Eternal Love: A Love Story

Chapter 223 - I Cant Be That Weak.

Chapter 223 - I Can't Be That Weak.

After some time, Xie Ming slowly and carefully opened her eyes when she regained her consciousness. Her head was hurting because she got hurt pretty badly when the driver slammed her head on the car sides.

When she opened her eyes slowly, she felt a pain in her head.

" Ssh." she winced in pain and wanted to touch her forehead but she couldn't use her hands.

When her senses cleared she realized that her hands and legs have been tied up with a rope and she was laying down on the floor.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she was in some storage room at the construction site where it seems that no one has visited in many years.

She was in a large room which seemed like some storage but it was empty.

She felt annoyed due to the pungent smell and her clothes and face were dirty because she was laying on the ground which was dirty and dust was all over the floor.

She coughed because of the foul smell and dust.

The room was dark but some rays of light were coming from the outside as it was the day time.

There was no window in the room as she can see but when she raised her head, she noticed a small window from which sunlight was coming in the darkroom.

It was on the wall on the opposite side and it was very high and the window was also very small that no one can pass through it. It must be made there for the ventilation of the room.

Moreover, it was so high that she could not reach there without any ladder and there was almost nothing in this empty room.

She scanned around the room and noticed that no one was there. It seems that the driver has left after tying her legs and hands and thrown her on the ground. He must have thought that she will not wake up soon.

She wriggled on the ground while trying to free her legs and hands from the rope.

She was panting because she couldn't open the rope as it was tied very tightly.

She sighed when she felt her strength giving away. She can't shout either because there was no one in this building. This area was secluded and she doesn't even know where that man is.

' What if he was standing right in front of the room?'

" It's not working. I can't open this rope while laying down. I have to get up." she mumbled while struggling to sit up.

It was very difficult for her to sit up because her hands and legs were tied with the rope and her body was weak because of fright and the pain.

With much struggle, she sat up and was panting heavily.

Her body was trembling in fear, but she was taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

" It's okay. Calm down. I need to be calm down."

" I can't be that weak. I am the daughter of a soldier, I can't be that weak. Everything's gonna be fine."

" Liwei must have heard everything and he will come to save me. I just have to hold on by then. I should not go weak. " Xie Ming tried to encourage herself.

In her past life, Zhao Ming has learned this from her father that whenever you're having a tough time and think that you're getting weak, we should think positively and speak encouraging words to self.

It won't change anything but it gives you a fight against the problems. That's what they do in wars when they feel so helpless without their families and people are dying in front of them.

These few words of encouragement gave them the spirit to fight and hold on to the last thread of hope.

That's what she was trying to do and encourage herself so that she won't go weak against the enemy.

After a few breaths, she calmed down a little and scanned the room.

" But who was that man? And why did he brought me here like this? What does he want?" She mumbled these questions as she tried to think hard if she could remember his face from Xie Ming's memory.

But got frustrated when she couldn't remember anything.

' I don't think Xie Ming know him before.' she sighed when she couldn't find any links.

" It's not the time to think about the links. I have to hurry up and get out of this place before he comes back." She mumbled as she straightened her back to look at her surroundings

She could see the big door in the room. The room was filled with dust and spiderwebs.

It was evident that no one has come here in years. The door is large but if I could find anything then maybe I could open it.

' I have to hurry up and get out of this.'

Xie Ming's hands were tied together behind her back. So she couldn't see and open it.

Xie Ming looked around the room but there was nothing from which help she could open her ropes.

Then her gaze went upon the nail on the wall but it was very far from her position.

She crawled to the other side of the room to reach the wall where the nail was sticking out from the wall.

When she reached there after struggling for so long, she sighed heavily. But the nail was high on the wall.

She had to stand up to reach towards the nail because she couldn't reach the nail while laying on the ground. She tried to stand up but as her legs were tied up it was becoming difficult for her.

She went close to the wall and took it's support to stand up. She failed in her first attempt to get up and fell on the ground with a 'Thump.'

Her whole body ached when she fell miserably. Tears welled up in her eyes but she didn't let them fall.

She took a deep breath and attempted again. After attempting three times, she failed miserably.

But in her fourth attempt, she finally stood up with the support of the wall.

At that time, she remembered her father's words that one should not be discouraged just because we failed a few times. We should give our best efforts and one day we will be successful in our task.

She walked towards the wall while jumping with her legs and hands tied up.

She turned her back towards the wall as her hands were tied on her back. She carefully placed her hands near the nail and started rubbing it.

She was not using her all force instead only rubbing the part of the rope which was weak and could be open easily.

She was a soldier's daughter, though she has not learned everything however, she knows these few tricks that her father has taught her.

If her hands were tied in front than it would be easier for her to open it but as it was behind her back it was more challenging.

So she was using this trick to open the rope without damaging the nail because the nail was old and rusted. She might need this to open the door so she can't damage it.

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