Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 212: Penthouse

Chapter 212: Penthouse

After finishing his discussion with Alasan Swift Lucan left the mountain fortress and teleported to Destol. He wanted to check out the progress there but more importantly he wished to have a meal with his beautiful wife. It would be dinner time soon so he didn't hesitate to go see her.

After stepping through the teleporter, Lucan retrieved his flying carpet and rose into the air. Most people were forbidden to fly inside cities, but it was different for a Baron in his own territory. Who was going to stop him from flying in his own city.

Since his flying carpet was such a rare treasure, most people recognized their lord flying above them in the air.

After contacting Silent and getting her location, he went straight to her location.

Looking at the view in front of him, Lucan smiled proudly. The buildings he wanted constructed for his resort had already been erected. The area who took over for this project, or so to say, Silent took over, since she had been given full command of this project, was easy to find.

The resort was on the edge of the city. He could see four majestic buildings towering in the sky.

The common city folk who had grown up in Destol were amazed by the buildings that appeared ina short time. They weren't amazed by the speed of construction; they were amazed by the scale of the project. They had seen large buildings in the past, but nothing like this. The largest of the four buildings had one hundred floors, this was something almost unheard of in this world.

Of course, Lucan had taken proper consideration before constructing something of this size. The buildings may have been originally built was some of the most basic resources, but they were later enhanced with some of the most precious resources inside his vaults.

Others may say that it was a waste of precious resources since he incorporated these materials into buildings instead of weapons or armor, but in this violent world, Lucan felt it was worth it. These buildings need to stand up to any fights that make break out in, or near them and they needed to be able to endure any natural or even unnatural disasters that cropped up.

Lucan flew to the top floor of the largest building and landed on the balcony that overlooked the artificial lake in between the buildings.

Silent didn't wait for him to store the carpet before she pounced towards him and enveloped his body in a soft hug.

"I missed you." She softly whispered in his ear.

Lucan tightly hugged her back. "It hasn't been that long since we were apart." He said while lovingly brushing a few strand of hair from in front of her face and tucking them behind her ear.

"Shut up." She pouted playfully. "I am allowed to miss you even if you leave for a minute. Are you saying that you didn't miss me?" She teased.

"When did I say that?" He answered while moving his hand lower towards her backside and burying his fingers in her perky flesh. "I missed you lots and lots."

"Did you miss me or my butt more?" She asked while rubbing her check on his chest.

"Uh I missed -."

"Psh, you hesitated, I know what that means." She said while pushing him away. She sounded mad, but the expression on her face showed that she was having fun.

"Oh yeah, what does it mean?" Lucan asked, playing dumb.

"You can never get enough of this ass." She said before turning around and back up against her husband.

"He, he, that's true, but it wasn't your butt that I missed the most." He said while leaning his head over her shoulder in looking down.

She turned to see that he was eyeing her chest.

"Hmpf, none for you." She said, using her arms to quickly cover the supple curves on the front of her body.

Lucan reach out and lightly grabbed her chin to turn her around and face him.

"That is not the pair I had in mind. I missed these the most." Lucan said, pulling her lips towards his.

He softly pressed lips his against hers. She could feel something pressing against the opening of her small mouth, but she was still playing hard to get and refused to open and allow him entry.

Lucan wrapped his arm around her waist before pressing his body against her and forcing her backwards. She lost her footing and fell backwards.

She gasped in surprise when she fell and didn't expect to land on the soft flying carpet that was still hovering a few feet above the floor. Lucan held her tight and fell on top of her, not missing the opportunity when she gasped and stuck his tongue inside her mouth.

Silent didn't resist and enjoyed her self while she ran her hands through his hair and their tongues wrestled together. When she couldn't carry on any longer, she pushed him back and took a deep breath, getting some much needed air.

Before Lucan could say anything, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she wiggled out from underneath him. "I missed your lips too. Come take a look inside, this whole floor is our private penthouse, let me show it too you." She said while taking his hand and dragging him inside.

Lucan took a look around and found himself in a large living room with serval couches. He was amazed to see the place already decorated. He knew the project was moving fast but he didn't expect the rooms to already be furnished. Silent could easily recognized the look of shock in his eyes and explained.

"Most of the floors are still unfurnished but I wanted to move into our place here and just use the manor for business so I had our floor moved up on the priority list."

Lucan nodded in understanding.

Silent grabbed his hand and led him into the next room that happened to be a small dinning room. He had left her to design and furnish this place however she wanted. From looking at the small and cozy dining room that couldn't seat very many people, he understood that she wanted this place to be just for them. They could host guests elsewhere, this home was just for the two of them.

Lucan liked it and let her drag him to the next room.

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