Dungeons and Dalliances

5.39 – Ranked Competitive S*x V

5.39 – Ranked Competitive S*x V

If there was ever a situation Natalie would be justified in using [Empower], a one-on-one against a Carnal Boss would be it.

The problem was, Natalie didn't know how long this fight would last. She thought she could win naturally, without leveraging the skill. And if she were to use it, she had plans for it during phase two. Not phase one, the everyday physical fight.

She couldn't waste all her mana in normal combat when the sex portion was equally, if not more, important. Victory came from making the Hellhound submit to her. Perhaps that was also possible by knocking her around the arena with her warhammer the old-fashioned way, but Natalie suspected her other hammer would do the job much better.

Or, at a minimum, she wanted to give it her best shot.

Intently motivated by what victory meant, Natalie moved around the small stone arena like a whirlwind, taking forward tempo and keeping her opponent on the back-foot. She used her momentum to her advantage. Once Natalie got going, she was extremely difficult to stop—both a benefit and detriment to her style.

The Hellhound didn't have the advantage of making the first move, this time. Natalie didn't let her get up close and personal, which would make her own maneuvering difficult. Swinging her gigantic two-handed hammer around, she battered the flame-based martial artist from one end of the arena to the other.

Tactical uses of [Illusion] further kept the Hellhound from reading Natalie's intentions and slipping into her guard. One particularly devastating misdirection resulted in the woman being flung from one side of the arena to the other, slamming into the shimmering forcefield that kept them caged in together.

She recovered fast, not seemingly remotely worse for wear, but only because damage didn't come in the form of health. The shield symbol jumped nearly a full twenty-five percent from the blow.

By the annoyed growl that ripped from the woman's throat—too animalistic to have ever come from a normal human—Natalie could tell she was making a good showing. Far better than the first round. She might have embarrassed herself in that bout, but this time, she would break her opponent's guard, not the other way around.

That said, the fight was far from easy. Natalie pushed herself to her limit, utilizing every ounce of practice she'd gotten at Tenet—and every ounce of practice she'd gotten since she'd first started training, so many years ago.

Even while completely in the zone, feeling in tune with the movements of her body and her weapon in a way she rarely did, she was hard-pressed to find openings, to score critical blows. The two of them were well-matched. Both in skill and strength. The technique of a level two boss couldn't be understated.

And Natalie was thrilled about that. There were few things she loved more than a competent opponent.

Finally, the end closed in. With one last devastating blow catching the Hellhound directly on her forearms—she had tried to block it in a last-ditch effort—the Hellhound staggered to the side, the shield symbol filling all the way up. She collapsed on her ass, the fight going out of her. Her expression wasn't surprised, as Natalie's had been, her first guard break. Instead, the wolfgirl glared up at Natalie, outraged by her defeat.

To the left of the shield symbol, a heart symbol shimmered, eighty-five percent filled with pink light. Even performing that well, Natalie had only been fifteen percent away from losing.

Which meant she had to take this opportunity seriously. To put her hard-earned guard break to good use.

But, she couldn't go too fast, either. Foreplay was important.

Though, hilariously, Natalie was pretty sure the fighting itself counted as that, to this woman.

Maybe to Natalie too, if she was being honest.

Still, eager as her twitching cock was—which was still exposed and glistening with the Hellhound's saliva from earlier—simply pinning the Hellhound down and claiming her pussy was too fast, too direct. Natalie needed a more strategic approach.

"You're better with that thing than I expected," the Hellhound said begrudgingly, glaring up at her. "But don't get too confident, human. This is far from over."

Natalie abruptly dropped her hammer—the weapon clattering loudly against the stone floor of the arena. Natalie stalked toward her prey. The Hellhound's eyes widened, breathing growing heavier as Natalie approached.

Because she recognized what was coming.

Her orange eyes flicked down to Natalie's cock, which throbbed excitedly between her legs, having stiffened in seconds. Natalie stopped in front of her, towering over the downed woman, and simply stared for a long moment. Drinking her curves in. Basking in her victory. What she now got to do.

The Hellhound met her gaze, but behind confident orange eyes, Natalie could see her mind racing. Readying herself for what Natalie had planned. Trying not to grow too excited herself, probably. Because Natalie could see the suppressed lust building in her. She wanted to be dominated by a stronger opponent. But only if it was deserved. And Natalie's victory had proved her deserving.

Natalie crouched down, getting her eyes level to the Hellhound's. Her opponent stared defiantly back.

"Do what you want," the Hellhound scoffed. "But you won't break me."

She wouldn't, would she?

Natalie leaned in closer. The Hellhound's breath came faster by the second, chest heaving up and down, and not from the exertion of the fight. Her eyes dilated as Natalie's face approached hers.

Then, inches away, she grabbed the Hellhound's face between both her hands, and gently pressed their lips together.

The wolfgirl froze. She clearly hadn't expected that to be Natalie's chosen vector of attack. She'd braced herself for something more direct. Something more intimidating, dominating. For Natalie to prove a point or set the tempo.

But no.

A kiss.

Natalie kept it going. Short and sweet, not heated and passionate. A lover's kiss. Amusingly, the wolfgirl barely lasted a second before she melted into Natalie, seemingly against her own will.

"W-What are you doing?" the Hellhound gasped out at the first opportunity. Natalie continued working kisses down the woman's cheek, then onto her neck, worshiping soft skin with her lips.

Instead of answering the question, Natalie instead asked her own.

"Do you have a name?"

"A—A name?"

"It's not just 'Hellhound', is it? That's what the description says."

"What are you talking about?" the Hellhound demanded. "You're not supposed to be asking for my name! You're supposed to be—" she hesitated briefly, "Fucking me!"

Natalie ran the back of her hand gently down the side of the wolfgirl's face, caressing her. She kissed her again, to the woman's flustered outrage.

"I can do whatever I want with my guard break, can't I? Isn't that the point?"

"Well, yes," the wolfgirl said. "But—"

"And what I want to do is kiss you," Natalie said. She emphasized that point by stealing another from the woman. "And also, ask you your name."

The Hellhound stared at Natalie, mouth hanging slightly ajar. Her face went from pink to red to blazing red. If Natalie was being honest, this hadn't even been her plan, despite her initial decision to take things slowly. She'd simply been struck by an urge to kiss the woman. Natalie had always been a person who worked on instinct, so she hadn't resisted.

Besides, fucking a girl without even knowing her name felt wrong, their strange and urgent circumstances notwithstanding. Though she didn't know much about this Hellhound, Natalie had instantly respected her for her combat prowess alone. She wanted to know more about her in general—a name was the least of it.

A part of Natalie recognized that maybe she should be treating this second phase with far more urgency, but then again, based on how flustered the Hellhound was becoming, maybe Natalie had done exactly the right thing. The kisses seemed to have taken her apart far more than prying the woman's legs open would have—even considering that the Hellhound seemed more than eager to get to that, behind the facade.

For a while longer, the Hellhound blushed at her while Natalie waited for an answer. Finally, she glanced bashfully away.

"It's ... Malice," she mumbled out.



"That's a pretty name," Natalie said. She kissed her again. "I'm Natalie." She ran a gentle hand through Malice's hair. "It's nice to meet you, Malice. And if it's fine with you, I'll be making you my bitch, now."

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