Dragon of the Root

Chapter 193: New Knight

Chapter 193: New Knight

Opening the dining room door, what Wu Ming saw was not the sumptuous meal he had thought, but a very simple England breakfast.

Sandwich, sausage, fried egg, bread and a simple cup of coffee.

Seeing Wu Ming somewhat dumbfounded expression, Liliana who was standing beside him panicked slightly.

"Becausebecause I don't know the King preference, but I heard that the King is the Heretic God in England, so I tried to make English breakfast food"

Seeing Liliana who had an embarrassed look, Wu Ming laughed heartily.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Liliana was scared by Wu Ming wide laugh, while Karen was secretly laughing, she heard that there was no dissatisfaction in the laughter, only happiness.

"Sorry, sorry, because every time I am served by other people, it is a very luxurious banquet, which makes me a little unaccustomed to simple things like this."

After that, Wu Ming walked to the table and sat down.

"However, although the food is simple, it tastes good. I am very satisfied, Liliana."

Liliana breathed a sigh of relief and patted her newly developed little chest.

"As long as the King likes it."

Wu Ming took a bite of the omelette which turned out to be delicious.

"Could it be that Liliana cooked it herself?" Wu Ming asked.

"Yes of course." Liliana said with a blush on her face, embarrassed.

"Your skills are very good, do you want to be my knight?" Wu Ming smiled.

"Eh?!" Liliana exclaimed, clearly not digesting Wu Ming words.

"I'm seriously. I was very satisfied with your performance last night. For this country, you attacked Perseus only with your weak strength. Even if you overestimate yourself, it's like a knight."

Perhaps it was because he had been in Camelot for too long, and Wu Ming had a special affection for people who were chivalrous at heart. What's more, it's still a pretty girl...

Karen walked up to Wu Ming and said, "Sorry Lord Wu Ming, I will persuade Miss Liliana to leave first."

With a bow, Karen led Liliana out of the dining room without any explanation.

"Karen I remember she was an apprentice mage at <Bronze-Black Cross>. This character deserves to be called a mage." Wu Ming smiled, then started to enjoy his food again.


Outside the door, Karen was standing in front of Liliana.

"Karen, what are you doing, it is very rude to leave the King alone."

With that, Liliana signaled to return.

"Miss Liliana, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Liliana, with her back to Karen, stopped.

"<Bronze-Black Cross> and <Copper-Black Cross>, as the two main magic associations in Italy, originally had the same status. Finally, Erica Blandelli gave her loyalty to Lord Wu Ming. Our <Bronze-Black Cross> is gradually decreasing."

Karen turned around and continued: "Because of your unsatisfactory work, and Marquis Voban thinking you were dead, if someone told Marquis Voban that you were still alive, you would go to Marquis Voban ruthless side and not know what would happen."

Liliana body trembled.

"For example, destroying the <Bronze-Black Cross> or something"

"Originally you planned to seek refuge with Lord Salvatore, but you missed the opportunity."

Last night, because Salvatore Doni cut Hera pillar, he was shocked by a magic power so great that he was thrown out of nowhere. Moreover, Wu Ming asked to take him to the <Bronze-Black Cross>. So that Liliana also forgot about the Sword King.

"Didn't you also want to dedicate your life to the Heretic King yesterday? Why don't you go to him?"

Speaking of this, Liliana turned red again.

"Isn't that your doing, otherwise how could I misunderstand the king intentions."

Liliana pointed at Karen with a flushed face.

"Don't you think this is destined, Miss Liliana." Karen smiled a little.

"Destinydestined?" Liliana couldn't react.

Karen smiled slyly, and continued to explain.

"On the night of disaster, heroes and women meet under the moon. The hero defeats the evil opponent and brings the woman home safely."

Confused by Karen words, Liliana, who was having a delusion, started fantasizing with a flushed face.

"Miss Liliana?" Karen interrupted Liliana fantasy.

After coming to her senses, Liliana blushed and coughed.

"Ah~ Judging from the current status quo, it can only be like this."

"Aiya, Miss Liliana is dishonest."

Seeing Karen mocking smile, Liliana looked like a cat with fluffy fur.

At this moment, a voice came.

"How, have you thought about it?" said Wu Ming, standing beside the two women.

(When?) Liliana and Karen were both shocked.

After responding, Liliana knelt down on one knee.

"Liliana Kranjcar, offer everything I have to the Heretic King Campione, and I will become a sharp sword to cut down all enemies that stand in the way of the King."

With this, Liliana became Wu Ming knight.


"So this is your reason for coming in while I'm gone."

Erica who was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee, looked at Liliana with a serious face with displeasure.

Erica discovered that Wu Ming was missing the next day, so she immediately contacted Wu Ming, and upon learning that Wu Ming was in Naples, she rushed over.

"No not possible. I see Master Wu Ming needs talent around him. After all, how could there be no maids who know how to cook on the King side." Liliana blushed, even though Erica was right. But Liliana would and she did not compromise with her rival.

"Oh~ Really, then, as a chef, Lily, you can prepare food for the king in the back. If there is a battle, I will take care of it."

"What! Damn Erica, I'm the king knight, preparing food for the king is a side job."

"Oh, you were so careless in preparing food for the king. This is the dream of many people. It seems Lily, you still hate the king too much."

"Why why, I didn't mean it that way."

Seeing Liliana who was gradually being pressured by Erica, Wu Ming interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Okay, it's fine if there are too many differences. Prepare for it. We're going to Japan tomorrow."

"Hah?! Goingto Japan, why all of a sudden?" Liliana asked confused.

After all, the original plan was to go to Japan, Wu Ming was pulled here by Athena, and Liliana had just become Wu Ming knight, and it was normal not to know the truth.

After Erica told Alice prophecy, Liliana also understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Is the <King of the End> known as the strongest steel in Japan? Since the King went there, Liliana Kranjcar, as my lord knight, must follow."

"Me too, Erica Blandelli swears to be with you." Erica said sure.

"You two are sword-wielding brothers of <Cuore di Leone> and <Il Maestro> Can't you two get along well?"

Wu Ming commented.

The weapons used by the two were the swords used by the former great knight, they were originally a pair of magic swords, but due to the death of the great knight, the pair of magic swords separated.

After being tossed around, <Cuore di Leone> fell into the hands of the Copper-Black Cross and <Il Maestro> into the hands of the Bronze-Black Cross, and was given to each of them by their organizations.

"I really love Lily, Wu Ming." Erica said slyly.

"Who would believe you, mother fox!" Liliana looked angry, obviously Erica hadn't deceived Liliana several times.

Erica also stopped talking back to Liliana, she looked at Wu Ming.

"Then, I will call the plane to Japan."

Liliana also got up and said, "I will prepare dinner for tonight."

After that, the two girls left the room.

At this moment, Wu Ming was in thought.

"Where Athena?"

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