Dungeons and Dalliances

6.06 – Illusory Bonus Equipment II

6.06 – Illusory Bonus Equipment II

With Sofia properly exposed, Natalie got to work pulling together the illusion.

She watched with rapt attention as a shimmering pink light began to materialize between Sofia's thighs. The shape grew wider and thicker by the second, beginning as an amorphous cylinder but quickly taking the unmistakable shape of a cock. At eight inches long, the light ceased growing, and the pink glow faded—revealing, finally, the end result.

Sofia's eyes went wide as she stared down at herself. The pale shaft of her newly grown cock jutted out, eight inches long and appropriately thick. Thick veins snaked their way up the underside of the twitching shaft, pulsing with her heartbeat—her excitement. Natalie's gaze was drawn to a bead of clear fluid already welling up from Sofia's cock slit, taking no time at all to demonstrate her arousal, like the wetness on her panties had.

Sofia took a ragged breath in, and unconsciously, her hips shifted from side to side. Transfixed, Natalie watched Sofia's new cock bob and sway with each minute shift of the flustered girl's hips. Sofia seemed equally entranced by the sight herself, lips parted and breath coming faster as she drank in the image of the thick, veiny shaft jutting out from between her thighs.

"Wow," Jordan breathed in. "That looks … seriously realistic. Can you feel through it?"

Sofia reached a trembling hand down to wrap her fingers around her new appendage. The pale-skinned fighter let out a shuddering gasp as she gripped the thick shaft, giving it an exploratory squeeze. That it even had physical form—and that it morphed around her grip—boded great news.

"Y-Yeah," Sofia whispered. "I … I can feel it." She gave her cock an experimental stroke, and Natalie's own core clenched at the sight of Sofia's fist sliding up and down the impressive length, at the groan that slipped from Sofia's lip.

"That's really something," Jordan murmured. She shot Natalie a look, and the two of them shared a brief, silent conversation. Natalie grinned, encouraging her. It seemed Natalie wouldn't even need to explain her plan; Jordan knew her well enough to interpret it.

Sofia was their pet, after all. Jordan could take the lead on this one.

"Cm'here," Jordan said, shifting in place to Natalie's right. "Let me get a better look at it."

"What?" Sofia asked.

Jordan gestured in a 'come-hither' motion. "I wanna see it up close."

After a moment of hesitation, eyes flicking to Natalie, then the other spectators, Sofia obeyed. She shuffled over—her pants and panties still bunched around her knees—to where Jordan was sitting.

"Face me."

Sofia did so, face flaming, pointing her cock directly toward Jordan's face.


Blushing, Sofia scooted even further forward, so that she stepped between Jordan's legs—and her cock was as close as possible to Jordan's face, who leaned forward to look at it from only a few inches away. The pale length twitched wildly in excitement at Jordan's proximity. Jordan gave it an admiring once over, peering at it from side to side.

"Seriously, it's perfect," Jordan said with a bit of awe in her voice. She reached out and gently wrapped her fingers around the sensitive member. Sofia shuddered the moment Jordan made contact, her arms going up to hug her lower stomach as if for support. "Even feels real," Jordan murmured as she gave one slow, teasing stroke, bunching skin up and down the girl's newly grown cock. "Blends into your pelvis. You see that? It's tugging on the skin when I pull." She demonstrated. "It's no different from actually being yours. As good as real. Amazing."

"I can't believe it worked at all," Sofia mumbled. "What kind of 'illusion' is this?"

"The best kind," Jordan laughed.

Jordan stood. "Shouldn't hog, though," she said. "Here." She pushed on the white-haired girl's stomach, gently backing her away. She turned Sofia around, making the blushing girl face Liz and Ana's side of the room—and thus presenting her newly-grown cock to the two of them.

"What do you two think?" Jordan asked with a grin, guiding Sofia forward, drawing her closer to her other spectators, until Sofia's knees hit the bench seat, and she was standing between Liz's spread legs—as close as possible. "Pretty realistic, isn't it?" Jordan asked, wiggling Sofia's cock for them.

Liz's eyes had gone as wide as saucers. She stared at Sofia's jutting erection—or maybe more specifically, the way Jordan's hand was on it, tilting it side to side and displaying it for them. The rogue leaned into Sofia's back, her breasts pressing into her, chin resting on her shoulder with a devious smirk.

"I … um. Y-Yes, it looks very … uh, lifelike," Liz stammered, her face a brilliant scarlet. "That's really … something."

Ana, in contrast, was leaning onto Liz's shoulder to get her own look. She merely tilted her head and studied Sofia's cock with clinical interest. "The level of detail is impressive," she said matter-of-factly. "I genuinely can't see anything that would give it away as an illusion." She hummed. "Besides the barest trace of magic, admittedly. But only if I look for it."

Jordan's grin widened. "Mm-hm. And how about the size, ladies? Think it's big enough?" She gave Sofia's shaft a playful stroke, making the white-haired girl gasp and shudder in her grasp. "Eight inches, if I had to guess? Not bad, right?"

Liz again made a sort of squeaking noise. She seemed torn between having her attention raptly locked on Sofia and trying to pry her gaze away. "Y-Yeah," she finally stammered out. "It seems like a g-good size," she said, seeming moments from hiding her face in her hands.

"Indeed," Ana said with a nod. "It's well above average, I believe."

"You hear that?" Jordan teased into Sofia's ear, giving a hard squeeze that made her partner gasp. "Well above average. High praise. You're a lucky girl."

"I-Is this necessary, Jordan?" Sofia groaned.

"Overall," Jordan asked her two spectators, clearly enjoying messing with the blushing girl. "Do you like it? Is it something you'd, I don't know, want inside of you?"

"J-Jordan," Liz protested, her eyes going even wider at the directness of the question. But her attention remained nonetheless glued to Sofia's quivering erection. Maybe more so, because of the imagery Jordan's question had produced.

"If the opportunity arose," Ana said calmly. "It certainly wouldn't be unpleasant."

Natalie bit her lip to keep from laughing at the contrast between Liz's flustered stammering and Ana's calm, clinical responses. Poor Liz looked like she was about to combust from embarrassment, while Ana might as well have been discussing the weather. Though there was a hint of coloring on Ana's cheeks, even if it was only a biological reaction. Ana had her limits: even she could be made to squirm.

But the bulk of Natalie's attention wasn't on Sofia's spectators, but rather, Sofia herself. The girl stood there, trembling as she was lewdly put on display, her sensitive new cock being held firmly by Jordan as it was admired by the other girls. Natalie drank in the delicious sight of Sofia's mortification, feeling a deep excitement—as she always did—at having reduced the normally haughty princess to such a state. Or rather, Jordan having done it. A team effort, this time.

Regardless, for how easy it was, Natalie took an inordinate amount of pleasure in embarrassing Sofia.

Having finished showing Sofia off, Jordan guided her partner to sit back down on the bench, right next to Natalie. She encouraged her to spread her legs, then got down on her knees in front of her. The rogue smirked up at the flustered white-haired girl, reaching out to once again grab her stiff, throbbing erection.

"What are you doing?" Sofia asked, voice wavering, seeing Jordan kneeling there.

Jordan's smirk widened. "There's one more thing I need to check," she said mischievously, "to know if it's actually realistic."

"And what is that?"

"The taste test," Jordan said. "Duh."

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