Empire of the Ring

Chapter 388 - The Coronation (4)

Chapter 388: The Coronation (4)

The procedure for the coronation of the Archduchess was completed quite soon.

She was not a king or emperor, so it was a little too much to do a coronation for her, but the state used it anyway since there was no proper event to declare her Archduchess title. It ended in a moment by putting a small crown on her head.

As Fatima went up to the front; the patriarch’s prayer and short Archduke oath went on, and it ended with the patriarch’s sprinkling of essence on her hands and head, and a crown that symbolized the Archduke. Compared to the state’s preparation and efforts for this moment, the event was so simple and short. The ungainly dressed participants were also frustrated by the fast-paced process of the ceremony because the residents had been waiting for this moment for years.

“This is so bland. I thought there was going to be more emotions and maybe shedding a tear too.”

Jong-il commented as the event ended so quickly.

“I’m also dumbfounded. Is every coronation like this?”

Youngho also answered thoughtlessly as he still was in a shock. The moment he had been waiting and waiting just passed, and it seemed to be in vain. This may have felt like a year for Fatima since she was the person who this ceremony was for, but viewers were so overwhelmed by the simple ceremony.

“All coronation must be like this. You know, the patriarch wouldn’t miss the procedures. He can’t delay the process intentionally.”

“It’s because... I’m sorry the state had worked so hard to show off our state and the coronation to the media. Still, newspaper reporters and cameramen are quiet.”

Although the event was not held to just show-off to the world, it still would be great if the press caught great scenes for the public to see.

Despite the short ceremony, it was quite successful since Fatima was given her Archduchess title officially after all, which was the essence of the event. And also, the residents of the state were thrilled for her. When Fatima marched to the stage and descended from it, all people cheered for her enthusiastically even non-Serbian descents. They shouted, ‘hail to the Archduchess!’ in one voice. Even the road was blocked by the crowd who wanted to touch the garment of their Archduchess.

It was the atmosphere, and the crowd psychology, that made all people cheer for her. Although the existence of the Archduchess might not mean anything to Koryoins and other ethnic groups in the state, they still sympathized with the Serbian residents since they were all on one ship called the Arirang Autonomous State now. They were proud of their state that could hold such a remarkable ceremony in this modern century.

The broadcasters were also surprised when the crowd’s enthusiasm seemed to have gone too far as they even turned fanatic. In the 21st century, such a sight was rarely seen, so they were running around and pressing their camera shutter trying not to miss a moment.

At the end of the coronation ceremony, all members of the nobility including Youngho and other people in the leadership position or who made achievements for the state. They were all appointed by the Archduchess herself at the podium in front of the Grand Palace. Youngho was given the title of duke for his position as the prince consort.

Giving of the nobility titles was held in front of all the people of the autonomous state. It was to show them that their hard work could earn them such titles too.

When the ceremony was over, Fatima delivered short words of appreciation and officially declared the Archduke system of the Arirang Autonomous State. Then the residents cheered and burst into tears.

The moment’s amplified loud shouts filled Youngho’s entire body to the point where he could feel his hair stood straight. For a moment, he felt something passing through his body. When the unparalleled power started from the lower abdomen and penetrated the whole body, he was dizzy but managed to hold on because he could not lose his consciousness in front of the whole state. It was a very long time for Youngho, but it was only a flash in the real world.

People shout, ‘Hail the Serbian Grand Duchy!’, seemed to have awakened something inside him, but he had no idea what this sign meant.


At the end of the coronation, the festival for the people was held at the courtyard. Youngho also spent his day mingling with the joyful people. Later that day, he and his family went into the palace since it was their official first day of living in the Grand Palace.

As soon as he put the children to bed and entered the master’s bedroom, he and Fatima crashed in bed. It was only then that fatigue hit his whole body when all the tension of the day was eased. Then he fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, he woke up early in the morning by the children’s noise. All the children who woke up were bewildered by the unfamiliar bedroom atmosphere, so they came to the Archduke’s master bedroom.

Unlike ordinary days, their father and mother were sleeping tight, so they played in the room. As soon as Youngho got up, they rushed into his arms. Fatima was still fast asleep, breathing evenly. Youngho silenced the children and left the room. Yesterday’s fatigue was gone and he felt particularly refreshed—both in body and mind.

In preparation for yesterday’s big event, Szecheny took out his ring and put it on Fatima’s finger knowing that she would be extremely nervous and tired. It seemed her ring had supported her well since she was sound asleep peacefully.

When Jong-il said he was going to give back his ring to Fatima before the coronation ceremony, she refused to have it back. She asked him to protect the state with the power of the ring since the rings were made to be used for the Serbian Kingdom in the first place.

