Entertainment From Divorce

Vol 3 Chapter 883: "Forrest Gump"

Vol 3 Chapter 883: "Forrest Gump"

Paris, the best hotel facing the Eiffel Tower, combines the two most popular elements of monuments and courts in Europe. It is said that it was once transformed from a king's private residence.

The hotel is located in the densest museum group in Europe, across the Seine River, whether it is the small badge representing the family imprint on the wall, or the barracks-style lounge, it is full of noble atmosphere.

In the most luxurious private room on the top floor of the hotel, more than 20 people gathered, eating steak and drinking red wine, discussing some things.

Men are dressed in suits, women are also dresses, and the occasion looks extraordinarily formal.

These people are the organizers of the Paris Film Festival, and the purpose of this dinner is to discuss matters related to the film festival.

Different from the past, this year is to discuss a theme for the film festival as the subject matter of the film collection.

The Paris Film Festival seldom decides on an annual theme. They yearn for freedom, and generally do not call for films, unless in a specific year, they will gather together to discuss like today.

The man sitting in the main seat took a sip of red wine and said, "What do you think about the theme of the next film festival?"

One of them, a man with a thin face and trimmed beard, stood up with a drink and said, "The theme is freedom. Freedom is what human beings yearn for the most."

A person with silver hair and wearing a lady's suit said: "Since we want to be free, what movie theme are we still discussing here?"

The two of them were obviously not getting along.

"Today we are discussing business matters, you two have a good talk." The person sitting on the main seat interrupted the two people's urge to continue arguing. This person is the main person in charge of the Paris Film Festival.

The thin man sat back in his seat, drank the red wine in the glass, straightened his clothes, bowed his head and stopped talking.

"Go ahead and tell me what you think."

Everyone expressed their views, but still did not get the consent of most people.

"Do you have any ideas?" The person in charge of the Paris Film Festival looked at the other person sitting beside him who had not spoken.

The private room fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes were on him.

Comb back hair, in his forties, with a particularly handsome face, has been trained as the person in charge of the next Paris Film Festival.

Pansy Curtis replied: "Because of various reasons, whether economic or political, the mental state of people in various countries is relatively decadent. I think the theme of this film festival can be set as inspirational."

No one in the box spoke, they were all thinking about the feasibility of this theme.

After a while, everyone discussed it accordingly.

"It's a good theme and makes a lot of sense."

"The meaning of a movie is to reflect the status quo and allow the audience to gain something from the movie, yes."

"Is the inspirational movie a bit too old-fashioned?"

"How can a movie that can resonate be outdated?"

Listening to everyone's discussion, the person in charge of the Paris Film Festival interrupted everyone: "I think Pansy's theme is very good. Now that there is local turmoil and the unemployment rate is getting higher and higher, most people are pessimistic about the status quo. view, we need inspirational movies to encourage everyone."

Everyone nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the person in charge raised his wine glass and said, "The subject of this year's film festival call for essays is determined to be an inspirational film."

Everyone raised their glasses and drank in one gulp.

After discussing for more than an hour, the topic was finally settled, and the dinner continued.

The Paris Film Festival will publish a call for inspirational films on its official website. For a while, it aroused discussions among netizens from all over the world, and it was directly topped on the Twitter hot search list in just one hour.

After all, this is the first time since the Paris Film Festival was held.

"This news can't be true, can it? The Paris Film Festival has never fixed a certain theme. What's the situation?"

"When I first saw this news, I also thought it was fake, but this is the latest news released on the official website of the Paris Film Festival."

"Is it an inspirational movie?"

"Doesn't the fixed theme limit the performance of many directors? There is no taste of freedom. I don't like it. I suggest canceling the fixed theme and restoring it to the original state."

"I think that the inspirational theme of the Paris Film Festival is a fixed theme of this film festival. Perhaps it should be related to the economic depression in recent years. More and more people are unemployed, and most people are mentally exhausted. They need to be encouraged."

