Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 383: No longer playing with you

Chapter 383: No longer playing with you

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Wandao as soon as possible!

"Brother Lu, you... hurry up!"

When Song Yu saw Lu Ming, she was first happy, but then she yelled again when she thought of something.

The Demon Palace is too strong. Except for the young man who fled before, the other seven are at least Wuzong Liuzhong's later cultivation practices.

Among them, two of Wuzong's late sixfold, three of Wuzong's sixth peak, and two of them are the early period of Wuzong's seventh heavy.

This force is together, it is too strong, no matter how strong Lu Ming is, it is impossible to be an opponent.

Although Song Yu was very much looking forward to miracles and Lu Ming could save them, reason told him that this was impossible.

"Go? Today, none of you want to go."

It was a green-haired young man who spoke.

He was twenty-four or five years old, with a slender figure and a strong breath. His long green hair and waist were full of evil spirits.

His eyes were cold and ruthless, and he looked at Lu Ming and said, "You are the one who killed my ghost hall? Well, very good, you will pay a heavy price for this,"

"I'm afraid you don't have this skill!"

Lu Ming smiled faintly.

"Then let you see!"


As soon as the words fell, a violent breath erupted from the green-haired youth.

"The Three Kills of the Demon-Kill the Spirit!"

The green-haired young man shouted, the sword sounded, and a dark green sword gas burst from the hands of the green-haired young man.

Instantly spanned thousands of spaces, beckoned at the landing Ming.

"The momentum of gold is complete!"

Lu Ming moved.

call out!

The town demon gun appeared, spurting forward with a shot, and the wind and fire broke out in full.


The guns and the sword blasted together, and at the intersection, a dazzling light erupted.

Subsequently, the gunman and Jianqi dissipated together.

have equal shares.

"This person is not weaker than the Snake Son!"

Lu Ming's eyes flashed, and he could tell the other's combat strength.

There is no doubt that the other party is a genius between the talents of World War II and the Third World War. Wu Zong's early cultivation of Qizhong should explode Wuzong's late Jiuzhong's fighting power.

"Boy, I have some skill, and then take another trick, kill three ghosts-kill God!"

The green-haired youth shouted.

His body burst out with a dark green brilliance, shining brilliantly. Then, the swords of others merged into a bright dark green sword light and rushed to Lu Ming.

In an instant, it crossed a distance of thousands of kilometers, the sky was crossed by the sword light, the air waves swelled, separated to the two sides, as if the sky was split, astonishing.

The power of this sword is a lot stronger than the sword just now, and it really reaches the fighting power of Wu Zong's later stage.

"Nine Dragons!"

Lu Ming stepped out, the world roared, and a force of terror surged forward.


The sky roared with horror once again, the waves swept, and the sands and rocks went away.

bump! bump! bump!

A figure flew back and forth, taking three consecutive steps in the sky, stepping on the air, and making a violent roar.

It is a green-haired youth.

On the other side, Lu Ming shook his body slightly, withdrew a step back, and then stood firm.

With a high verdict, Lu Ming was even better.

The face of the young man in green robe instantly turned greener than his hair, and his eyes were full of incredible colors. He shouted in his mouth: "How is it possible? Wuzong Wuzhong early stage, can actually block my killing move, how is it possible? "

He is simply unbearable.

In the early stage of Wu Zong's five-fold period, he was able to fight against him. Does that mean that Lu Ming has surpassed the talents of the fourth war and is between the fourth and fifth wars.

This is amazing.

Not to mention that between the four and five wars, even the talents of the four wars, there is no one in the ghostly palace of genius.

Who is this kid? From which area?

"Brother, let's fight together to kill this person. Since he is already a dead enemy, the more genius this person is, the more we must kill him!"

With a flash of figure, beside the green-haired young man, a tall young man appeared. This young man was another genius of Wuzong Qizhong.

"Okay, let's take a shot together, set up a seven-killing array of ghosts, and kill this person!"

The green-haired youth instructed.

Uh! Uh!

The figure flashed. In the lower city, other disciples of the Demon Palace appeared behind the two young green-haired youths. A total of seven people stood in a bizarre posture, forming a combined attack.

And the escaped apprentice of the Demon Palace stood sneeringly, staring at the land with a murderous voice.

"Do you want to fight together?"

There was a sneer in Lu Ming's mouth.

Song Yu, Song Jing and others looked at the sky very nervously.

Now, they can only wait, hoping for a miracle.

kill! kill! ...

Suddenly, seven murderous sounds sounded, and immediately, the disciples of the Seven Spectres moved.

The figure of the seven people flashed with a strange trajectory, turned into countless light and shadow, and surrounded Lu Ming in the middle.


Suddenly, Qi Daoqi, from seven different directions, slammed towards the landing.

Lu Ming's body flashed very fast, avoiding six sword qi, but there was one, but he couldn't escape it.

call out!

The spear burst out, of course, contains the trend of wind and fire.


Lu Ming's body shook and could not help but retreat.

This sword's power is actually stronger than the second sword of the green-haired youth just now.

Lu Ming didn't use Kowloon to walk the sky and suddenly lost.

call out! call out!

In the course of Lu Ming's retreat, there were several sword qis in the rear, slashing towards the back heart of Landing Ming.

Step by step, you can't avoid it.

"Nine Dragons!"

Lu Ming Chang Xiao, Long Yin sounded.


Lu Ming's figure suddenly turned into a light and shadow, and flashed away, not only avoiding the sword light behind, but also directly separated from the combined attack of the Demon Temple and appeared in the air not far away.

"How is this possible? What is this body style?"

Everyone in the ghost hall, their eyes widened in shock, some incredible.

Their combined attack, but the famous town hall technique of the demon palace, the joint force of the seven people, the combat power has doubled, and the trapped people can't escape from it at all, only the beheaded.

With the strength of their seven members, the joint force set up a large formation, even the warrior of Wuzong's ninth peak must be killed, unless he is a half-step king, he can leave.

But Lu Mingming's Wucai Wuzhong's preparatory work for Wuzhong in the early stage, how is this possible?

"This combined attack is really wonderful. Well, I have seen it before, so I won't play with you."

Lu Ming said faintly.

This made everyone stunned again.

Dare to love Lu Ming was deliberately surrounded by the combined attack. He wanted to see the power of the attack.

"Brother, are you a kid too?"

Several people in Song Yu wanted to roar.

However, the faces of the ghost hall were extremely gloomy.

"Don't play with us? It's a big tone. I tell you, even if you leave today, your friend, the end will be extremely miserable because of you!"

The green-haired youth glanced at Song Yu and others below, with a rueful expression.

With Lu Ming's body style just now, they wanted to leave, and they really couldn't stop it.

However, Song Yu and they could not leave.

"Brother Lu, leave us alone, go away!"

Song Yu shouted again.

"Go? Who said I was going?" Lu Ming smiled faintly.

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