Dungeons and Dalliances

4.54 – Submissive II

4.54 – Submissive II

"It wasn't even a normal kind of confident," Natalie murmured, toying with Jordan's panties—focused more on the garment than green eyes, which had always been a little too insightful. "Half the time she was making me blush because she's clueless. The other half, because she thought it was funny. Or at least, that's what I got from it." Obviously, during the actual act itself, it had been neither: Ana had been very deliberately taking control. But that had come from a long lead-up.

"She's an odd one," Jordan agreed. "But that wasn't an answer. What has you … what, conflicted? What did you like, that you think you shouldn't have?"

"I don't know if that's it, exactly." Natalie chewed her lip, then slipped Jordan's panties down and tossed them down to the side. She shuffled down the bed so she was lying prone, then grabbed Jordan's thighs. She planted a kiss on her pussy.

Jordan shuddered and slid a hand into Natalie's hair. "If you think giving me head will get you out of talking, it's not gonna work."

"Only if I'm not good enough at it," Natalie countered, then eagerly got to work proving that point. Jordan's back arched, and a second hand joined the first. Green eyes admired the sight down between her legs, quickly darkening with lust as her hips started to wiggle against her own intentions.

"I don't have the memory of a goldfish. I'll just ask when you're done." She gasped as Natalie hit a sensitive spot. "But just to prove a point," she struggled out, "I won't forget now, either. So answer me. What happened between you two?"

Natalie happily ate away, and Jordan apparently didn't have as much conviction as she claimed. The dark-haired girl sagged into the pillow, lower half jerking into Natalie's mouth as she pleasured her—pushing Natalie deeper in, moaning loudly as she slipped her tongue around.

"Stubborn woman," Jordan complained. "And why are you so—a-ah!—good at this? It's not fair."

Jordan basked in the sensation for a while longer, but eventually worked up her willpower: she gently pulled Natalie off her, then slipped a hand over her pussy, blocking her advances.

"If you want to fuck me, you at least have to talk while doing it."

Natalie called her bluff. She shuffled up the bed and plopped down next to her, crossing her hands behind her head and closing her eyes. "Alright. Good night, then."

She lasted a few seconds before she peeked over—and Jordan was, unsurprisingly, pouting at her. Jordan wasn't a girl who pouted often, so Natalie couldn't stop her lip from twitching, giving away her amusement.

"Fine," Natalie said, rolling her eyes—and also rolling back overtop Jordan. She gave her a quick peck on the lips. "But if I have to keep my mouth free, my second choice is gonna be even more distracting." She ground her cock into Jordan's pussy to make it clear what that second choice was.

"I'll take that risk," Jordan said—though her growing-faster breathing gave away her slipping composure. "So, come on. Tell me. What's got you like this?"

"You said it yourself. A big, mean mage bullied me around."

"And you had a lot of fun?"

"More than I should've."


"Why what?"

"More than you should've? Why phrase it like that? Why shouldn't you have enjoyed anything?"

"Because she was in my own body? It's weird."

"So? I'd fuck me, if I could."

"Okay, narcissist."

"Realist," Jordan corrected. "And used to the dungeon being weird, by now. Which I thought you were, too."

Natalie leaned up, then started shuffling out of her pajamas. "It's different."


"It just is."

"Because of that thing?" Jordan's eyes flicked down to Natalie's just-revealed weapon. Despite trying to stay focused, her attention lingered there, then lingered even longer as Natalie pulled Jordan's legs overtop her thighs and positioned her tip at her entrance, rubbing up and down. She finally shook her head clear. "Why would that make a difference?"

"Why would getting fucked by my own cock have me feeling weird?" Natalie asked dryly.

"I mean, I get it. Especially since it was your first, right?"


"But there's more," Jordan said. "That's not the whole story."

Natalie rubbed herself into Jordan. She found it kind of amusing that they were doing this while talking about Ana, and her disorienting experience down in the dungeon. Not really the typical background conversation while fucking, was it?

"She was very … assertive about it," Natalie said. "And shameless. Gods, so shameless."

"I think we've all seen that."

"And she made me say some things."


"Things I didn't think would ever come from my mouth. Spare me from giving the specifics."

Jordan laughed. Natalie cut off whatever teasing remark she was about to make by sliding into her. She grabbed her waist and tugged her in, sheathing herself, kissing her cocktip to the other girl's cervix in one mean, not-so-gentle movement. Jordan gasped, her back arching, and Natalie stayed that way until she relaxed.

