Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 324: Funeral

Chapter 324: Funeral

The funeral was simple and solemn, a grave was dug manually inside the spiritual cave, Yunan used his dream divinity to remove the stress in the inner chamber to allow his family members to stay there unharmed, those who were using the cave to cultivate felt shock as they saw this solemn procession passing through with shovels and a casket, the most surprising was that they were not affected by the pressure of the spiritual energy inside the cave.

Yunan had the idea of burying her just outside the cave near the grave of old Dreamscape, but Mary thought that it might be a bad idea considering that there were people who were cultivating in the cave and they may think that it was possible to be buried outside, after all, one grave was an exception, two was a normality, and that it was better to bury her inside the back chamber to indicate that one needed to have a certain prestigious background to even consider this place as burial ground.

Inside the chamber the grave was dug manually and the casket was lowered in by hand, 2 meters deep, an assortment of colourful flowers were cast with silent prayers before the dirt was shoveled back with and a small tree tree was planted instead of a headstone. After a few silent words from everyone, they all left the cave and returned home, since they were not in the mood to do anything, the small family went to the big baths, Martin and Markus left for their own respective homes, Hephaestus toon Death with him and left the rest to grief in silence.

For some reason, the big naked bathing scene has become a point of order for the family, it was a constant in their lives and somehow it became the default and go to item to do in the family, the silence was not awkward or harsh as one may expect, the tears have dried and there was only sadness and emptiness left in their hearts. Loss was something that everyone had to experience, in Debauchery party it opened some old wounds, in the Valyrians it cut a very deep and aching wound.

Still it was best for Yunan to experience loss with a softened blow like this one, this time he had time to accept the loss and come to terms with it, maybe if he was hit with it suddenly, he may have become inconsolable and would have something break inside him, fortunately that did not happen and Yunan was able to experience loss and grief without much of an impact.

"Is this how grief always feels" Yunan asked no one in particular, it was a question that did not demand an answer, he just felt like voicing something, he did the same back then, a series of voiced out thoughts tended to heal better than full blown conversations, the bath was the best place for this kind of unusual type of communication. "Pretty much, grief sucks at all times, it never gets easy". "You'd think it gets easier after a few times but that is a misconception, it hurts the same every time". "But although it feels so bad it is better than the alternative". "What alternative, grief should be a unique response", "there are two, hatred and insanity, both mask grief but do not deal with it", "hatred and insanity are just out of the question, mom would be sad", "anything else is just taking your emotional distress on the world, mom would surely prefer if. We just grief and be done with it".

That bath lasted until dinner time, the genie decided to stop all communication with the portable home for the time being, it has upgraded to the point is was almost independent, it answered many questions and taken care of the usual business to keep the family from getting distracted during the time where they needed to focus on healing. Most of the calls and communications were about the same things. Who was it that was buried in the deepest part of the spiritual cave, and who were those people who could walk inside like they did not feel the pressure of the spiritual energy.

The genie only answered that this information was confidential and if one wanted to know they could just reach the end of the spiritual cave, as for the people, it was the owners of the spiritual cave, and there was no need to ask about their identity, it would be of no help even if they knew who they were, simply because it was futile trying to carry favour with this band especially in the current situation, it even controlled the flow of trade so as to keep the customers from giving too much attention to detail about the funeral of mother Theresa and her burial site.

After leaving the baths, Yunan spent the night alone with Mary who seemed to be in need of company, the two of them left the portable home and found an isolated patch of shore before making a small campfire and sat beside it. "Are you going to tell me a story tonight?" The question Yunan asked went unanswered for an hour, during this time the two of them just sat near the campfire and looked at the starry night sky, at the edge of the horizon a storm was brewing, the dark clouds and the lightning dancing at the edges of the storm were somehow very eye catching.

"You know, i killed my first party, i ended each of them with my own hands, they struggled, they ran and they fought back, but i killed them, i never felt free before that day, and i never felt regret for doing it, it still feels like a dream, just as unbelievable as that cloud in the horizon, it does not affect the clear skies above me, today, i remembered them for the first time since i started the current Debauchery party, i never grieved for them, nor do i plan to, what does that make me?". "Human" answered Yunan his eyes flickering with each lightning bolt that passed through the thunder clouds.

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