Dungeons and Dalliances

5.35 – Ranked Competitive Sex

5.35 – Ranked Competitive Sex

The arrow hit the [Hellhound] square in the neck, then shattered. Cracks of pink energy splintered across the woman's figure before she, suddenly, exploded in a burst of pink light—a flash bright enough to make Natalie wince and look away.

Blinking away the spots in her eyes, she quickly refocused, not willing to be caught by surprise. Her vision slowly came back.

There, sitting on the throne, was a [Hellhound] transformed into a Carnal Boss.

Despite some suspicions, Natalie hadn't known for certain whether the arrow would come with a physical transformation, hence her concern over which boss to use it on. It turned out that had been unnecessary. The already human-like [Hellhound] had changed.



The [Hellhound] resembled its previous form, with thick, wild, long black hair, glowing orange eyes, paw-like hands and feet, and dark gray skin, but the harder, more monstrous edges had been sanded away. The animal-like eyes and general vicious physiognomy had been replaced with something far more … palatable. In terms of, well, human compatibility.

She'd gained a few curves, to put it lightly. Her breasts had swelled out, her hips had gotten wider, and her abs were now firmly on display—because even the black armor she'd been wearing had changed to be more revealing.

In short, where there had been a monstrous [Hellhound], only verging on humanlike, now stood a much more human, much more …

Well, to be plain about it.

Fuckable [Hellhound].

Likely, that was how any use of the arrow would have worked. So Natalie and her team had wasted time tracking down an appropriate target.

Unfortunately, too, Natalie noticed, the arrow had shattered upon contact. It was single-use. Though possibly not the last she saw of them. Natalie would have to see if Shara could replicate the item. Or perhaps more would come as future rewards.

The strangest part of everything, though, was the Hellhound's reaction. Her newly acquired humanness was most visible through her expression: the way glowing orange eyes widened in shock, and how she looked down at herself, then up at Natalie and her team, surprise etched onto her features. For a long moment, they simply had a staring match: both frozen in surprise, either party unsure of how to react.

"Hmph," the Hellhound finally said, her surprise fading to be replaced with … amusement, almost? She stood lazily, hands going to her hips as she looked down at Natalie's party—Jordan in particular, perhaps because she had fired the arrow—with a nearly arrogant demeanor. "So. That's the sort of challenge I have in store, today?"

Talking monsters weren't unheard of, but the words still sent a little jolt through Natalie. It was simply strange, hearing monsters talk.

How sapient were these creatures, anyway? Even as a baseline, before a transformation like this? Communicating with the more intelligent dungeon creatures was all but an impossibility, as far as Natalie knew, with never more than a few sentences exchanged before it turned into a fight to the death.

But bizarrely, this time, it almost seemed like the Hellhound was waiting for a response. Actually opening a dialogue with them, rather than a few poignant threats before launching into combat.

Seeing how her orange eyes had fallen on Jordan, Natalie took an instinctive step to the side, placing herself between the Hellhound and Jordan. The arrow's description said that only a single person could engage the Carnal Boss, but it didn't say the person who fired the arrow had to be that person. Seeing how Natalie's aim was atrocious, she had left the task to Jordan. But Jordan wouldn't be the one actually … well, engaging, whatever that meant.

"Oh?" the Hellhound asked, eyes easily settling on Natalie. "You, instead?" She snorted. "It's not like it matters. It'll be a swift defeat no matter who you send."

The continued dialogue put Natalie further off guard. "Can you … understand us?" she asked slowly.

"Understand you? What kind of stupid question is that, human?"

Okay. Yeah. That was an actual response. Speaking monsters weren't extraordinarily rare—like the dryad—but one that replied? That would hold a conversation? It was definitely a first for Natalie. In her shock, Natalie failed to find a response.

The Hellhound snorted, then pointedly ran her eyes up and down Natalie—snagging briefly between her legs, at the cup of metal there.

"Fighting like that, though," the Hellhound said. "Hmph. A strange task to be given. But I suppose I won't mind making you my mate. You're easy on the eyes. And have a few surprises, too, it seems." A wolfish grin spread across her lips. Natalie's heart beat faster, half at the truly sapient nature of the Hellhound, and half at … the words themselves. The implication of what was coming.

There was a truly predatory look in her eyes, too. Whatever this encounter was going to be, it was a level-two boss. It wouldn't be easy.

"So, come play, won't you?" the Hellhound finished, a hand leaving her hip to point playfully—yet menacingly at the same time—at Natalie. "I'm excited to see what you can do. Though, it certainly won't be enough to beat me."

She curled the finger forward, gesturing 'come-hither'.

And thus, the fight began.

The entire cavern rumbled. Some unexpected force seized Natalie, yanking her forward with enormous strength—sending her flying in an uncontrolled stumble toward the Hellhound, and she barely kept a grip on her hammer. The moment Natalie was within a ten-foot range of the boss, the earth split beneath their feet, and a platform fifteen feet wide started to raise in the center of the cavern.

Either of the enormous wolves to the boss's throne howled, raising onto their feet and—in a burst of speed—charged toward the rest of Natalie's team, which Natalie had been separated from.

Planned or not, Natalie's heart skipped in concern. But she had to trust her teammates could handle themselves. It shouldn't be too bad. The real boss, as Sofia had mentioned, Natalie had to deal with. The other four just had to handle the two add-ons.

Stumbling to keep her footing, Natalie quickly got her bearings. The elevated platform was well off the ground, at least ten feet tall, creating a private arena for her and the Hellhound. It afforded some privacy for whatever was coming—which was unexpected. Natalie had been ready to go at it in full view of everyone.

Having steadied herself, the Hellhound walked toward Natalie with an exaggerated sway of her hips. Excitement gleamed in her orange eyes, and Natalie wasn't sure whether it was lust or bloodlust.

Maybe both.

Stopping only a few feet away, the woman dropped suddenly into a combat stance, arms held up and feet spread. Her muscles tensed—and Natalie's did too. She gripped her hammer tight, readying herself—though she was also confused by the aggressive posturing. Wasn't this supposed to be, well, not a regular fight?

By the woman's position, Natalie was suddenly doubting that. Natalie might have misread the situation, or at least assumed a few things incorrectly.

"Just don't submit too fast," the Hellhound said. "That makes it boring."

The wolf-girl shot forward, black hair streaming behind her, orange eyes blazing maniacally.

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