Eye System

Chapter 153: Fox Civilisation

Chapter 153: Fox Civilisation

Lex knew that by forming the 5th unit, with a leader that seemed scrawny and also giving him the least wanted subordinates, it would be looked down upon.

But that was exactly what he wanted, as he could use it to increase the competition between the Units and uplift the fox beasts who were being looked down upon.

It was known to Lex that the pressure and disdain that Unit 5 would experience may break them and cause them to became extra weight on his Fox Army, but what he was hoping was for the 5th to become stronger under the pressure, as pressure makes diamonds.

"Before you continue to eat, I have some words that I would like to say to Unit 5 in front of the rest of the units" stated Lex, before they could start eating again.

"You are being looked down upon, right" stated Lex to the 5th Unit, who agreed with his statement.

"So what are you going to do about it," asked Lex.

All of them were silent and unsure of how to answer, but the yellow fox beast who had become the leader of the 5th unit began to howl aggressively and proudly.

Lex didn't completely understand what the fox beast said, but from the determined look in his eyes, Lex knew that the fox beast had gotten the right idea and was glad, that the bet he placed on the yellow fox beast having potential, worked out.

"Yes you are correct and from now on the 5 units are separate unless I order otherwise and the 5 units will compete with each other to see which unit will be the most powerful" announced Lex.

Lex wasn't aiming for segregation, which was why he evenly split the units and leaders, with one of each race, but he knew how useful competition was.

While competing, one uses everything they can to win and Lex was aiming for them all to strive blindly towards strength and make them form a rivalry between each other.

"All 5 units will follow your leaders and go out to hunt and do as you please, but if there are casualties above 10 fox beasts for any unit, the leader will be punished" announced Lex, passing full responsibility onto the Unit Leaders.

"I will be entering a secluded retreat to train and you must not disturb me unless there is a massive threat to the army" informed them Lex.

The fox beasts were slightly wary of having to rely on themselves and not have the support of Lex, but they continued to listen attentively to whatever he had to say.

"For now, you will form a Fox Civilisation and a large fox tribe here and can all form your homes. If you wish to, you may reproduce immediately, but only the female fox beast holding the child is allowed to stay in the tribe, while the males should still continue to do their tasks. The 5 Unit Leaders must respect each other and help each other out if need be, but will also compete with each other and see each other as rivals. You may have children with any mate that is willing, no matter the fox race or Unit. And finally, each Unit must leave at least a quarter of their people back at the Fox Tribe to protect the pregnant that can't fight and protect the beast meat storages that you will produce, to be able to feed and nurture children and women who are pregnant" stated Lex, setting up the rules and giving the Unit Leaders a large responsibility.

"My secluded retreat will last at least 1 month and could last longer, and no matter what you hear or happens from where I am cultivating, you are not allowed to enter unless it is extremely important" warned Lex.

"Here are some more beast meat to start your beast storage" stated Lex, withdrawing the rest of the Earth Mortal Ranked beast meat he had within the inventory.

"I will be in this cave here and you can continue to eat, then build around this area to form your homes, storage and army stations. Form a civilisation of your own and prove your worth to me when I return" announced Lex pointing at a small cave.

Turning around and entering the nearby cave, Lex left all of the fox beasts that began to excitedly howl with the opportunity to build a civilisation of their won for them to have homes and relax.

Lex had ignited within them the desire to compete and be the greatest, and after the fox beasts ate their fill, the 5 fox beast Unit Leaders all met up in a cave away from the rest of the fox beasts.

After negotiating, they all agreed that out of the 60 or so fox beasts, that they all had under them, 15 from each group would stay as guards and another 15 would build up the tribe and form the burrows and other necessary buildings, while the other 30 would go out to hunt and bring back the food.

They had all agreed, without Lex's input, that the food would be saved within the centre of the tribe and split evenly and would make sure to punish those that attempted to take for themselves and not help with the growth of the tribe.

They had also agreed that all tasks would rotate daily, between the fox beasts, to make sure they are all proficient in everything and only pregnant females were excused from their tasks and were allowed double the food to the rest.

And the final input that the Unit Leaders added themselves, knowing they were granted leadership by Lex, was that children would be granted the most food and also were trained in how to battle by an experienced hunter before they were allowed to join a Unit that would scout the young fox beasts.

Lex planted the seed, while the 5 Unit Leaders were the main farmers to the army he had allowed to strengthen and form its own civilisation, while he returned to cultivate.

After eating their fill, which was quite a lot considering their size, but not as much as when they were hungry, the 5 Units stood under their leaders, in their groups.

The fox beast leaders informed the rest of the fox beasts their plans, decisions and rules and all the fox beasts agreed and submitted to their command, that was for the best for them, their tribe and the fox beast race.

They designated the roles to each of the fox beasts and, despite not having the sunlight to tell them when was day and night, they formed their own timing schedule.

Each of the fox beasts would have 10 hours of either working or hunting, then they would have 10 hours to mate, eat and sleep, to recover and strengthen their bodies that would be fatigued after 10 hours of hard work.

Without any knowledge of there being night and day, as they couldn't see the sky from underground, the intelligent fox beasts were able to form their own day that was 20 hours long and split the day into two parts on their own.

Lex, who had his Scouting Eye activated within the cave and was watching his fox beasts form their own civilisation, that had occupations and rules, had a pleased smile.

[I have made the right decisions with the 5 Unit Leaders and can rest assured that the Fox Army will strengthen itself, and will grow and reproduce. But I cannot become complacent now and forget about the incoming threat of Mason's master that is at an unknown power level] stated Lex to himself.

All Lex knew was that there was a powerful demonic cultivator coming in a few months, that was much stronger than Mason, but he had no idea of his cultivation level, his abilities and whether or not he was coming alone.

Which was why he needed to rack up as much power as he could, in preparation for anything that could occur.

Self-Cloning Eye

Lex's eyes went from completely clear to having black pupils, but they weren't normal black eyes and had a profound aura to them.

Lex formed three clones, stopping to recover between them, and relayed to them the Spacial Eye, Scouting Eye and Perceptive Eye.

"You will cultivate your Elemental Body both internally and externally, using the Elemental Ascension Method" ordered Lex to the Clone with the Scouting eye relayed to it.

"You will cultivate your Third Eye and strengthen it a much as possible" ordered Lex to his clone that had the Spacial Eye relayed to it.

"And you will learn and understand as much as you can of the Elemental Ascension Method and the elements and if you have reached a point where you feel you cannot understand anymore, you should cultivate using it" ordered Lex to the clone with the Perceptive Eye relayed to it.

"While I will train my body in the use of the Land Elemental Energy Form, that will be my trump card other than the Third Eye" mumbled Lex to himself.

The Land Elemental Energy Form was extremely useful and powerful, but Lex was only able to sustain it for 5 minutes and required time and a calm environment to be able to activate the Land Elemental Energy Form and deactivate it without using force that would cause him backlash.

Everything was set into motion for the fox beasts and himself to strengthen themselves as quickly as they could, but was it enough.

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