Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 172: 5-0

Chapter 172: 5-0

Brax left his place and drove to the club for his daily training. Tony, the owner of the martial arts club was busy today. His son had come to town for a visit. He wouldn't have time to train Brax today, but he didn't mind.

He was able to practice a bit with Jeff. However, he got his butt handed to him when they sparred. He was still at the beginner level and it would take a lot of time and effort to get better. It wasn't something that would happen overnight.

Getting into his Aero Specter, Brax pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.

He had plans to meet Jenna for lunch, then in the afternoon they were going to go see a movie. He was looking forward to being in the dark theater with her. He didn't even care which movie they were going to see.

*Wee* *Woo* *Wee* *Woo*

Blue and red lights flashed behind him.

Brax looked back to see a police car behind him. With a quick look at the speedometer, he let out a sigh of relief when he realized he wasn't speeding.

Pulling to the side of the road, he intended to let the police car pass.

But the officer stayed behind him and pulled over as well.

Brax frowned. He wasn't speeding. He had stayed in his lane and wasn't driving recklessly. All the maintenance on his car was up to date, he didn't think he had a burnt-out taillight or anything like that.

Looking into his mirror, Brax saw two police officers get out of their car, one slowly approached the driver's side while the other went to the passenger side.

"Licenses, registration, and proof of insurance." Said the officer who had approached his side.

Brax passed the necessary documents to the man.

"Officer, what is the problem? I wasn't speeding."

"Stay put." The officer said after snatching Brax's documents. He nodded to his partner who kept an eye on Brax while he went back to the police car.

Brax rolled down his passenger window to try to speak with the other officer.

"Sir, can you tell me why I was pulled over?"

The police officer just ignored him.

Brax wanted to get his phone and make a call, but the officer who was ignoring him had kept a hand on his gun and his eyes on him. He was afraid that if he reached into his pocket, he may end up shot.

The first officer returned to the side of the car.

"I am going to need you to exit the vehicle."

"What is going on?" Brax asked.

"Sir! Exit the Vehicle. NOW!" The officer yelled while pulling his gun out of the holster.

Brax raised his hands and slowly opened the door. Once the car door was cracked open, the police officer reached in and dragged Brax out, even though he was already coming out.

Pulling him out of the car, the officer then began to pat him down. Brax was getting angry at this point.

When the officer was sure that he didn't have anything dangerous on him, he dragged Brax away from his car.

"Take a seat." The officer said, pointing to the curb on the road.

"What did I do? Why did you stop me?"

"I told you to sit."

"I am not some damn dog; I am a person. I know my rights. This is an illegal detainment. You can't just stop whoever you want without reason."

The police officer got into Brax's face. "You want a reason. How about the fact that you ran a red light right in front of us and then disobeyed the lawful instructions of a police officer."

"What! That is bullshit." Brax said, the route he had taken home hadn't used any streets with traffic lights. They were all stop signs. How could he have run a red light when he didn't even go past a traffic light?

"Now you are cursing at an officer and causing a disturbance. On top of that we will add a 'resisting' charge."

"What the hell are you talking about? Resisting? How can I be resisting arrest when you haven't arrested me? Even the things you made up are just ticketable offenses and not arrestable."

"Hey Marty, come take a look. We got someone who thinks they are a lawyer." Said the police officer to his partner. "Where did you get your law degree?"

"Don't bother talking to him." His partner said. "You will only tire yourself out if you try to converse with criminals. Just arrest him and put him in the back of the squad car."

"What the hell! So only lawyers are allowed to know about their rights? You guys are awful. I didn't do anything wrong. Just check the-."

"He is trying to attack!" The police officer shouted.

*Zap* *Zap* *Zap*

A taser was pressed into his side.

Brax felt thousands of volts of electricity coarse through his body. He went stiff and fell to the ground twitching.

Before he could regain control of himself, he was rolled onto his stomach and put in handcuffs. The two officers took everything from his pockets and then dragged him to the back of the police car and locked him in.

Brax was cursing and swearing as his body was aching in pain. He had wanted to tell the police officers to check the cameras. He hadn't been through a traffic light; how could he have been the one to run a red light? He felt like something was wrong.

The two police officers returned to Brax's car and started to search through it. They were taking his things out and tossing them on the side of the road while they looked through his car.

Brax couldn't hear what the two were saying but he could see that they were up to no good.

Suddenly he could see the officers acting differently. One of the police officers held up a large bag of white powder and showed it to his partner. The two officers began to smile and pat each other on the back.

Another squad car pulled over behind their car and got out to join them.

A tow truck pulled over and the driver started to load up Brax's car when the two officers returned and got in their own vehicle.

"Did you think we wouldn't find it? No wonder you were so violent to even attack an officer to try and escape." The police officer in the driver's seat said while looking back at Brax.

His partner spoke up. "We found your drugs, there has to be at least a kilo here. You messed up this time punk. You will be going away for at least three years. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Brax was shocked. He had no idea why there were drugs in his car. He wanted to tell them that they weren't his, but he knew the two officers would never believe him. He kept his mouth shut. There was something very wrong with this whole situation.

"Fine, don't talk to us. You can do all your explaining to the judge." The officer said, starting up his car and driving back to the precinct.

Brax was getting worried. This whole thing was a giant mess. He was stressing out while his body still ached all over, especially his side where the taser had been pressed into him.

When they arrived at the police station, one of the officers pulled him out of the back the car and dragged him inside to start the processing paperwork.

The other officer stayed outside to make a phone call.


"Yes, it is me."

"Yes, it is all done."

"It's no problem at all. You can always look for me in the future when you need help. I don't forget the favors I owe."

"Sure, sure, of course. If you need anything else just let me know."

"Alright, you too. Let's talk latter Elder Beneil, I still have to finish the processing paperwork."

The office hung up his phone and went inside.

Brax was fingerprinted, and his information was taken and entered into the system.

He was tossed into an interrogation room as the two officers tried to find out where he got the drugs.

"I am telling you, those drugs aren't mine."

"Come on, do you know how many times we hear that line? Just confess and save us all some time."

"I didn't do anything. You guys illegally stopped me. That was an illegal search. I want to call my lawyer."

"Ha, a lawyer. Sure, sure, but that won't change anything. Give us your lawyers number and we will call him for you."

"Why would I have my lawyers number memorized. I need my phone to make the call."

"That won't happen. Just tell us your phones password and we will unlock it and get the number." The officer said.

"No way, then you could go through everything I have on my phone."

"Then you aren't going to get a lawyer."

"What nonsense. Just search for his firm online and get the number. He is XXXXX XXXXX at XXXX law firm."

"Hmpf, why would I go out of my way and help you find a lawyer. You can just use a public defender."

The officers took him to a holding cell and pushed him inside.

"The public defenders are all busy today, I am sure someone will get to you tomorrow maybe." The officer said with a wicked smile as he shut the door and locked Brax inside.

"Bastards." Brax muttered.


Jenna sat waiting at the restaurant her and her husband had planned to meet at. When he was twenty minutes late, she began to call him, but the phone remained unanswered. She was starting to get worried when a call came from an unknown number.

"What!?! He has been arrested!?!" She shouted after answering the call and hearing what the person on the other line had to say.

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