Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 110 Morning Call



Even the next day, Wu Bai's rage remained unsatiated. By now news about the fashion show trended on every news and it became the talk of all social media.

It felt like in one day, his company's name was wiped out of the face of social media and all rang, 'Andromeda Kai.'

To say he was not jealous was an understatement That and what happened between himself and Liu Xueyi, his rage was burning.

His head lifted slowly as he cast a cold glance at the man stead beside him with no worries at all.

"You said?" Wu Bai inquired.

Judging from the tone of his deep baritone voice, his companion knew better than to enrage him, yet that was the only thought that came to play on his mind.

"I told you, didn't I? That girl is dangerous," Lee Cho reminded him.

His eyebrows dropped and the corners of his eyes crinkled at the absurdity of what Lee Cho just voiced out.

"Are you trying to rub this in on my face or what? Besides, when did you tell me she was dangerous? If I recall correctly, you said I should ignore her," Wu Bai reminded him with utmost certainty.

"No. But I do not see why you are this stressed over something you cannot control."

He whipped his head angrily to face him, his brows knitting in conjunction. "Can't control? Ren are you mad or are you trying to push my buttons?"

"Umm both," a smug smile formed at the corners of his lips but soon enough, they dropped.

"Relax. If she hurt you so much, I feel it is about time you release that video, don't you think?"

Wu Bai who was about to speak, left his lips open as the words about to be released remained buried.

He had been so raged that he failed to even think of his huge come back against Andromeda but now, he was reminded of a way.

Gradually, his lips clamped shut, forming a wry smile that spiralled to his eyes. A dark glint flashed in them and his body fully turned to face Lee Cho.

"I love your thinking. Please continue. Also," he lifted his index and pinky fingers in a somewhat feminine fashion, parting his ever eager lips to say something.

"Make a false statement on social media for me. Call her a thief. Accuse her of dress sense similarity. Make it look like she stole our designs."


A round of applause went off for him before Lee Cho took to his feet and with his raised hand to the left side of his head, gave one final clap for Wu Bai.

"Finally, my bro is getting the anger of it. I was wondering if a lady made you forget all your ruthless acts."

"Haha, funny but no. I still have it in me."

He felt proud, to say the least, that he was being acknowledged.

"Good. Although, I should inform you because your rage had obviously blinded you. There is a post already out by one of your customers, stating she cannot help but wonder if the designers are the same or Andromeda the newbie, stole from Divine Pearl."

His brows raised a bit in awe as he placed one hand into his pocket. "Someone said that?"

Lee Cho nodded his head in affirmation.

"Perfect then."

"So, you are not going to let her go with it, right?"

"Hell no. I would do as I have earlier stated. All I need you to do now is boost that lady's post. Have more people retweet it. Post on every social media handles and let it flood the net. Then show a comparison of designs."

"Hmm, I would say do not show comparison yet. Leave that to the masses. They have their way of critically finding it out. Let us instigate the thought in their mind.," Lee Cho advised.

"Okay then. Do as it please you and I," he paused, wearing his trademark smirk and narrowed his cold eyes on his friend. "I would get to video editing."

A burst of wicked laughter resounded in the living room where both men stood, laughing at their own wicked plans


Andromeda stirred on her bed, hoping to ignore the buzzing of her phone on her bedside table.

Whoever it was that was calling her that morning, had the guts to awaken her ranging mood.

How glad she was when no one came to disturb her lovely head the previous day. She spent most of the time watching movies, ordering food and sleeping.

Unfortunately for her, she watched a series at night and now, she had barely gotten four out of her planned ten hours of beauty sleep before a stressful new week when this caller disturbed her sleep.


"Urghh…" she groaned out slowly and rolled closer to the side of her bed before picking up her phone and muttering inaudible words.

She did not bother to open her eyes to answer the call nor check for the caller as she slid her finger across the phone screen and then placed it on her ear.

Her soft low and almost inaudible words called out. "Hello."


Her eyes flew open for a second there. Her brain buzzed from the loud brain defeating sound she heard.

Now two people called her by that name but which would be so giddy like that to scream into her ears?

She pulled her phone from her ear to confirm her suspicions and truly he was the one.

"Xie Tian," she voiced out, gritting. "You just had to do it, didn't you?" She tsked, releasing a soft sigh.

"Oh come on! It's a Sunday morning. Wake your lousy ass up," Xie Tian's chirpy voice resonated in her ears.

"Tired. Can't. Even the bible called it sabbath day. Which means, man ought to rest."

"You rarely go to church but you know the bible so well. Sinner."

"Ouch." A soft chuckle fell off her lips at his remark and she shook her head. "That aside, what's up?"

"Nothing. How is my reigning babe doing?"

"Oh please. Not you too."

"What? My baby did well. I need to congratulate you. And before I forget, you owe me for getting those materials."

"Yeah sure. By the way, you did not come for the show?"

"Had some urgent matters to handle since getting back here in the country. Which was why I did not call you even yesterday. Been working my ass off nonstop."

"Oh, poor baby."

"Yeah. So, you owe me a treat for lunch? What say you? We go today?"

"Uh, about that. I don't know I planned ten hours sleep but forgot to put my phone on silent or turn it off."

"Seriously? And you are proudly saying it to my face?" She could not miss his tone of both anger and playfulness.

She knew he did not mean it but nonetheless, she apologized. "But I didn't, so look on the bright side."

"You are not helping, babe."

A soft sigh fell off her lips as she rolled her eyes. "Let me off with that name, Tian. I am not your babe."

"Nope. I would not…"

"Hey sorry," she interrupted him quickly, "An important call just came in."

"Important…" His thoughts ran wide at different angles to what that words connoted. "Call, Andromeda wait."


"Who is the call from?"

"It's work I guess," she replied blandly.

"You guess!" His voice flew up a notch, forcing her to pull her phone from her ears at his outburst. "It's a bloody Sunday."

"Yeah, I know but it's important. Sorry Xie Tian, I have to take it. Don't wait up."

"But your beauty sl…"

She ignored him and quickly took the call, automatically placing Xie Tian's call on hold and leaving him to whatever decision his brain would form as she tried to call her breathing.

She was not about to tell his nosy self that Liu Xueyi was calling her and something about seeing his name on her phone screen that morning, made her heart beat increase exponentially.

She instantly sprang to a sitting position and greeted. "Good morning."

"Hello? Andromeda, can you hear me?"

Her breathing stilled, sensing the erratic breathing from his voice.

"Yeah. I can. Hi Xueyi," she managed to let out.

"Listen to me and listen carefully." Her eyes dimmed, her brain going numb.

"No matter what, do not go online."

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