Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 45 Su Han's Chronicles: Intertwining Paths Of Brothers IV

He still could no believe any of thus. Especially how he lost a friend and a god niece, while at the same time, became an angel, one that succeeded a terrifying monster.



He dud not know at this point. Everything was too surreal. And he had a mission that he dud not know how how complete at all.





Red. That was the color that defined the soroundinf city after everything that occurred moments ago.

Be it the Demonic fire that spread everywhere and was devouring the land as we speak, or the blood that flow along the pavements like crimson rivers.

Be it both, they each painted the city in a color of red that was unique in its own right. Yet one thing that was felt by anyone alone, when they saw such a mess, was dread.

Endless dread.

Pure fear.

Because tens of millions had died, in just a couple of minutes. Millions of beings, ranging from Saints, to the weaker commoners that could no even do anything to resist.

Everyone was wiped out.

But one man could be seen kneeling down besides the body of his close friend. The man was crying tears of blood, as his brown hair was painted darker due to the blood.

His tanned skin was washed in blood as well, making him resemble a demon more than a human.his brown eyes, were lackluster, as they dimmed every passing second.


The man just knelt down, as he watched the face if his dying friend, who was unconscious even at this moment. And all he could do was sigh, complicated emotions flashing within his eyes.

In his right hand, he held the head of his friend, on the other, he held a small veil containing clear golden liquid within.

The liquid contained pure holy power flowing in and out, as just by holding thus veil, he was slowly being healed. His friend as well, but unfortunately, it was not enough.

"Old friend..." The man, who was called Fredrick by Xavier, murmured lightly as he sighed. He then brushed the hair of his friend longingly, with pain in his eyes.

"That little runt will hate me, won't he? One of his uncles, dies, and the other is planning on abandoning his own humanity just to obtain revenge."

He said, as he brushed off the dark hair off Xavier's face, and caressing his cheeks. Tears rolled down his cheeks, mixed with blood and sweat.

One such drop fell on the forehead of Xavier, followed by more droplets of blood, tears and sweat. But Fredrick did not stop talking, as he continued his monologue.

"I mean, for a simpleton like him, a righteous fool, he would hate me for going against humanity, would he not? Would he also hate me letting you die, old friend?"

He asked himself, as he stared at the unclear sky, then back down on Xavier. At the same time, he opened the veil he was holding, as he let Xavier drink from it.

It was a treasure from his family, and even though he knew what use it held. And as well as how it was valuable, even to the current him, he did not hesitate to use it on Xavier.

"Think about it, I was trying to protect everyone, but what's there use? Not only did protecting everyone put you at risk, I also didn't get to protect anyone at all."

He continued with his words, while he was making sure Xavier drank each and every droplet from the veil. The immense holy power from it was slowly transforming the body of Xavier.

His words were clearly healing, and the Demonic power within his veins was being expelled at a fast pace. But as that occurred, and it was expelled, it was absorbed by Fredrick.

One was sorounded by holy power, as demonic power avoided him, while the other was accepting the rejected demonic power without much of a care at all.

"...I don't know. What was suppose to do? I genuinely want to save you, I want you to live. Yet, I had to protect everyone. As a commander, our sole reason for joining the army was to protect everyone."

He smiled as he remembered the psst, going back twenty years ago, when the both of them just joined the army, and began their paths on becoming commanders.

It was a happy memory, yet it might just stay as nothing but a memory from thus day henceforth. Which was quite painful to think about, even for the current Fredrick, who was slowly losing his rationale.

"And we promised to do it together. It was a dream we shared. Yet, was fulfilling such a dream, worth the cost of almost losing you, old friend?"

Fredrick continued speaking to himself as time continued to pass. The sorounding demonic power that was covering the whole city, was slowly absorbed by Xavier.

But the hoky power within him rejected it, and transfered it outside, only to he absorbed seamlessly by Fredrick.

During the process, right at thus moment, within his consciousness, a small explosion occurred. Following that, a dark void appeared, that was niether small nor large.

One of the many requirements to become a god or a being of similar power, was to have trillions of units of mana. Which would then be converted to higher source of power.

And Saints, which was the peak of mortals, could only contain less than a billion units on average. The rest, one had to cultivate throughout the years.

One could also use external means to increase their mana reserves. The higher the talent, the more mana one could have when they begin cultivating.

Fredrick had cultivated for nine years old straight, focusing on getting more mana. Throughout that time, he reached the requirement for mana conversion.

But could not find a technique to convert all his mana to higher sources of power. But now, the Demonic power was forcefully doing the conversion of his mana.

It was changing his body to that of a Demon, in other for him to be able to contain more demonic power, and so that all his vast mana could supplement the Demonic power even more.

The small inner zone within his consciousness, began absorbing the immense demonic power, and as it did so, it converted all the mana that formed the zone, into demonic power.

The Demonic power then gathered into the center of this newly formed inner zone, forming a unique foundation where something could be formed.

And as they continued to gather, it ended becoming a bright red light that shone to illumate the dark void of the newly formed inner zone, ready to burst out.

But Fredrick subconsciously stopped everything, as if he was not yet ready to ascend. As if he was afraid of something terrible happening.

"I guess... this is good bye old friend." Fredrick said as he gently lay Xavier down, caressed his face one more time, before standing up and slowly leaving.

He did turn around.

He did not even halt for a second.

All he did was move on, yet he did not want to.

Along the way, he picked up his Divine artifact, the Axe of Blazing Flames, and as he passed by the corpse of the demon in the form of a woman, he picked up the knife she used.

He was talented enough to use three slayer gears, let alone two. After all, he was a super genius even ordinary genuises wished to become.

But unbeknownst to him, the artifact he was carrying with him, the demonic artifact in te form of a knife, was more than just an ordinary slayer gear.

It was using the Demonic power he absorbed, to change his entire structure inside out. And as he did not reject the influence, and was of a overfill lineage...

He was becoming a rare breed even among demons. But alas, such a unique change would take time before it truly came to fruition.

Until then... a traitor like himself, beloned to Hell.



Meanwhile, back at the Sumerian Dynasty

The Fallen City of Rein

Su Han stood within the burning flames, as even now, they were still burning with vigor and activity.


He stood there in silence as he found no one he could recognize. Not even a single soul was spared. Thus he was quite sad. Especially as he lost two important family members.

"God father..." Su Xue, the young monkey demihuman moved behind him and murmured lightly. She dud not know what to say, thus Allah could do was call out to him.

Su Han dud not respond for quite a while. All he did was stare at the corpse of something that resembled a woman, yet at the same time did not resemble one.

He knew it was a demon from its scent.

"Haaah~ Demons." He Ultima sighed, and turned around to look at Su Xue, and everyone else behind him. He lost two, but he still had thousand.

"Xue'er, everyone, it's time for us to get stronger. Strong enough to avenge uncle Xavier and uncle Fredrick of the injustice delt to them." Su Han said to his fellow monkeys.

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