Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 318: Death blade

Chapter 318: Death blade

While the turmoil was getting worse in the 80s, Yunan and friends were celebrating the success of the operation back at home, not only have they destroyed a faction and inherited its wealth they got a lucky dose that led to them gaining the technology they needed from a vault, that technology was on par with the one used by the science division that the cult left behind, those knowledge seekers have resurrected many things that could be used in tandem with the items found in the vault.

According to the records in the vault, these were excavated from an underground site that was extremely well preserved, the site was sold to many factions and each got a piece of technology, however, the factions all researched what they got independently with limited success, the most successful ones were the cult who had bought an archive called a central computer, they used the knowledge inside to reanimate the technology from the past, especially in the research facilities found in the recent years.

Bai was very happy to know that all the useless knowledge he acquired when infiltrating the science division of the cult was actually useful for this project they were working on, however, they needed much more know how if they wanted to operate the contents of their loot, The person to ask was Pope Markus who really did not care and told them that the science division was open for them as long as they were not trying to end the world, he always had a soft spot for this band that made his daughters smile so much.

Yunan told his teachers that he would not go to the science division headquarters to learn there, since he was trying to climb down Tartarus as fast as possible, in the end Bai was selected since he was already a prominent figure for the main scientists, after visiting, he could just ask them to teach Balin everything they know about the technology from the past, Balin with the help of the house genie was able to learn the basics and then dive, by himself, in the archive to learn as much as possible.

Meanwhile, Yunan focused on the dungeon, he swept the last floors like a storm, he was already strong enough and with the fervent efforts, his party was able to get on the same level and keep up the pace.

The 59th floor housed the ultimate spiritual being, reapers, known otherwise as death, grim reapers and so on, these beings were the messengers under the employ of the gods of death, they were the true soul harvesters, according to the Black Fate, the version manifested inside the dungeon was a corrupted version, it was thanks to someone doing something to avoid death and instead of turning his entire tribe into immortals he turned them into the reapers found in the Dungeon.

Hunting these reapers left behind two things, the usual ectoplasm and a grain of death. The grain was a fraction of the scythe of the true reaper that was used for the immortality ritual, These grains were collectibles and for some reason they could not pass beyond this floor, being who he is, Yunan decided to gather all the grains and reforge them back into a death scythe, and he did, the last piece was with the boss, an enlarged version of the ordinary reaper, a cloaked half skeleton with a gloomy weapon and an aura of death and decay, killing the world around it by virtue of existence.

The ectoplasm from the reapers had a toxic affinity to it, it made the ectoplasm deadly for anyone without proper ability to handle toxins, after using the ectoplasm Yunan found that his toxins and toxin immunity were boosted by 1000%. That in itself told of how potent the death and decay aura was in the ectoplasm, and like any other time, it was also turned into a fruit and wine and sold in the trading outpost. This time the main customer was the guild as Yunan refused to sell this new item to anyone without a proper ability to handle toxic material, the dilution he had recommended was still deadly but only enough to be used for research, not that Yunan needed that dilution thanks to his toxic body.

Dealing with the reaper took a few times to be done perfectly, it was especially hard for Ignis and Drogon who were having trouble with comprehension of using multiple merged spells, it was not the inability to do so but the ability to understand. For beings like themselves, spells were a sort of language and not all combination of syllables made sense, thus even if they could use the syllables it was just gibberish to them, that prompted Yunan to ask them to only use spells that made sense to them, and they both landed on combinations that used fire as the basis.

Yunan attributed this phenomenon to their innate affinity for fire, Drogon used spells that included more physical attributes like joining earth and fire to create lava or fire and lighting to create plasma, for Ignis, it was intangibles that she went for, like fire and wind to create smoke and fire and water to create mirages, Yunan did not dissuade the two from using their innate affinity exclusively, but he encouraged them to step out of this comfort zone to try and comprehend new words so to speak.

The duo did as told and with the help of Martin bought books about the nature of the basic four elements and how they could be trained separately without the use of spell books, the subject would have been captivating for Yunan if he did not know all the seven basic elements, he was already capable of understanding them like it was breathing for him, but he still studied with his pets to motivate them, even Sapphira who was mostly illiterate when it came to magic started learning too, she was capable of casting magic like any awakened but she never had to understand the concept behind casting a spell and the mathematical aspects of it.

On another hand, after slaying the boss about 30 times, the final fragment was dropped and Yunan immediately started working on the scythe, he could fuse the grains into a long rod but couldn't make the blade pop out, in his frustration he decided to use a shard from divinity of death, one of the few he had on him, the scythe visibly changed under the influence of the fragment of divinity, it was much more malleable and it took its shape willingly, after a week of forging, Yunan, with the help of all the death shards he had, made a true reaper scythe. Upon holding the weapon, Yunan noticed a figure in the portable home that was not there before.

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