Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 57 [Bonus ]Defeat


Another one.






She kept on blocking, pushing her body to the limit, but…..


She couldn't keep up and ended up with a sword striking her stomach and sending her flying backwards, which ended with her back colliding against the handle of the ship and sending the ship reeling sideways in a swaying motion.

"Cough!! Cough!!" Knight Camille coughed with trails of blood running drop her mouth.

Looking down, she could see that her chest plate has finally been torn open, revealing her smooth white stomach with a piece of cloth she wore underneath.

"My next strike will end your miserable life" Captain Crimson eye said as he calmly walked towards her.

Looking at the towering figure of the man shrouded with a red crimson aura around, Knight Camille stood up once more, biting the tip of her lips to fight off the pain she felt coursing through her body.

She drew her sword backwards while stretching her other hand forward as though she was trying to shoot her sword from an invisible bow.

Suddenly, her magical energy erupted once more with twice more force as before.

"Bronzeheart sacred arts" Knight Camille muttered under her lips as she stared at Captain Crimosn eye who was still walking nonchalantly towards her "First Draw".

Instantly, her aura began to converge beside her until a 5-foot-long greatsword constructed from her dim white aura appeared beside her sword, pointing in the same direction which lead straight to Captain Crimson eye who now paused as he waited patiently for her attack.

"I will kill you first with this" Knight Camille spoke out with a voice loud enough for him to hear her.

She calmly waited for his expression, wanting to see the frown or apprehension on his face before she struck him down.

Yet, all she got was a...


A smile!!!

"Come, I want to taste the sacred arts of one of the families that protect the Empire of Endossa first hand".

A smile with a response that anticipated her attack and calmly waited for it.

"I have given you a chance to show your skills, so don't fail me".

She didn't like it.

Breathing in and releasing a breath of fresh air, she brought her left leg forward and... disappeared.



"Haaaaaa...That was fun" Captain Crimson eye said as he swung downwards, staining the ground with traces of blood as the blood also dripped down from his sword unto the floorboard.

Retracting the red crimson aura around him, Captain Crimson eye turned back and walked forward, saying "Your skills are good, however, they are not enough to close the large gaps that differentiate both of our abilities..... I can see your sword coming from a mile away with hundreds of chances to end your life with one simple swing".

"However….." Captain Crimson eye placed the side of his blade around the neck of Knight Camille who was looking at the decapitated arm that lay on the ground, still tightly gripping her sword with horror in her eyes.

Turning to look at the three individuals who were watching from a distance, he continued "I would like to know if your Prince has anything to say before I cut off your head".

Setting his gaze on Prince Wyatt who was standing in between Jerry and Mad John with a smile on his face as he waited patiently for a response.


Staring back at the eyes that had cut off one of Knight Camille's arms with only one swing, disarming her in the process, a chill went down my spine.

He is not someone that I would currently want to face.

He is strong, ridiculously strong and ruthless.

Nonetheless, I still have to keep my composure and keep up with the intimidating persona that I have been building up.

It's better for him to keep thinking that I am someone he can't mess with. However, I will have to make sure I find a way to leave this place fast.

I nodded my head and walked forward towards the bleeding body of Knight Camille.

Stopping right in front of her, I stared at her unmoving body.

"How weak the mighty has fallen" I said.

I paused, waiting for a reply, to see if she could still respond in her horrid state.

Her breathing hitched, and she raised her head and looked at me.

Looking at her eyes which were locked directly into mine, I could see her dilated irises as they constricted with each breath she took.

She knew that she was defeated. Utterly defeated with no hopes of making a comeback.

And yet she spoke, her lips morphing mechanical into a mocking smile "Prince Wyatt….. Are you here to mock me?".

Shaking my head slowly as my eyes cooled, I combed her hair and tucked in it between her ears.

She was beautiful!!

A thought that I couldn't disagree with if only she hadn't threatened my life and had done her job as a Guardian Knight, I would have left her alive and might even find a way to coax her so that I can get in between her legs and even possibly make her a companion


I must be silly.

I must be stupid to think of still trying to sleep with and possess every woman I like -that has fallen within my grasp or range of control.

However, my first two enemies in this new world were women. A pity that it had to be so however, was that going to stop me?

After this experience, would I still continue with my plans or give it up like a shit wrapped in nylon and thrown into the ocean?

No, I won't!

I have already experienced life as a frustrated eunuch, a life free from yet caged by sexual sin, a life filled with the constant loss of touch and emotion from the opposite sex.

Why would I want to go throw it out and decide to live like that again?

And in a world where power makes right and wealth decides the rule of judgement, why would I stop at just one woman?

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