Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 287: Who would say no to more fun

Chapter 287: Who would say no to more fun

"Hello there" stated Yunan as he closed on the prisoner that was worried about another "can you tell me why i should release you, or anyone else in this prison? If i agree with your logic then i will release you or the person who you choose to rescue" Yunan squatted down by the bars of the cell and watched the prisoner and her facial expressions intently, he was telling her he knew that she was fearful for the life of another more than her own and he would like to know why.

"Is the release you speak of death? I heard your friend talking about relieving some stress, torture and ****, are any of those included in your "release"?" The woman wasn't buying what Yunan said at all, unlike her teammates that were already falling in despair, she kept a level head and listened to her captors and tried to not fall into the obvious traps set by the captor.

"Not at all, you see, i never lie or twist words when i have no need to do so, just like now, if you manage to get me to agree to your reason as to why i should let anyone in this room go, i would do that, i will not deliver you to the guild nor will i cause any harm, i will not even delay, i will immediately send you or her or him or who ever you chose back to where you tried to ambush us, how about that". Yunan was talking sincerely, he was waiting to know why did this woman care more for another, usually friendship in these types of gangs were broken almost as soon as danger was afoot.

"I want a meal for two, i do not care about leaving or being released, i just want another to join my cell. Is that possible?" Asked the woman, Yunan was evidently surprised but did not laugh or degrade the woman so he replied "as long as you can convince me of your logic, i can do whatever you want, but if you lie to me there will be consequences, consider this my only warning, i don't think you need many of them". By this time the rest of Debauchery party came to watch bringing with them the girls, they wanted to see how Yunan was going to placate the wives while hitting on other women.

"We don't belong to their party, we joined them for protection, i pay the fee for both of us, all we sought was a chance to survive, being inside your prison is much safer than us leaving, therefore i asked for the meal and her to join me, I vowed to her father that i would pay my life for hers, that deal is one i will always take". The woman pointed at another prisoner, the other girl was already having tears in her eyes, she did not dare look at Yunan out of fear, there was no prison in this world that could strip level 80 adventurers of their power, but this man had one.

Yunan snapped his finger and the two women were sitting together with a table full of food and drink, he stood up and said to them both "like i promised, joint cell and food for two, i think we three will have some fun together, now if you can tell me who is the richest one here we can arrange for you girls to even have comfortable warm beds tonight, you see, that ugly orc over there loves gold more than his own soul, if you get us a good haul he will owe you one, how about it?".

The two immediately pointed at rather shifty looking male "he is the treasurer, he has been embezzling long before we joined, even the boss knew but he could not find evidence of it, he has a treasure trove twice as big as this prison and it's filled with storage rings of high quality, i was taken there for paying the fees a few times, he always took me on a bed made of gold coins". Lucian who was scanning another man stopped and looked at the guy, he had almost scanned him but felt the guy looked too shifty even for rogues and was probably a decoy.

After scanning the treasurer Lucian nodded at Yunan while the shifty guy swore the foulest of language at the two women promising to teach them about their true place among other things, he was silenced not long after with a thick orcish fist that dislocated his jaw and knocked him unconscious, Dustan then smiled at his newest patrons before grabbing hold of Lucian and dragging him out of prison. Yunan snapped his fingers again and the small cell was now big enough to house a king size bed and even a functional bathroom. He then turned around to leave the prison and rest for the next day of exploration.

"Why?" There was a small whimper behind him, the girl who was under protection asked under her breath, she was most likely used to sitting in the shadows even though she was much stronger than her friend and was the one in charge, but after leaving everything to her friend, she became reclusive like she pretended to be, however, she found herself unable to resist asking this question. Without turning back to face them, Yunan said while walking to his wives and friends with Fae behind him " i have a weak spot in me for loyalty, like i said we are going to have some fun together".

As the Debauchery family left the prison Yunan asked a weird question "what would you guys think if i recruited them to work in a trade post in the 80th floor? How hard would it be to start our own faction?" leaving those words for his family to think about, Yunan felt a pat on his back and looked at Leader who had the most amazing and the brightest smile he had ever seen "i like the way you think, kid, alas you already have a harem". Giggles and chuckles and eventually laughter filled the private dimension as the inhabitants returned to their own beds, it was going to be fun again, they have not started to get bored yet but who would say no to more fun.

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