Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 323: Ban The History!

Chapter 323: Ban The History!

In the city of Glorybound, the whole city was lit up with lights and colors that could rival any paradise.

Lovely melodies filled the air, beats lifted the spirits, people were moving, jumping, and singing through the roads.

It was a time to celebrate, celebrate the wonders of creation, and be one with the community that was their little city.

The air tasted so festive with the chefs alongside the illuminating light, every delicious thing ready to be shared with family and friends.

"Too bad, Ziran said he would have to meet us here later." Muttered Lang Yue with a hand to her face.

"It should be fine, I am sure he will be here for the parade of the night." Said Tang Wulin who was only seven years old with his raven hair and grey eyes.

"Uh! Daddy would definitely come!"Shouted Na'er with a giggle while she held onto Tang Wulin's arm.

She was four years old at this time with a pink dress and short hair with a bun in her other hand that she was munching on.

Lang Yue lightly smiled at her two children before nodding to them but inwardly, she was still a bit worried.

For the next thirty minutes, they wandered around on the street to enjoy the different music, food, and games.

Na'er eyes would lit up with her drool falling from her mouth whenever they passed by a food stand before glancing at Lang Yue.

Lang Yue couldn't resist her baby girl puppy dog eyes and could only allow her to rush towards the food stand.

The seller at the food stall would chuckle at her antics before his expression turned to horror after seeing Na'er eat most of the food.

When it came to the game, she would either do them herself or stare at Tang Wulin whose lips would twitch every time.

Still, he did it for her since she was doing well in their training and he supposed a reward was due.

"Oh! Big brother, you did it!"

"Of course."

"Ohhh! Let's go to that one over there!"

"Just how many are you planning to do..."

"All of them of course!"

"You need to be punished..."

Lang Yue had a faint smile as she saw the interaction between Tang Wulin and Na'er. She couldn't help but giggle at her happy and warm family, hoping things would never change.

As she began walking to them, she felt her body tremble before she lost all feeling in her leg causing her to fall.

As she was nearing the ground, she felt two small arms grabbing on to her.

"Are you okay?" Questioned Tang Wulin with sweat forming on his hands and his whole body shaking.

But Lang Yue wasn't focusing on any of that, she was focusing on emotions that were flashing through his little boy eyes.

She saw them, the bits of worry and confusion in his grey eyes.

"I am okay, just a bit weak." Said Lang Yue with a faint laugh but Tang Wulin furrowed his brow before helping her move.

Na'er came right behind him, looking at Lang Yue in worry with her moving to the otherwise to help her move.

The trio began moving through the streets before finding a bench, big enough to fit all of them.

As Lang Yue sat down on the bench, Tang Wulin and Na'er sat next to her with Na'er giving Lang Yue worried glances.

"Hehehe, I told you all I am fine."

"Are you sure? Maybe it's better if we go-"

"No... Today is one of the only days where we can all be together as a family. I don't want it to be ruin-"

"Don't be an idiot. So what if we miss this day or we go home early? We still have other events we can go to and many years together."Said Tang Wulin with a sigh as he held Lang Yue's hand.

"But if something happened to you now..."

"Yea mom, if anything happened to you. Then things won't be the same."Said Na'er as she held on to the arm of Lang Yue.

"So promise us, at the very least you won't leave us?"

Lang Yue felt a stirring of warmth spread through her chest as she glanced at both of her children, both of whom were worried about her.

"Come here you two!"



Lang Yue ignored her children's protest as she brought them into her warm embrace, squeezing them as she laughed.

'I have such wonderful kids... If there is a god out there, all I ask, no wish. Is that I can stay with my family for a long time.'

Lang Yue moved head down, kissing the top of Na'er and Tang Wulin head where both had varying reactions.

Tang Wulin scrunch up his face while trying to move out of her embrace while Na'er only giggled, holding on to her even more.

"Mommy, promises to be with you both. Don't worry, I won't be leaving before I see both of my babies married with kids of their own."


"Never going to happen."

"Hehe, I am sure it will."


Lang Yue's vision was blurry at the moment, with one eye being blind with blood obscuring it. But she was able to see her baby boy, who was staring at her in shock.

