Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 250: Arriving at the pearl kingdom

Chapter 250: Arriving at the pearl kingdom

After arriving at the port, Yunan took a carriage and made his way to the palace of light where he met the government and discussed the progression of the nation and how it was faring in the world. Other than having to address the fears raised by neighbouring nations about the sudden militaristic acts and the diplomats; who were running back and forth in an attempt to limit the power surge that the twilight pearl kingdom was having, as of the latest years.

Domestically, the kingdom was having a great boost thanks to the extra income provided by the dungeon, that was further augmented by the deals between the guild and Yunan, this economic growth drew more than enough eyes and greedy finger, most were kept at bay in the name of regulation but some of the persistent ones were used to make a statement, to those who thought this place was just a piece of pie that can be licked at any moment.

One of the things Yunan implemented that were inspired by the guild was an underground branch of the government that deals in everything shady, from slavery to magic items and smuggling, anything illegal done in the kingdom was under the knowledge of the government. In a country where crime was almost nonexistent due to prolonged proper management and education, there was bound to be crimes brought through the cracks in the system, Like illegal immigration and the slave trade.

However when Yunan built his underground government he used all the possible means to discover and deal with such things, and thanks to the great effort in the last 5 years, except for the occasional crime of passion or the uncontrollable circumstances, all crime was regulated, that includes different crime syndicates, different territories, and mainly many small branches on the street level to keep the thugs and spies well fed and informed.

There was even regulated corruption, people who are in the employ of both the underground government and the ordinary one, most of them working in places where temptations are at their worst, for example, border patrol and custom offices, although this was not announced to the public it was common knowledge, something that would be said behind closed door and shared only with the closest family and relatives. If an underground government could help the kingdom, most of the population would agree and let them to their devices, after all, no one wanted to be involved in a crime, and since most of those in the crime syndicates were employed and the minority were actual criminals, it was much safer for the population,and when thugs inevitably engaged in a war, the offenders were cleaned up by their own organisation.

The status quo must always be protected, a thug belonging to a blackmail and extortion gang must never cross to thievery and home invasion, those in kidnapping must not cross to trading in illegal items, it was made so that the organised crime was really organized, and frequent meetings between the heads of the local syndicates make it so the actual criminals thought that the bosses must have some kind of agreement that must not be broken.

The underground government proved far more than just crime management, they actually were so good at their job they made "friends" in the criminal world, effectively halting most of the piracy and intrusion of foreign criminals, they even created information networks that brought more useful news than the official channels, especially in the neighbouring countries, making the pearl much safer and ready to face worse threats than just pirates and some companies.

While Yunan was meeting with the court officials and the ministers of the government he was surprised at the degree of efficiency these ministers can work with especially after they accepted him as their king, even the subtle hints of rejection that were previously present at all times have disappeared thanks to the amount of time and effort Yunan sank in his kingdom even if he was exploring Tartarus, he helped so much with the issues that the pearl had, so much so, that he proved undoubtedly that he was a good king, one that could make their pearl shine as bright as the sun.

Yunan stayed in his palace for almost a month and patiently listened to every single report and new information, even though he had stated that he would only interfere in the cases of emergency he was forcibly pushed to become a part of the government even if it was just listening to reports and news. All was well until Yunan was invited to deal with a rather powerful murderer that has been just smuggled into the country. The man who came to the pearl in order to relax and evade capture, he was a drunk braggart who not only rambled about his victims, he also bragged about how unmatched he was in the 40th floor.

If that was true, then the king was needed because this drunk braggart was an escaped murderer, and being drunk meant it was only a matter of time before he turned from bragging about murder to showing off his killer handy work. Of course upon listening to the report the government immediately issued Yunan the right to do all that is necessary to bring this guy down, even the law was not an issue. A level 20 powerhouse was like a god to these people and they dreaded the very thought of a rampaging one, what they felt about hearing a possible threat from a level 40 was nothing short of absolute terror.

Yunan also felt the same way, a ticking bomb was still a bomb no matter how long the countdown was on its timer, urgently dismantling it was the wisest action, thus he changed his look and went with the guide set up for him to meet this level 40 guy. The man was not bulky nor muscled, he looked more of a rogue than Bai, but ye still had the aura of blood and carnage, upon seeing Yunan arrive at the place he was drinking at the man sobered up, he could feel the powerful mana coming from a level 20 mage radiating from Yunan and smirked to himself before unleashing a level 40 mana of his own to rival Yunan.

To Yunan however, the man felt utterly lacking, he had level 40 stats in only dexterity, the rest were lagging at least 5-9 floor behind, seeing the idiot unleash his aura to establish superiority, almost made Yunan laugh out loud, Bai have already killed Yunan about 500 times for showing off as a rogue, and this rogue was one of those Bai would call "up-jumped thieves and pickpockets". Yunan immediately cast his mana syphon draining the guy before he noticed and by the time he noticed his mana gone he found himself bound and gagged with something he didn't understand.

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