning had heard every single word of it. If you think that you can cause despair in them for more than ten seconds, I swear Ill shower upside down!

Alright, Toad, go and fetch your men to attract the beasts within ten kilometers from here. When the time is almost right, well shoot the fireworks and finish them once and for all. Bird laughed maniacally. As for the fireworks he mentioned, it was an RPG that they used. Everyone knew what he meant, even Xiang Ning. On the side of the tent were piles of boxes containing the RPG and its ammo. Xiang Ning had already seen that three of them were enough to inflict the berserk status on almost three thousand beasts.

They sent out ten squads, each carrying one RPG. Looks like they were planning to send ten thousand thousand beasts to the outpost. Bird was a madman!

Xiang Ning had already observed that the outpost was close to a cliff. In case of emergency, they could just climb down the cliff and escape the beasts. But now, the cult members were barricading and guarding it. If the rescue team tried escaping by the cliff they would be killed by the cult members!

Toad, Ill say a few words about you when lord Envy praises me. Bird was full of himself, thinking that he had succeeded.

Then I have to thank you in advance. Toad just played along; he didnt care much about it.

After Toad left with his men, Bird instructed his underlings to go to the cliff and spread some beast attractant powder. Once the beasts arrived, they were to inform him so that he could turn on the livestream again.

Yes, my lord!

Seeing that everyone had left, Bird cracked his neck for a bit and looked at his watch. The sunset is just one hour, twenty-one minutes, and forty-eight seconds away. Im so excited! Are you?

The cult member holding the camera was profusely sweating. He wanted to cry for having to personally attend to Bird, and felt safer when everyone was there. Now he was left alone again. He had to pretend that he was as ecstatic as the madman.Of course I am! I cant wait to see the despair painted on their faces!

Bird felt that the cult member was suited to serve him and patted him on the shoulder. Good, I think I see some potential in you. From now on, youll follow me instead!

Thank you, my lord! Thank you my ass! Im gonna fucking die!

Xiang Ning was still hiding behind the boulder as he quickly ran a couple of simulations in his mind. He finally settled on a bold idea and decided to act quickly. He silently followed one of the members who was the last to leave and walked toward the cliff. This time, he would let them know what it means to shoot their own foot.

Once he was near the cliff, he silently approached the cult member. The person in question still hadnt detected Xiang Nings presence and continued absentmindedly munching on a snack.

Is it tasty?

Yeahey, whore you! He swung his sword and Xiang Ning barely dodged the attack.

Hello, Im Viper. Now who are you? Xiang Ning didnt break his character. He was using Disguise!

The cult member saw Xiang Ning as another cult member, but didnt recognize the voice. Are you under Toad?


Hmph, my name is Hound. Whatre you doing here?

Im here to kill you!

Hound immediately thought that Toad was betraying them!

Dont move, or I might accidentally slice you into many parts! Xiang Ning chuckled. Thanks to the cloak he took from Viper, Hound didnt attack him on sight.

What do you mean? Hound growled.

Xiang Ning was not even worried about him. Look around before you talk to me in that tone.

Hound didnt understand what he said. Are there reinforcements? You think Im stupid? Are you trying to kill me the moment I let down my guard? I wont fall for such a trick!

No, no, I think you should look.

Stop yapping and come at me!

Xiang Ning sighed. He admired him for being a good warrior, but.

Wait! Whys there so many flying knives?! He hadnt heard of anyone this strong among them.

You arent part of our cult! What do you want?! Hound was certain that they didnt have a spiritual cultivator of Xiang Nings strength.

Dont bother asking, just answer my questions.


Oh, then forget about it.


Huh? Did you say wait? Xiang Ning saw the man dying on the floor as blood gushed out from his abdomen. Sigh, why were you so dishonest? Just say wait earlier and you might not need to die so soon.

As Hound was dying, he was thinking of how Xiang Ning didnt even follow the cliche! Wasnt it normal for him to threaten him a few more times before he confessed?

Xiang Ning stared at the corpse and realized that this time he had killed a person for real. But he didnt feel that he was in the wrong. They were the enemies, and wanted to harm Fang Rou. They were also the ones causing the beasts to go berserk. That was enough for Xiang Ning to kill them a hundred times over. He threw the corpse into some bushes down the cliff; they would have a hard time finding him.

Alright, now I just need to wait. He squinted and stared at something further away.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts


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