'No... It'... Shouldn't be like this.'

She didn't want her son to see her like this; she didn't want him to see such a dreadful scene.

It's why she wanted to tell her friend, Mu Bao'er it wasn't her fault and to relay some words to Tang Wulin and the others.

"Mom! Dad!"

Without a second, Tang Wulin rushed towards his mother, eight rings appearing behind.

Alongside a green-gold and multi-colored light around his arms as he placed his hands on his dad and mom.

He felt the energy rushing inside into their body, as well as his heart beating at a furious pace.


He was commanding all of the life force around, as well as his life-force to go inside of his parent's body.

His soul power, blood essence, and everything inside was being pushed to the limit, as he drove it all inside of them.

'Not again..'

His Life Goddess bloodline was working overtime as well as his Golden Dragon King was working to keep him healthy.

As the pace Tang Wulin was going at, giving his life force and energy to his parents was terrifying.

If this was anyone else, they would be dead.


Tang Wulin has long since noticed the pale and drained looked on his mother's face.

As well as the cold and lifeless feeling of his father's body, feeling the life energy inside of his father was almost gone.

Tang Wulin could feel his hearts were beating way too fast, to the point everything was blocked out but there was a sound.

But he didn't care.

He could feel he was draining the life force around the area, which was weakening the land.

But he didn't care.

He saw his mother raising her hand, weakly moving toward his face, but he continued focusing on healing them.

Tang Wulin was gritting his teeth as eyes were becoming bloodshot from his concentration.

But all of that was broken as he felt, those familiar warm yet cold hands on his face.


"Mom... I-"

"Shhh, it's okay honey. You don't have to... Not for me."

"What do you mean! Of course, I need to-"

"What about the others? Honey... You are the leader and principal of this whole continent. To the people, you are their hero and leader... You have to... Take care of the city before everything else."

"I don't care! If-"

"Honey... It's okay... Ziran and I have been so happy... So happy seeing the accomplishment and feats of you and Na'er."

"Mom!" Tang Wulin heard the cries of Na'er who was sitting next to him.

It seems he was so busy trying to save his mom; he didn't notice her. He saw she was also trying to help, utilizing her soul and creative power to heal.

As well as their mother's other hand was on Na'er face.

"My... Sweet baby. Mommy is proud...Is proud of you and will always be happy... To be able to call both of you my son and daughter... No, our children. Continue living my babies, live your life without any regrets." Said Lang Yue as she let out a final smile.

Before both of her hands, that was grasping both of their cheeks, fell to the floor.

Everyone around them screamed, but Tang Wulin didn't hear anything, as his eyes stayed on the figure of his mom.

There were movements around him, but Tang Wulin didn't seem to notice or care at the moment.

He could see it... All the moments and memories with both of his parents.

The hardship they went through, the fun they had together and the care they showed for each other.

He began recalling his parents from his old world, their death, and their wishes for him to be fine.

In Tang Wulin's mind, the image of his parents and their wishes began aligning with each other.

Before he let out a sigh that captured the attention of everyone around him.




"Big Brother?"

Everyone, whether it be those around him or those inside of me, they all called his name.

Wondering if he was alright.

"Mom... You told us to live our life without any regret and I agree."Muttered Tang Wulin as he began getting up.

"And so..."

"I reject the notion of you passing on." Said Tang Wulin as his eyes were shining with determination.

'Zeref it seems that we will have to do that.' Thought Tang Wulin causing Zeref to let out a sigh.

"Alright, I already gave you all of the knowledge about it. You will need to go back for about twenty minutes. While it will be hard with your soul power, you can draw it from the plane and do it." Said Zeref.

While the use of the God-Killer was a shock to them, that didn't mean they didn't have a plan. It was made just in case they use it, of course, it was something that they wish didn't happen.

How could they not make it, so every detail was covered?

They already thought about them using the God-Killer weapon on Tenrou, as unlikely as that would be since it wouldn't give them an advantage.

But in the chance it happened, Tang Wulin and Zeref decided to utilize their time magic to reverse it from happening.

So no matter how many of their citizens and people died, they can easily revive them.