Unfortunately, Jordan wasn't dissuaded from her mission.

"So, what? You have a crush?"

Natalie scoffed. "I don't even know her."

"We know her well enough."

"Do we?"

"We're friends, at least."

"Are we?"

"Aren't we?"

"We just don't interact much, outside of delving. And class."

"Which is our entire life."


"I'd call Ana a friend."

Natalie would too, but she certainly wasn't some great friend.

"Isn't casual your whole thing, anyways?" Jordan asked.

"My casual hookups don't shove my face into a pillow and call me a cockslut," Natalie muttered. "Make me call myself a cockslut. For my own cock."

"Wow. She did all that? Good for her."

"I wouldn't have taken Ana for a dirty talker."

"Honestly? I would. The lack of a filter really helps, I bet."

The phrase 'fertile breeding cow' popped into Natalie's head, and she grunted in agreement. The woman definitely didn't have a filter. Even when Natalie got heated, she didn't say phrases quite that demeaning to Jordan. Though, it had made her stomach wring around, so maybe she should try going a little harder with Jordan, too.

"So, what?" Jordan asked. "Being Ana's dirty little cockslut for an evening has you all stumbling over your feet?"

"Not you, too," Natalie groaned.

"Right, right. I'm your cockslut, and I shouldn't talk to Master like that."

"Shut up."

"Or does only Sofia get to call you Master?"

Natalie grabbed Jordan's waist, lifted her, and really started working away—which did, at least, buy her a brief reprieve as her friend fell apart under her sudden vigorous onslaught. The bed bounced, Jordan moaned and gasped as Natalie smacked into her, and Natalie's own brain quickly melted down. It was kind of hard to bully Jordan without approaching her own climax.

"S-Slower," Jordan struggled out. "No cumming until we're done. I'm serious."

Reluctantly, Natalie slowed. She worked back into a more sensual pace. Though her cock was already twitching inside, her body begging her to let go. Her best friend's pussy was pretty hard to resist.

"So. You liked taking?" Jordan asked. "Being the bottom? Should I get us a strap? Top you, here and there?"

"I don't know if I liked it."

Jordan gave her a flat look, and Natalie huffed. She rubbed her thumb into Jordan's clit to wipe the expression away—and it worked. Her lower half arched into the pressure. Jordan was close—really close.

"I'm trying to talk, if you don't mind," she gasped.

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself."

Jordan eyed her, then continued. Natalie still found it a bit ridiculous she was insisting on this conversation while she had eight inches of cock stirring her insides around. Then again, Natalie was also humoring the request. It'd be pretty easy to make Jordan stop talking if she really wanted to.

"Well, just know you can tell me anything, Nat. And if you decide you didn't like how Ana treated you, then talk to her about it. Above everything, she seems reasonable."

"It's not that serious." She was working it out in her own head. She didn't think Ana crossed any lines—her treatment of Natalie had clearly come from how she had been reacting. It was more that Natalie was coming to terms with herself than Ana.

"It is serious," Jordan disagreed. "We should all know where we stand. We're a team—and making sure our relationships aren't getting tangled is important. It's even more important, too, seeing how you're making a harem out of us."

"Don't be ridiculous, Jay."

"Sorry, which of us haven't you fucked?"

Good point.

"But that said," Jordan said, "I think it's good to experiment. Push your boundaries a bit. That's how you find out what you like. And it's okay to be a little confused along the way, so don't feel bad about that. Especially with how weird swapping bodies must have been." She collapsed into her pillow, putting the back of her hand over her eyes. "And I do want an answer on whether we should get a strap. I think I'd like to try it on you, at least. But, okay. I can't hold off anymore. Can you—?"

Natalie pushed Jordan's legs up, pinning them up by her head. There was really something to be said about a rogue's flexibility. Climbing overtop Jordan, Natalie started to piston her hips, slapping into Jordan with a sudden, vicious energy. They were both already close, so it wouldn't be long.

"Inside?" Natalie grunted.

Jordan's feet tied behind Natalie's back. "Don't be stupid. What are best friends for, if not heart-to-hearts and creampies?"

Natalie arched forward with one last thrust, muscles straining as ecstasy overtook her. Jordan pulled her in tight with both legs and arms, pinning Natalie as she started to pour hot, sticky strings straight into her womb. Milking her out with her tight, convulsing pussy.

Heart-to-hearts and creampies.

What else were best friends for?

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