Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 276: Love is better in fantasy

Chapter 276: Love is better in fantasy

Back in the private dimension, Yunan had a meeting with Debauchery, usually, adventurers would be taken to the 30s or the 40s and added in a group capable of protecting them, Yunan on the other hand was going to the 80s where no one can guarantee safety, the 80th floor being the last safe haven in the dungeon, was not a big problem, the problem would be when he and Debauchery had to fight their way in the 81st floor.

To secure safety at all times, Yunan was to be in the safest spot in the formation, near Leader, he would be the next big challenge for Debauchery in the 81st floor, they needed to keep an eye on him at all times as well as fight their way through the floor, it was not as bad as it would be if Yunan was not able to buff them to kingdom come, not to mention his own prowess in spells and ranged combat, when protection targets were concerned Yunan was from the best kind in the spectrum.

"... so, you need to stick to my dearest Mary like your life depends on it" says Balin, "your life will depend on it anyway so stick close enough, i would recommend you hide under the skirt". Dustan received a knock on his noggin, he did not know or care where it came from. Fae and Bai were discussing something and looking at Yunan with a gleam he identified as scheming and planning something evil. He has been with these people for 20 odd years and he knew how they worked, thus he made a mental note to keep a bit of his battle senses focused on the two and their possible pranks.

Lucian was a lot more serious than his teammates, "Leader is in the safest spot not because we try to protect her nor it is because she is the most powerful among us, the reason only has to do with our formation, she is in there to keep monsters from invading our weakest spot, we all move and act on different things at different times, however, we all keep the weak point of our formation covered, Leader is the last line of defence, if she starts getting involved in close range combat, we have failed, therefore, you staying there is effectively halving the efforts needed to protect you". Lucian as always was better at dealing with strategy meetings, his own job as the scout benefits him well when working out a strategy.

Lucian is a ranger, scouting is only the surface of what he does, him being second in command did not stem from his ability to gather information and patch a good strategy to choose the next move, it mainly indicated he was able to do so in the midst of a battle, he could keep gathering information, changing the plan and taking the best possible path based on information that changed by the second. Lucian always treated Yunan as his best student, ranging and strategic planning were something that was hard to learn, yet Yunan worked hard to achieve a position where he could use such endless, seasless amounts of information to solo a dungeon he knew nothing about.

Leader did not say much, she joked with Yunan about what kinds of things they should do while the rest of the party slaved for them, effectively turning Yunan into public enemy number one, even Dustan was not happy to hear about how "we should play a kissing game, or even better a striping game, the kids can watch while they keep both of us safe enough to get naked without worries". Anne as the dedicated Healer and lady pervert perked her ears when talk of nudity was afoot, she had been slowly returning to being a decent woman, but she still had her wild moods. "Leader! You said we can not get naked in the dungeon anymore, how come he gets to go in his birthday suit on his first outing with us, not fair".

The meeting soon degraded into who should get naked and who should paint on them, Yunan didn't really mind, it was after all the Debauchery way, getting serious already would have been torment for them, and he would gain more information about how to act in the formation as soon as battle began, that was the way it was, even when they were only training the 10 year old kids, they always gave all the information one needed but not all of it was given before battle.

After leaving the boisterous Debauchery to their own devices, Yunan went back to his own bedroom, he wanted to rest and relax his body and mind before facing a stressful time that could literally shorten his lifespan, the girls were there, each of them had a stack of documents sitting next to her and one in each hand, they were taking the thing about being his agents seriously and that made him smile. It is noteworthy to mention that the changing frown on Lili's face was more interesting to watch, she had become a knucklehead, even if she was still as smart as she was, reading and studying the old fashioned way seems to have become a chore for her. Kitty was napping on the bed, she seemed to resolve to be the muscles of the group and do all the dirty work.

Yunan chose Reina's lap for a pillow and she obliged him by letting her 5 tails smother him into sleep, he has gotten used to being pampered as of late, especially since Ignis pulled her stunt, the girls have been even more attentive to his state of being, losing the man they loved seemed to have become an idea that they thought about more than they should, not that Yunan was complaining, he was happy and content, two feelings half the world could only dream about. The reason he could relax around his wives this much is because he trusted them to be on their best behaviour, just like they trusted him to love and care for them for all his days, it was something mutual, and the girls knew it more than anyone else, for him they protect each other, help each other and get along as best as possible, to them, their happiness was about making Yunan happy, and Yunan was more than happy to do the same, this kind of fantastical love was the bond that helped this ragtag band of misfits to work so harmoniously in this lovely group.

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