Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 261: Displaying

Chapter 261: Displaying

The man showing defiance and the woman showing sympathy both stood in place silently waiting for the next order of business, but what they didn't expect was yet another choice. "Please name the one who will be tortured first, You may discuss the details with your team, I want each of you to come up with a name within 30 seconds". Balin was playing his role rather too well, something that got Yunan worried and made him think that it will be bad of he broke character and just showed his perverted self to the captives but reassurance came with another piece of the lecture.

"Making them choose the most despicable and the most virtuous just to make them name the first victim is us giving the despicable one a bit of influence on the game, he thinks that there is a trap but there is none, the fact that he thinks so is itself the trap, as for Balin acting too good, it can be interpreted by the captives as him trying hard to act objectively and with neutrality especially upon confirmation that the most despicable was the boss and the most virtuous was a fair and pretty woman, so even if his perverted self appears it should be thanks to either one of the two, hatred for the despicable or wanting to taint the virtuous".

As time came to an end a fighter was chosen under the influence of the boss, mainly because this one was a girl and that she had higher pain tolerance than the rest of them, thus Balin welcomed the victim and escorted her to the middle of the room, where he helped her sit down and tied her up in her chair loosely, meaning she was allowed to struggle and fight back, this according to leader would make the rest even more sympathetic with them, and also give the despicable man a chance to go against Debauchery by whispering to his buddies about how cruel it is to tie up someone loosely under torture, they would try to move and they would try to fight back, but that would just mean that the ones already falling under "Stockholm Syndrome" would think the captors were trying to give some leeway for the captives to move and express their pain physically.

Balin did not start immediately but called out to Yunan and made him come closer to the chair, saying "torture for man and woman is different, what we want from them is all the information they can provide, from the date of their first wet dream to the how much milk they sucked on as a baby, what we do to women mostly is humiliating them and shaming them, bodily torture is just for those who are too stubborn or enjoy that kind of thing, thus usually we would r*pe her until she started bleeding from her juice box, we would then start the bodily torture by mutilation of her sexuality making her womanhood unrecognisable. But since this one is a fighter her sense of womanhood is not too strong and humiliation would not work as good as it will for a magician or a healer, more feminine roles".

Next Balin used his own hand to test the responsiveness of this woman by tenderly touching the base of her jaw and going down to her chest. The woman shivered under his touch, probably something magical that he did not say out loud "magic fingers is something i learned during enchanting, using enchanting on the body of someone would reveal their truest senses to the least touch, if they are a sensitive person who likes to be touched during intimate moments you will see this kind of reaction, there are different kinds of reactions depending on the person, this one is one of those that wants the hands of her lover to never stop roaming around her body" the explanation came through the mental link as soon as Yunan wondered about it.

The woman in the chair felt two contradictory emotions at Balin's touch, first repulsion because he wasn't her lover and some mild pleasure from the same touch, Balin did not talk about this result and slowly moved his hand to her right arm, forearm then hand where he began by twisting the fingers out of place. The fighter did not know what she was feeling was pain or pleasure, the magic fingers made her unsure of what to feel, but still she stomped her legs and stretched her other cuff as far as she could, showing signs of pain but the moan that came from her mouth showed her other feeling as well.

But soon the magic finger trick stopped while the displacement of finger joints and hand bones continued, when the previously gracious and battle tempered hand had turned into a monstrosity of twisted bones and flesh, the fighter had her sweet voice turned hoarse and her pained screams echoed endlessly in the hall, Balin was done, he gestured to Yunan to do the next part, return her hand back to the normal settings without using healing magic, as someone who studied healing magic and healing theory, if Yunan could not repair the hand perfectly before using magic, he would have to take extra courses the Debauchery way, on himself.

"Lay a comforting hand on the good hand, say with low pitch voice that you are sorry for what is going to happen and hope that you can help her alleviate the pain, then slowly but confidently return her hand back to normal, Balin's work is well done and he did not deal any irreparable damage", Yunan did as told and said the correct words, winning a smile and look of fervent appreciation from his captive as he worked on her, she even managed to stifle most of her cries in her attempt to keep him from feeling too bad, she could see he was young and that he was forced into this kind of lesson. When Yunan was done he heard a barely audible "thank you" when he turned away, he knew very well that resetting bone would produce more pain lasting much longer than displacing it, it seemed that the strategy chosen by Leader was very effective.

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