East Meet West

Chapter 268: Magic Enhancement

Chapter 268: Magic Enhancement

268- Magic Enhancement


Congratulations to the host. Sorcerer Job has leveled up.

Current Sorcerer Job: Level 4

MP recovery rate has increased from 300% to 400%


Host can now recover 200 MP per second


New Magic Spells, Devices and Equipment have been unlocked in the System shop.


Reading all these messages, Orochi smiled as he muttered in his heart,

Not bad. Now, in just one hour I can recover more than 700,000 MP.


But the next system notification widened his eyes in surprise.



Due to Sorcerer Job reaching Level 4, a new Job ability has been unlocked- Magic Enhancement (Level 1).

Magic Enhancement (Level 1):

Being a Sorcerer, it is important that the magic cast has a strong effect and power in it. And it is also important that a Sorcerer can utilize his or her own MP effectively, such that they can cast magic attacks with low MP consumption but with greater power.

Effect: All magic attacks, will have their attack power and effect enhanced.

Cost: 100 MP



1- Magic Enhancement ability can be activated and deactivated, and is completely under the Hosts control.

2- As the Sorcerer Job levels up, the Magic Enhancement Ability also levels up simultaneously.

3- While Casting the Magic attacks, the Host can automatically adjust the Magic Enhancement Levels depending on the situation.


Wow... isnt this new ability tailored specifically for me? A few minutes ago, I was getting frustrated due to the low attack power in magic attacks. But now, with this new ability, my magic attacks will easily have their power enhanced.

Orochi kept the Magic Enhancement activated and shot a Fireball toward the Evolver stage Crocodile corpse.


As soon as the fireball landed on the crocodiles hide, it exploded with some force, and half of the crocodiles hide caught fire and burned fiercely.

Orochi could sense the changes when the Fireball shot from his palm and landed on its target.

The biggest change he felt was that with the Magic Enhancement, the original Fireball was enhanced up to 5 times. So, that means with this ability, his magic attacks will have their effects and power multiplied by 5 times.

And the intensity of the Fire element also increased drastically.

Such that, if previously the fire burned for a few seconds, then now it burned for more than a dozen seconds.

And when the fire was extinguished, very light burnt marks appeared on the Evolve stage crocodiles hide.

So, it can be seen how great the Magic Enhancement ability is.

Not to mention, the fireball he cast had only used 100 MP, but it was comparable to the fireball cast with 500 MP, and it was quite strong and fierce.

Seeing these results, Orochi nodded with satisfaction.

He also estimated that the earlier Fireball magic was strong enough to hurt a Refinement stage human and monster.

Although the power is low, there is still a chance for improvement since the Magic Enhancement ability can still be upgraded.

So, Orochi started working on upgrading his Sorcerer Job and Magic Enhancement ability.

Of course, now as his MP has started to recover at such a good rate, Orochi also tried to use various magic spells.


Flame Arrow

Fire Bomb

Water Ball

Water Shield

Wind Blade

Wind Bullet

Wind Cannon

Flame Cannon


After casting numerous magic attacks multiple times, Orochi took a small break and pondered on his magic capabilities.

From all this practice, Orochi could feel that he was getting familiar with casting magic attacks. And the time taken, to cast them also started to decrease.

Previously, if it took a second for Orochi to cast Fireball magic, then now it took him only 0.9 seconds.

And if it took 2 seconds to cast the Flame arrow, then now it took him only 1.7 to 1.8 seconds.

Such is the degree of improvement due to his practice.

He could also feel the power range of his magic attacks.

Magic attacks like Fireball, Wind Bullet, Water Ball have low attack power and currently could only hurt those in the Skin or Muscle Refinement stage cultivators.

While magic attacks like- Flame Arrow, Wind Blades, Fire Bomb, etc., have only medium level power and can seriously injure the Skin Refinement and Muscle Refinement Stage cultivators. And can hurt the Tissue Refinement stage cultivators.

He also has some strong magic attacks, such as Flame Cannon and Wind Cannon. They have high power and can even seriously injure the Peak Refinement stage cultivators.

All this is possible because he obtained the Magic Enhancement ability. Or else, he would have to waste a lot of MP, and even then, it is not known how high the power in magic attacks could reach.

But no matter what, he still doesnt have any strong magic attack that can hurt any Evolver stage human or monster.

So, he can only wait for his Sorcerer Job to level up, and pin his hope on the fact that a change might occur after leveling up the Magic Enhancement ability.

So, for the sake of this goal, Orochi once again started casting numerous Magic spells.

And so, time passed like a flowing river...




Congratulations to the host. Sorcerer Job has leveled up.

Current Sorcerer Job: Level 7

MP recovery rate has increased from 600% to 700%


Host can now recover 350 MP per second


New Magic Spells, Devices and Equipment have been unlocked in the System shop.




Orochi took deep breaths, as his forehead was covered with small droplets of sweat. But a faint smile could be seen on his face after seeing the system messages.

In just half a day, he increased his Sorcerer Job from Level 3 to Level 7, how can he not smile.

And the fact that his MP recovery speed has skyrocketed is simply the best news for him.

Also, his Magic Enhancement ability has increased to level 4. And Orochi estimates that, now if casts any magic attack with the Magic Enhancement ability at level 4, it can easily reach the level of Human stage attacks.

Orochi is very satisfied with this growth and doesnt feel any regret for working so hard.

After wiping away his sweat, Orochi looked at the setting sun and decided to go back home.

He looked at the destroyed corpses of Purple Hide Crocodile, some pieces of meat and flesh were scattered all over the cave. Most of the meat was also burned black.

Shaking his head helplessly, Orochi used a large fire to burn away all remains of the crocodile and walked out of the cave.


Taking a deep breath, Orochi got down from the mountain.


After Orochi got back, the sun has already disappeared and the sky was now occupied by a full moon.

He had dinner with Armelia and June and went to sleep early as he was quite tired with todays practice.

But before he closed his eyes, he exchanged almost all his remaining MP into Free stat points and got 25 Free Stat points.

Currently, with the rate at which he is recovering MP, in just an hour he is able to recover more than 1.2 million MP, which is more than double of his MP limit.

So, he has to constantly exchange his MP for free stat points, or else it will be soon filled up and wasted.

Also, he told the system to convert 10% of his MP into free stat points after every 150 seconds.

So, just like that in just one night, he earned lots of Free stat points.

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