"The Paris Film Festival's changes this time are very good, please like and support, and spread more positive energy."

"I can't accept this matter, I hope the organizers will think about it again."

"There is nothing wrong with it. Only by fixing one type of movie can more high-quality movies stand out."

Such a big event in the international entertainment industry naturally attracted the attention of the domestic media, and major media rushed to report the matter immediately.

""Capital Entertainment": According to the latest news released on the official website of the Paris Film Festival, this year's film festival will use inspirational films as the theme of the competition."

""Movie News": The Paris Film Festival has made major adjustments, and inspirational films will be the theme of this film festival."

""Xiangjiang Daily": The Paris Film Festival is held in the form of soliciting films for the first time, and the reason for such a major change remains to be reported further."

""Entertainment Events": The Paris Film Festival launched the film competition for the first time, and it is still impossible to evaluate whether this change is good or bad."

""Madou Morning News": Recently, the Paris Film Festival released a big news, this film festival will take the form of soliciting films."

Brilliant Entertainment Company, Film Division.

An employee said loudly: "Come on, come on, look, this year's Paris Film Festival will be held in the form of a competition!"

As the voice fell, many people came to watch, and some people began to search for relevant news on the Internet. It is impossible for the media to ignore such a big matter.

"Damn it, it's actually true?"

"This is big news in the film industry!"

"What kind of operation is this?"

"Why did the Paris Film Festival suddenly launch a film competition?"

"I'm not sure. There are many versions. Among them, netizens think that the most likely one is related to the current economic depression."

"What type of shadow is this?"

"Inspirational movie."

"From this point of view, maybe this is the real reason. I have to say that the Paris Film Festival has gone very well."

"What do you think of the Paris Film Festival's approach this time?"

"A fixed theme is equivalent to a propositional composition, and it depends on the director's personal strength."

"Actually, it's a bit unfair. Every director is good at different movie themes. Wouldn't it be advantageous for him to shoot inspirational movies this time?"

President office.

After Tan Yue finished processing the last document sent by Chen Ye in the morning, he stood up and moved his body.

With Lin Qingye around, he didn't need to keep an eye on the preparations for "Hurricane".

Standing on the balcony to rest for a while, I returned to the computer.

Some time ago, whenever he was free, he would write scripts. Now he suddenly felt that he had nothing to do. He rubbed his eyes and opened Weibo on the computer to see if there were any topics he was interested in on today's hot searches on Weibo.

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, and the top trending search caught his attention.

"The Paris Film Festival's first proposal to invite films."

If it weren't for the hot searches on Weibo, Tan Yue felt that this matter might not be true.

Not to mention an international film event such as the Paris Film Festival, even small film festivals organized by various countries will not make a direct proposition.

Film festivals are meant to promote the development of film, at least not only one type of film.

After clicking in, the first news is the latest news announced on the official website of the Paris Film Festival: this year's Paris Film Festival will be held in the form of soliciting films. Inspiration has always been a theme that is needed in every era, never lagging behind......

After that are all irrelevant things.

Tan Yue felt that there must be some reasons behind the Paris Film Festival's doing so, otherwise it would not only ask for inspirational films.

"It seems quite interesting." Tan Yue watched the reports of the major entertainment media on this matter, and there were still many netizens discussing it on the Internet.

There are different opinions on why this Paris Film Festival suddenly did this. There is no official answer. No one knows why?

The various answers on the Internet are also everyone's speculation, without any basis.

Tan Yue is not interested in the reason, what he is interested in is the filming campaign.

He suddenly discovered that it was quite a coincidence that some time ago, the State Administration of Culture launched a call for dramas, and now the Paris Film Festival has organized a call for movies.

Are dramas becoming popular now? Tan Yue leaned on the chair and thought about something.

If Brilliant Entertainment wants to further increase its international influence, it must rely on movies.

Since "The Truman Show" was released worldwide, Tan Yue has been thinking about which movie to choose as the second step for himself and his company to enter the international film market.

In order to gain a firm foothold in the foreign film market, every step must be done steadily.

