Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 181: Annabel

Chapter 181: Annabel

"Oh really, you want me to get lost?" Lucan asked while seated in the back of the room. He rose to his feet and stared down at the boss of Starlight Entertainment.

Silent turned around and looked at Lucan with a pleasantly surprised expression. She hadn't expected him to be inside the room she barged into. She couldn't hide the joy of seeing her husband.

The boss stood up from behind the desk,his previous confidence now gone.


Before he could say anymore, his words were cut off. The boss slowly started to clutch his throat. He couldn't let out a single sound nor could he breathe. Then he started to rise off the ground. Slowly, he was lifted into the air.

The boss tried to free himself, but it was to no avail.

Fingers started to appear around his neck. The figures grew into a hand, and then into an arm. The arm was holding him up by his neck while his feet kicked below.

The arm, dragged the boss through the air, pulling him across his desk, sending several ornaments and office supplies, clattering to the ground.

Lucan raised his stump of a left arm. The arm drifted through the air until it merged with Lucan's stump.

The variant spell he had created combined telekinetic shape with telekinetic hand. The result was a greatly strengthened Telekinetic hand. Sticking with his past naming sense, he called it 'Phantom Hand'. He added the illusion just for the fun of it. It appeared that Lucan had his left arm stretched out and was holding the Boss up by the neck, but in reality, their was nothing that connected his hand to his arm. 

"Nothing to say?" Lucan asked.

Whether the boss wanted to say something or not, Lucan's tightly clapsed hand around his throat made sure a squeak couldn't even come out.


Tim Kelly had met up with Annabel. He was leading her back to the Inn where they were set up at. He snuck a few glances at her and was surprised by her beauty. Somehow, she was even better looking in the game than she was in real life.

Annabel followed Tim closely, she didn't want to get lost in this unknown place. She had been one of the few celebrities at Starlight Entertainment that greatly supported the expansion into Evolution. With that being the case, she ended up being the first A-lister to make the transition for their company.




When he heard the noise, Tim quickly moved to protect Annabel. He was not super strong, and he wasn't trained in security, but he had to pay attention to the companies most important asset in the game.

Fortunately, she didn't get hurt.

The two looked to see what happened.

Tim Kelly was petrified to see his boss laying on the street. He had been thrown through the window. He wanted to rush over and help him out, but he was stopped.

Annabel had grabbed onto his arm and held him back.

"Sis, help." The boss croaked out.

An air flew through the broken window and pinned the boss to the ground. He had taken too much damage from the fall. That arrow was enough to kill him and send him off to the other side.

Annabel furrowed her brow and walked into the inn.

"Miss Anna, you shouldn't go in. It isn't safe."

She ignored his pleas for her to stop and began to head up the stairs to the top floor. Tim Kelly followed her into the room that the boss had previously occupied.

What surprised him was that after he entered he could see Lucan sitting behind the bosses desk.

'Why did it have to be him. It could have been anybody but him.' Tim thought to himself that he was incredibly unlucky.

It was the person he brought back that was causing all this trouble. He knew that when his boss revived and came back, he would take it out on him.

Lucan wasn't worried and was sitting down, relaxed, in the comfortable chair at the bosses workstation.

To his side, Silent was siting on the edge of the desk and smiling greatly while looking at him. She hadn't expected him to show up her. It was a nice surprise. She was playing with his hair, ignoring everything around her. Lucan had all his attention focused on Silent as he watched her smile. Nothing around him mattered.

*Cough* *Cough*

Tim Kelly coughed to make his presence known. He wasn't sure what happened here, but he could guess that it was Lucan's doing.

Both Lucan and Silent looked towards the two newcomers but didn't say anything. After a moment of silence, the celebrity made the first move.

"Hello, I am Annabel. May I know who you two are?" She asked calmly.

"I am Lucan Quilldrake.

"Silent Night."

Annabel nodded a hello after they introduced themselves. "Do you have some sort of problem with Starlight Entertainment?" She asked, knowing that these were two people who shouldn't be offended in Destol.

"No. no problems with Starlight Entertainment. But I do have a problem with that guy who used to sit here." Lucan said.

Annabel smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"That isn't surprising. I am sorry if he has offended you. I can promise that today will be his last day working inside Evolution for Starlight Entertainment."

Lucan was surprised to see the celebrity declare that on the company's behalf.

"Lord Quilldrake, Miss Night, you have my sincere apology for whatever grievance my younger brother has caused. He really is worthless. He was supposed to hold down the fort until I arrived, now it seems like he can't even do that right. Hopefully he didn't offend you in a way that can't be undone."

Silent stood up from the desk and moved closer towards Lucan. She didn't want to admit that she was intimidated by this mature and beautiful woman, but she was. She pushed Lucan's arm away and sat on his armrest. She wanted to sit closer to him and stake her claim. She didn't even get mad when Lucan placed his hand on her backside, even though others were around. His action advertised that they were together, and that was the point that Silent wanted made to this celebrity.

Silent then explained what happened. "That guy didn't want to pay anything as a deposit when purchasing property. He even tried to tell me that it was my honor to sleep with him and that me spending the night with him was enough of a deposit. He then started to ridicule my man and say dumb things. So he was dealt with."

Annabel could only frown and sigh. "I am sorry, my little brother truly is worthless. I hope you don't think less of Starlight because of this."

Lucan didn't say anything but gave Silent's bottom a slight pinch. He would let her make the decision.

Silent stared at Annabel and locked eyes for a moment before she eventually spoke. "Alright, it is fine. Let's put that matter behind us."

She had wanted to get made but it really wasn't Annabel or the company's fault. Silent was happy to hear that he wouldn't be coming back to the game. She still didn't like the situation and the who ordeal gave her a bad impression of the Starlight, but it was still a major corporation. There would be a lot of benefits to having them set up shop in Destol. Silent could see that which is why she didn't chase them away.

Lucan had given her this city, if she could make something of it, that would be great.

"Can you handle everything else?" Lucan asked Silent.

"I didn't need your help in the fest place. You are just nosey and love to butt in to my business." She playfully replied.

"Okay." Lucan said, before giving her a kiss on the cheek. He got up from the chair and moved to the broken window. His flying carpet appeared outside. "Let me know if you need me." He said before flying off into the distance to keep searching for a location go house his dungeon.

Silent moved away from behind the desk and let Annabel take a seat. She was the one truely in charge of Starlight's entrance into Evolution. She was both and artist and a major investor in the company. They had faith that she would take them in the right direction. The employees of the company only had one regret.

They wished that her brother wasn't such an ass. He treated the employees of the company like slabs of meat waiting to be sold. It was true that he had some connections, but it wasn't worth the damage to their artists.

Annabel took a seat behind the desk and pulled her chair closer.

She motioned for Silent to take a seat across from her.

"Let us move past our previous unpleasantness. What will it take for Starlight Entrainment to base our headquarters here?"

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