Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 284: Sudden fight

Chapter 284: Sudden fight

Dustan, and Balin took a neutral stance and looked at Bai, Leader and Anne walked near the tent and sat there while Lucian only lifted his head for a moment before looking back at what he was doing, it may have looked like they were taking it easy and trying to avoid a fight but the communication rings were sending messages non stop.

"Yunan, can you use your mana syphon to keep tabs on them?" Asked Lucian through the rings "as long as anything with mana appears in my range of 100 km i can tag them with mana syphon instantly, as long as i don't break the syphon i can keep them under surveillance, i can only tell location and if they are preparing to cast magic, anything more and they would discover it, i can hide it as natural mana consumption as long as they are in my range, from the looks of these four they can prepare and use one volley of magic before i can empty their cores".

Bai took the notion and said to the man that talked first "can you tell your friends to stop hiding, too many of my alarms have been activated, i need to know your friends so we won't attack if they approach" the meaning was clear, anyone who has triggered an alarm has been tagged with those around them being tagged was well a great possibility, trap masters always worked with master trackers and it was always possible to tag a group with just one alarm, the other message was that Debauchery were capable of fighting and winning against a pincer attack of greater numbers, a bluff no one wanted to call prematurely.

The man nodded and said loudly "all my friends will remove their hiding techniques for a bit so that you can confirm we mean no harm, they are hiding just in case this is an ambush, and will only act if we are attacked" as soon as he finished his words a total of 19 hidden figure popped in Yunan's range and he did not wait to attach his syphon to all of them. After sending confirmation to Lucian that all the figures in range were tagged, Lucian nodded his head towards Bai, he made it look like he was the one in charge of detection.

Soon after the figures hidden themselves against they all moved fast towards the camp, Yunan was able to communicate their locations and their readiness for battle. "Leaders only" said Bai and moved forward towards the man who came forward as well, both had their hands out as they walked closer to meet about ten paces away from the cooking fire. Bai saw a smirk on the lips of the man, and the tell tale signs in his muscles that he was preparing to attack, so Bai just walked like an oblivious man to his death, he even started talking "what kind of information you need to know about, and what do you have to give us in return".

"we mostly want to know about the guild, how did the thing with the cult go and who is the guild master currently, and if they got a bit lax about auctioning tamed monsters" said the man as he stood facing Bai with hands behind his back. "This is not even worth anything so we will not take payment" answered Bai "Martin is still guild master, the cult thing has been brought to an end and as for the regulation concerning monsters they got even tighter, seems like there are too many people trying to buy monsters they can not control, and the guild has been getting headaches from escaping monsters that aren't registered or proven to be tamed".

Bai told the truth and stood there waiting for the man to leave the man however got closer to Bai "there is one more thing, can you die for me" said the man as he pulled out a dagger and planted it in Bai's heart, Bai did not even flinch as he sliced the man's neck in two. Yunan immediately activated his mana syphon at full capacity while he teleported Fae and Leader behind the enemy lines, Lucian flashed behind the three that were now casting their prepared magic bombarding the campsite.

Yunan took Anne with him and teleported to the portable home to avoid the original impact, meanwhile Bai was thrown by Dustan in the direction of some enemies, Balin was running into a different direction while Dustan stood there and took the blast head on while armoured like a tank. Since mana syphon was connected to the portable home through the communication ring it did not get cut off when Yunan teleported, and continued to empty every last drop of mana from the tagged enemies.

By the time Yunan returned with Anne, Lucian has decapitated three people, Bai was standing in the middle of 5 people screaming in agony, Fae was running after 2 guys while 3 others were already knocked out and downed. Leader was dragging 2 behind her, Balin had dismantled 4 and Dustan had broken 3 like twigs. After a while Fae also returned with three people in ropes in total there were 16 captives taken in. 7 females and 9 males, the two that ran away away from Fae exposed the location of the true leader and thus he was brought back as well by yye good graces of Fae who wasn't thinking about delivering them to the guild but more about torturing them to release some of her bottled up feelings, it was so because they interrupted her cuddling therapy with Yunan.

Debauchery gathered everyone and returned back to the private dimension, every single captive was detained in a cell that turned them as weak as ordinary people, questions and what not would be asked later on, first was looting the bloody bastards.

Like always being drained of mana when you had full tank just a moment before was taxing on the brain, the fastest ones to act were Debauchery, they attacked in the time they were being bombarded by magic, the way they acted further stunned the attackers, they were decisive and didn't hesitate going into action, something that was out of calculation, and since Debauchery were that good at handling being outnumbered the fight took only a few seconds to be over.

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