Relying on "The Truman Show", Brilliant Entertainment has managed to gain some influence in the global film market, so it can't be sloppy.

For Tan Yue, his worry is not that there are no movies, but that there are too many choices.

Now that there is a solicitation event for the Paris Film Festival, Tan Yue thinks it is an opportunity, and provides himself with ideas.

"Inspirational movie."

Tan Yue stared at the computer screen in a daze, and started a brainstorming session, one inspirational movie after another appeared in his mind.

First of all, it is a movie that can arouse the interest of audiences around the world. Of course, it must be the kind of movie that has achieved great influence. The range of choices is gradually narrowed under the conditions set by Tan Yue.

The Paris Film Festival is an international film festival, and there will be many industry veterans participating, so of course the pressure of competition will be great.

As time passed by, Tan Yue picked up the pen and finally wrote down the words "Forrest Gump" on the paper.

The plot gradually emerged in Tan Yue's mind:

A-Gump was born in a closed town in Alabama in the south of the United States shortly after the end of World War II. He was congenitally mentally handicapped with an IQ of only 75, but his mother was a woman with a strong personality. ", asking him to strive for self-improvement.

A-Gump went to school like an ordinary child, and met his lifelong friend and beloved Jenny. In order to avoid being bullied by other children, he obeyed Jenny's words and began to "run". Under the love of Jenny and her mother, A-Gump began to run non-stop throughout his life with the "scud" bestowed by God.

Forrest Gump became a rugby superstar, a Vietnam War hero, a table tennis diplomatic envoy, and a billionaire. However, he still couldn't forget Jenny, and several hasty reunions and partings deepened A-Gump's longing.

One day, A-Gump received a letter from Jenny, and they finally met again...

In Tan Yue's mind, the movie "Forrest Gump" was very impressive. In his previous life, he liked this movie so much that he replayed it at least ten times.

Whenever he was in a low mood, Tan Yue would re-open the movie on the computer and watch it to relieve his depressed mood.

Tan Yue still remembers that "Forrest Gump" broke through 24 million US dollars at the box office on the day of its national premiere in the United States, becoming the box office champion of the day. In the following years, he won the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director and many other awards.

'Winter Dongdong. '

The knock on the door interrupted Tan Yue's memory: "Come in."

Chen Ziyu came in with a plastic box, the fruit inside had been cut into small pieces, and said with a smile, "A Yue, you can taste the fruit I just bought."

Tan Yue picked up a small piece of fruit and ate it.

Chen Ziyu sat across from her, stretched her waist and said, "I should go to the gym for a run to exercise my body. Sitting in the office all day is a bit sore and uncomfortable. UU Reading "

"Life lies in exercise, and you must run often."

Speaking of running, Tan Yue thought of 'Forrest Gump'.

"There aren't too many things going on in the company during this time, so I'll go for a run for half an hour after get off work at night." Chen Ziyu tapped his shoulder lightly, and said, "What are you doing?"

Tan Yue pointed to the computer and said, "Did you see what happened at the Paris Film Festival?"

"Not yet, what happened?"

Chen Ziyu has been busy with work, and will deliver fruits to Tan Yuelai after finishing.

"This Paris Film Festival will be held in the form of soliciting films."

"Isn't that just propositional composition? It's all the rage now?"

Tan Yue smiled and said, "That's right, the theme is an inspirational movie."

"I really didn't expect that the International Film Festival would do this." Chen Ziyu shook his head with emotion, and seemed to guess something when he saw Tan Yue's appearance, and asked curiously: "Do you want to participate?"

"Yes." Tan Yue said seriously: "I have been thinking about the next movie, and now it has given me an idea. This film solicitation event at the Paris Film Festival may be a rare opportunity for our company to enter the international entertainment circle. This is a great opportunity. Participating in this kind of large-scale international film festival, as long as the film gets a good box office result, it can attract great attention worldwide, which will help expand the company's influence in the international entertainment circle."

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