Eternal Melody

Chapter 974 My Beautiful Monster Part 75

974  My Beautiful Monster Part 75


The thread of fate is similar to a teether, it tugs and pulls them closer to each other. Pushing it away causes both of them harm on a physical and mental level. There is no doubt they were together. However, she must have dated Toh first. "H-how long did we date, Toh? I know we were together, but I can't remember."

She can't remember how long, when did they break up? Did she return to Lucifer right after? That doesn't seem to be correct. Toh mentioned that he only reunited with her recently. In that time frame she didn't see him, was she with Yuhi? Her head hurts.

Toh pulls her into his embrace. "Is it painful?"

Sumire weakly nodded her head.

"I hate seeing you in pain beautiful. But, don't close your eyes. Don't fall asleep. Don't push the pain back. I believe the reason you're not getting your memories back is because, deep down you want to escape from your current reality. You have gone through so much and even now you're suffering. I understand why you would want to escape. But Sumire, there are others who care for you, others who are waiting for you. You can't be like this forever."

Sensing the pain in his tone, she looked at his expression. There was a similar look that matched his pained voice. Subconsciously she found herself raising her hand to caress his cheek.

Toh chuckled. "You don't change huh? You're the one in pain, but you're comforting me."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand but this hurts you doesn't it? Me not having my memories."

Toh nodded. "Yes." His single word reply confirmed all the suspicions and fear she has had since meeting him. "Since you told me the truth. Let me extend the same courtesy." Sumire trailed off and took a deep breath. "From the moment I woke up and realized that I didn't recognize my surroundings or the man who claimed to be my husband. I wasn't afraid. It's odd, I should have been, but I wasn't. Instead, all I felt was pain and sorrow. I couldn't remember anything but I was in pain, I wanted to run and hide. So, when I asked Lucifer who he was to me and he said he was my husband. I felt relieved, because if I had a husband it would mean that the emotions I felt was wrong."

"You never suspected that Lucifer could have been the cause for that suffering? That you were in a loveless marriage?" Toh asked.

Sumire shakes her head. "I could have, but the warmth of his hand and the look in his eyes? I can't mistaken that love and devotion even if I felt empty. Whatever I was feeling, I wanted to escape from it. So, I listened to Lucifer. I let myself adjust to this life. Not too long ago, I told Lucifer that I won't pursue getting my memories back, that I am okay with the current situation."

He seemed genuinely relieved. Even though Lucifer never said he didn't want her to remember.

"But?" Toh questioned.

"But recently, I have been getting a surge of memories from my sixth and seventh life. Two lifetimes without Lucifer by my side. All the questions I buried away about how strange this situation was resurfaced. I found Lucifer's story odd from the beginning, but there was no doubt that he felt familiar to me." Sumire laughed weakly. "I know it may sound silly. I should have called him out on the bluff from the moment he said who he was to me. But instead I trusted my instinct."

"It's not weird. You trusted your instinct because you didn't have anything else to go on. That's not your fault. If I was in your situation I would have done the same."

Sumire laughs again. "I am sure if you were in my situation, you would have long spoken up."

"Well if I was being mistreated, yes, I'm sure you would do too. I've heard you called out on the Lord's bullshit with the harem."

Her sweat fell. "Uh, did you also hear about the rumors of me-"

"-going blood crazy and destroying everything? I did." Toh didn't seem afraid but amused which relieved her.

'Toh isn't the judgemental type, so I knew I didn't have to worry about him judging me. But, still-'

"I killed people, because of my jealousy. You don't think that's weird at all?"

"Well, I have to agree that it's weird-"

Sumire bit her lip. "That's not it. I want to know for sure that you're not afraid of me."

Toh brushed his lips on her forehead. "If I was afraid of you beautiful, do you think I'd be joining you in bed?"

He's right, but now there is another issue. Did he not just say the last line sexually- Toh moved his lips against her earlobe and she shudders.

"No matter what happens, I will never be afraid of you. You think I will be scared of you because you killed people? Beautiful, my hands aren't clean either. Though the times I have physically hurt someone are low. I don't need to physically harm someone too get rid of them."

That's right, Toh's powers allow him to enter people's minds and shatter them from the inside. He can simply enter a thought, a nudge for the person to end their lives with their own hands. Not too long ago, she caught him doing this but on Lucifer's orders. When she questioned Lucifer why he made Toh do that. Her husband coldly replied to her and said 'It's his job.' Later on at night, he clarified. 'My heart, there is no room for the faint hearted in the underworld. Toh, understands what he has to do to survive.'

"How many?" Sumire mumbled.

"I have lost count, I have ended so many lives whether directly or indirectly. But each time, I felt my soul slowly being corrupted. I am sure Lucifer has mentioned this, but being a member of the underworld isn't easy. If you do not show your worth, you will be stepped on. Lucifer found me, he saved me. In order for me to repay him, I had to show him I was useful."


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