East Meet West

Chapter 274: Results of Increasing- Thunder and Earth element concentration

Chapter 274: Results of Increasing- Thunder and Earth element concentration

274- Results of Increasing- Thunder and Earth element concentration

The process lasted for a few seconds, but it felt like almost an hour has passed.

The Thunder element and Earth element energy concentration kept on increasing.




Earth Element energy concentration in Hosts body has increased.

Earth Element Concentration: 13.97% [Rank- G]


Thunder Element energy concentration in Hosts body has increased.

Thunder Element Concentration: 35.54% [Rank- G]


Looking at these messages, Orochi got slightly confused.

Especially the additional [Rank G], that was added next to the Concentration bar.

And when Orochi asked about it to the system, he got his answers.


The Sub-Title- [Rank G], is used to denote the range area in which Hosts abilities or different characteristics are currently at.

In this case, it shows how much concentration of a particular element has host acquired within [Rank G] range.

And when Host is able to max out the element concentration, the sub-title will level up.


Long story short... the subtitle is similar to realms division.

Thats what Orochi felt after reading the systems explanation.

Putting this matter behind, Orochis attention shifted to the changes brought by the increase in Earth and Thunder Element concentration.

Orochi closed his eyes and felt that he could feel some vague connection with the Earth, has been established. The feeling is very weak.

But one thing he is sure about is that if he uses any kind of Earth element magic, then he would be able to cast it easily, quickly, and efficiently with less amount of MP required when compared to his previous attempts.

So, to check if his intuition is correct, Orochi used one of the basic Earth element magic- Earth Wall.


In Orochis eyes, a small wall made of rocks rose to a height of 1 meter.

Orochi nodded with some satisfaction because he clearly felt the difference between the current Earth wall and the Earth Wall cast by him during his practice a few days ago.

The Earth wall he cast now was about 1 meter high and half a meter wide, with a thickness of 5 inches.

Unlike the elements such as Fire, Water, and Wind; which require less MP to generate elemental magic attacks, the Earth element requires a tremendous amount of MP to cast even the basic magic attacks.

The process behind the magic Earth Wall is quite simple but MP-consuming.

To cast any Earth element magic like the Earth wall magic, the user needs to be connected with the Earth/Land. And then supply a large amount of MP to the Earth and control the flow of surrounding soil, rocks, etc. And should be able to control and use it.

And for that, the user must be proficient in the Earth Control technique.

So, if the user has good control, then the user can manipulate the surrounding earth to conjure an earth wall to defend against enemy attacks.

Depending on the size and thickness of the wall, the required MP will vary accordingly.

If it was a few days ago, and Orochi wanted to cast the same kind of Earth Wall magic, then he would have to use at least 50,000 MP and it will take at least 1-2 seconds to build a similar wall.

But now, the MP consumption decreased by at least 10-15% and the wall was also built in 1 second.

So, of course, he was satisfied with this improvement.

Of course, in battles, especially life and death battles, even 1 second is a bit long if he wants to cast magic like the Earth wall, it is simply a wrong and stupid move.

But as long as he practices and gains proficiency in casting Earth wall and other similar time-taking magic attacks, then surely someday he can cast these kinds of magic in an instant.

Satisfied with the improvement in Earth element magic, Orochi was extremely looking forward to how good the Thunder element would be.

So, he decided to test the power of the Thunder element by casting one of the thunder magic.

He raised his index finger and pointed it towards the earth wall, as quite a good amount of MP gathered inside his finger. And when the MP rushed out and gathered around his finger, electric sparks were produced and coiled around his index finger.



Some blue light radiated from his finger and spread throughout the room.

Thunder Bolt

A bolt of thunder shot out from his finger and it hit at the center of the Earth wall.



Like a bullet, the bolt of thunder landed on the earth wall and an explosive sound rang in the room. Luckily, the room was properly insulated and prevented sound from going out of the room, or else June and Armelia would be alarmed by the sound.

Small dust of smoke rose from the earth wall and it took a few seconds for it to disappear.

Then Orochis eyes landed on the area where the thunder bolt hit the earth wall.

A fist-sized crater densely covered with cracks that extended towards the edges of the earth wall was produced due to the strike of a thunder bolt. And at the center of the crater, a small hole of 1-2 inches deep could be spotted.

Looking at the power of Thunder Bolt magic, Orochi clicked his tongue in amazement.

Although, he estimated that any magic related to the Thunder element should be powerful, but seeing the results he realized that he still underestimated the power of Thunder.

Looking at the power of his attack, he estimates that the power of Thunder Bolt is enough to kill a Peak Demi-Human stage. And even a Human stage Level 1 cultivator needs to avoid getting hit by it.

Orochi clenched his fists in excitement after realizing the power of Thunder.

Of course, he ignored the amount of MP consumed for making the earlier attack, which required almost 20,000 MP.

Because right now, his MP recovery rate can be described in simply two words- Mind Blowing.

Satisfied with the results, Orochi absorbed the remaining two Brown Thunder Crystals.




Earth Element energy concentration in Hosts body has increased.

Earth Element Concentration: 35.12% [Rank- G]


Thunder Element energy concentration in Hosts body has increased.

Thunder Element Concentration: 98.01% [Rank- G]


After seeing this, although there was some regret in his heart that the thunder element could not reach 100%, Orochi still felt satisfied with the gains.

Anyhow, he just needs to get another item similar to Brown Thunder crystal and then the Thunder Element concentration in his body will easily reach 100% and it will even cross the barrier and reach the next level of [Rank G].

After Orochi tried the new changes brought by the increase in Earth and Thunder element, he concluded that the might of Thunder bolt was almost doubled, it was easier to cast and the thunder element was quite strong when compared to the previous one.

As for the Earth wall, he felt that it was now easier to build an Earth wall and also it required less time and MP.



Satisfied with the result, Orochi breathed out a sigh of relief.

Then he took out the Pill Formula Book from his storage ring and started to read it.

Since he has now put his practice of fighting techniques and cultivation on hold, he has not many things to focus on.

His daily routine is to go to the Dark Forest and try to increase his sorcerer job level.

And since he wants to be a Pill Guru, he decided to start memorizing the names and description of different kinds of pills and herbs.

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