It was far better than using the Fairy Sphere that required the whole city bonds and faith.

Which sadly, this city wasn't any close to having when compared to Fairy Tail or those Sea Beast who worships the Sea God.

Either way, this was the plan when they got done with the Fleet battle as they would come back to Tenrou to revive the others who had died.

The only reason they didn't make a formation to do this was because of God-Killer's ability to destroy the formation.

As they are a weapon fueled with destruction and radiation, which would erase the formation.

Plus they wanted to make the enemies ignorant of their abilities.

Tang Wulin felt his cores that have been pushed past their limit began to surge with even more vigor.

He felt the powers inside of him roaring outwards, raging and screaming at the world.

"Acnologia! Reverse Time!" Shouted Zeref.

'I understand.'

His bloodline was boiling, encouraging him, comforting him, and pushing him forward.

The Dragon God core that has been silent till now began trembling, shake and rumble before it began to shine.

The Golden Dragon King madness and wildness inside of the seals was roaring out, wishing to rush out.

To massacre through the heavens, rampage through the world, and fight against heaven and earth.

The planar energy began trembling, with the plane beginning to wrap itself around him.

Nature began moving towards him, soothing, comforting, and showing their support for him.

Tang Wulin's eyes began to glow with a terrifying might and pressure as he clenched his fist.

Law, the Bluesilver Genesis, the Golden Dragon King, Spirit Souls, Bloodline, Slayer Art, Magic, and Divine Weapons!

The world began shaking, the laws began to tremble as the sky began to darken. Zeref's eyes widened, as he knew this shouldn't be caused by the time magic rewind.

'What is going on? The only thing that should be happening in the whole city being reversed in time.'


The roars of Tang Wulin began warping his surroundings with the law and natural elements beginning to tremble.

Everyone around Tang Wulin felt themselves trembling and shivering from that one shout.

As if whatever he was saying, was about to bring forth a terrifying change to the world.


All of his cores in his body, soul, and blood core were surging with energy. As his other core that was gradually forming was creating a direct link between all three.

A seed inside of him was beginning trembling before a root broke out. Naturally giving off a brilliant light that surged forward.

Symbols began forming on Tang Wulin's head, as his skills began to combine and compress into each other.

With his whole body exploding in a myriad of colors, that was beginning to engulf the whole place.


As soon as the word emperor resounded from his mouth, everything in the area began to instantly freeze.

Whether you were a human or soul beast, strong or weak, life energy, or destruction radiation, everything froze.

As if a being that was unmatched through the ages was commanding the world.

Tang Wulin's hands began to shine with a myriad of colors as his eyes flashed with them as well with his figure shining.


A gigantic dragon began appearing behind Tang Wulin, its image both blurry and vague, yet one could tell.

It was above everything in this world, a superior being that shouldn't have existed.

One that is unmatched through the past, present, and future as its eternal presence shook the world.

As if it existed through all the ages.

This existence began following the movements of Tang Wulin.


Tang Wulin slashed down his hand straight into space in front of him, alongside the existence behind him who followed his movement.

The world crack.

Like glass, the space in front of Tang Wulin was cracked, with the pieces showing the countless amount of events that were happening.

Yet Tang Wulin ignored all of them, as his hands moved towards a particular one, in which he struck with all of his might.

"I Forbid you from happening!"

And the world began to warp and change.

Before everything went back to how it was before, everyone around Tang Wulin was able to move.

They all blinked their eyes before looking at Tang Wulin, getting ready to question him before they widened their eyes.

As they saw that they burned and destroyed a building that they were staying in before... Was no longer burned or destroyed but back to what it was before.

In fine condition.

"Just... What is going-"

"Mom! Dad!"Shouted Na'er as her eyes widen at the sight of Tang Ziran and Lang Yue who were blinking their eyes.

There were no longer bleeding out or dead from the God-Killer explosion.

In fact, they look perfectly fine, as if they weren't hit by a God-Killer before.

'Amazing.' Thought Yggdrasil as she appeared on the shoulders of Tang Wulin who was looking at the scene in front of him.

'He... He actually banned the events of the God-Killer being used and hitting the Tenrou City from happening. It's different than reversing time... This is...'

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