Park Jong-il boasted that he was recognized for his strength and ability by the Archduchess since he was entrusted the ring directly by her. She would not have done that if she did not trust Jong-il’s sincerity because the ring could be misused by personal greed. Saying this, Jong-il was overly excited like a child.

“Man, you’re talking nonsense like never before. It must be a side effect of the ring, you should take it out.”

“Oh, just come clean and tell me you feel bitter. My greatness was just proven. Just know that the owner of the rings put it on me directly, which is completely different from your case. Since you found out about the rings first, she must have reluctantly agreed for you to use it.”

“Oh, Jong-il. Remind me, who was the person who treated me like a crazy person when I was cleaning the rings and leather shoes in the hotel in Istanbul?”

“Oh, prince consort. I didn’t have any ill-intention like you. You bought some kebob to a poor girl who came out to sell the relics of her family in desperation and took the treasures for yourself. I’m different from you.”

Jong-il, who had refused to receive the title of baron before, now insisted that he was the guardian of the Grand Duchy of Serbia.

“Oh, Great Baron Park, I hope you will give your body and your heart for our great Grand Duchy.”

“Oh, prince consort. Just know that I’ll move in accordance with the will of the Archduchess than the will of the prince consort.”

Jong-il was highly encouraged and motivated to serve the state now since he was given the ring by the Archduchess with a request to use it to protect the state. It must have meant a lot for him.


“Why didn’t you invite the Korean press to join us, prince consort?”

“Mr. Kim, why are you starting to call me that all of a sudden? Please call me Mr. Lee like before. I can’t take it.”

“Now that you’re officially declared as the prince consort and have even been appointed as a duke, I should respect that instead of calling you Mr. Lee. Also, I feel flattered to have tea with the prince consort.”

H Corporation’s Kim Joo-hyuk came to the palace to meet Youngho. Since Youngho was too busy with the preparation of the coronation, he had not had a chance to meet Kim Joo-hyuk for quite a while.

The title of the Archduchess only existed as a symbol, and Youngho was doing the official work of Fatima’s position. So, entertaining official guests was Youngho’s job.

“I intentionally left the Korean press out from the list because I thought it would be too noisy for the Korean press to come in. If I invited them, not only the media but also politicians who had nothing to do with this place would have come in and out and complained about not being treated as honorary guests just because I’m known as a Koryoin. I can’t take that.”

“I’m sure the Korean government feels sorry for not being invited. Why are you not trying to build a good relationship with the Korean government?”

“Did the Korean government add a hand to our state? Rather, I helped the Korean economy by exporting and promoting Korean products. There is no reason why I have to bow first because I am Korean. I don’t want to mix words with the government that has neglected the Koryoins in Central Asia and Russia like this.”

Although the Korean government could have helped Koryoins left in Central Asia and Russian regions, it never tried to do so. Youngho became even more disgusted by the stinginess of the government’s efforts to give Koryoins privilege to move back to Korea. Koryoins were treated as foreigners even though they were Koreans.

Koryoins could speak Korean, and they were proud of their Korean origin and the fact that their ancestors came out of Korea to fight for the independence of Korea—but the Korean society turned their back against them. They did not aid Koryoins who tried to come back to Korea, and even when they returned to Korea, the Korean public discriminated them for being different.

Youngho had listened to such sad stories of Koryoins so many times. He only wanted the Koryoins to be at peace in the Arirang Autonomous State instead of trying to reach to Korea.

“I’m sure that the Korean government knows about the existence of Koryoins in the Arirang Autonomous State. Yet, no one from the Korean embassy tried to reach us about this. Since they don’t recognize Koryoins officially, I have no intention to honor the Korean government either.”

“It is a shame that the Korean government had lost your support.”

Kim Joo-hyuk, who seemed intrigued by Youngho’s remark, asked Youngho if he could introduce H Corporation to Russia’s influential political figure. Because he would not be able to avoid the influence of the Korean government when he was introduced by the government to Russia, he said that he wanted to find another way to get connected to the Russian business market.

“Is it because Kazakhstan’s market is too small for your corporation?”

“Well, that’s part of the reason. I think we can tap into the Russian market with our train technology, but I want to find a plausible way.”

“I’ve never heard of a Korean company in Russia that was treated badly. Why are you asking for my help?”

“I know that it’s hard to run a business without the mafia and powerful politicians on your back. That’s why I’m asking for your help.”

“Russia also has world-class train technology. Do you think it’ll be easy to enter the market and survive?”

“I heard that Chinese companies are also looking to enter the market recently. That means there’s a market for us too.”

“Okay. I’ll check it out. I have some friends in Russia.”

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