Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 290: Branch of Akasha

Chapter 290: Branch of Akasha

"Good." Said Tang Wulin as he felt all of the beasts coming to a stop.

'Still, I am a bit surprised they still charged forward even after seeing me above their leader...As if they didn't care about his life.'

Tang Wulin knew it was the suppression of the beast under him that made them all pause.

A suppression that was similar to bloodline suppression, but he felt it was far more.

'Either way, they should be close to the ice region now. Time to-'

"Wulin, can you use your eight soul skills on this beast?" Questioned Sleipnir.

'Hm? Did you note something?' Thought Tang Wulin while his eight rings appeared behind him.

Yali's eyes widened in surprise at the color and presence of Tang Wulin ring. Her noting his first three rings were already red ones and the ones after being a different color.

'The fourth one seems to be over two hundred thousand years, but what about the other one?'

Multi-colored vines extended from Tang Wulin's arm, moving to wrap around the beast under him.

'Branch of Akasha.'

"Depending on what we see, the creatures here might not be what they seem." Said Sleipnir as the vines began to shine.

That was the last thing Tang Wulin overheard before information began to pile up into his mind.


The ape beast dashed through the icy storm, hopping from one tree to next. It ignored the blizzard that was brushing past its fur, already used to its terrifying cold.

Glancing down it, saw the lower creatures fighting among each other, for food as it landed on a branch.

"How pathetic." Muttered the Ape before tense its leg and blasted towards the beasts below.


The snow below was sent scattering at the impact as the ape large arms swept forward and smashed through the beasts.

Killing a row of ice wolves and tigers that were fighting each other. Squishing their body, he opened his mouth and began feasting on their flesh.

"So bored. When will our next invasion be."Muttered the beast as it sat down, staring at the sky above.

The icy storm is too dense to see the sky, yet the beast already understands its significance.

"What's the point of you guys trying to survive, if you won't even act." Muttered the beast as it holds its prey body before launching it forward.

The dead body streaking over before crashing in front of it, causing a screech to ring out.

The beast was shaking its head, as it moved forward, ready to claim its next meal.

Yet as it was closing in on the dead bear in front of it, it felt the world shake.

Blinking its eyes, it began looking all around but found and sensed nothing closing it.

And it was then, that the world shooked again, this time far greater than before.

The ground began forming fissures, with the blizzard around becoming even more fierce.

The ape beast was looking all around, trying to find the source but it still couldn't sense anything.

Until the next moment, it heard it.

Something cracking, shattering, and then breaking.

Before a milky light swept through the whole area.


Tons of information were being piled up into his mind as Tang Wulin began to see the past of the beast below him.

Before he then let go of the beast, with a complicated expression on his face while the beast stares at him in wonder.


"So I was right, it seems this ape beast and the others around it isn't a Soul Beast." Said Sleipnir.

"Indeed, these may be demons from the demon world." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to glance at him, indicating him to speak.

"It makes sense; you felt a sense of familiarity towards them and these are the only other creatures. We have come across, other than the soul beast. Plus they do have the horns on top of their head, something that even those horse beasts had. We only saw that features other than a few soul beasts from the demons in the demon world," Said Zeref.

'True but that doesn't explain how they got here. Nor would it make sense for them to have been able to invade, as we destroy the seed.'

"Maybe there was another seed? There are other Demon Monarchs in that realm, maybe one of them planted it."

"No, it still wouldn't make sense. As the seeds only allow a portal to form, not the bringing of a whole continent."Said Yggdrasil causing Sleipnir to speak up.

"Mother, are you able to see the past of this-"

"That's the thing; something is blocking my sights. Even with Wulin using the Branch of Akasha, I could only see those moments and nothing else."Said Yggdrasil with a frown.

"Is that possible?" Questioned Sleipnir in slight disbelief.

As this was Yggdrasil, she was talking about, an existence that predates billions of billions of years.

With its ability to see the future unmatched, able to see both the beginning and end of the universe.

"It's, depending on the being or forces of the universe. A strong reaction can cause my sight to be blinded."Said Yggdrasil with a shrug as not even her sight was all-seeing.

"Could they be related to the Space-Time Turbulence that swept away the God Realm?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Hm...That is possible, as it's that terrifying. Especially the one before that was able to affect and cause changes in the whole universe."Said Yggdrasil before she let out a sigh.

"Either way, nothing much we can do now. At least you know these are the demons from that world. What you should do now is relay this information and begin investigating this place. Hopefully, none of the demons has left this continent."Said Yggdrasil.

Tang Wulin could only sigh as he heard the other's agreement before getting up from the demon under him.

"Let's go." Said Tang Wulin as he dragged the spear out of the beast shoulder causing it to grit its teeth in pain.

Yali nodded her head, as she saw Tang Wulin flicked his finger, causing countless vines to erupt from the ground.

All of them tangled around the demonic creatures around him, binding and sealing all of their movements.

Then for added effect, made more vines erupt from the ground, circling around the demons but not touching them.

With the destruction elements crackling merrily around the vines, causing all of the demons to shiver.

All of them watched as Tang Wulin and Yali left the area.

It was only after a while had passed with Tang Wulin and Yali moving towards the location of the others.

That he began to speak to Yali and what she heard caused her to be shocked.

"Their demons? From the Demon World?"

"Yes, my eight soul skills allow me to gain information on the demon. In that second, I was able to learn and see its recent memory."Said Tang Wulin.

From what he saw in the Demon Ape memory, it was blinded by a flash of light before it woke up.

The demon ape hasn't realized it was in another world. But even without this knowledge, the demon ape could feel something was wrong.

As the energy on the Douluo World was far different than the one in the Demon World.

It was also during this time that it seems that this beast was curious about the world and tried to explore.

But since this meant going into other territories, this seems to have sparked a regional war.

"So there is a war going on now?"

"I wouldn't say a war but more like countless turf wars." Said Tang Wulin with a frown, as this was anything but good for them.

As now they would be subjected to attacks as they tried exploring this whole land.

From what he can tell, the horse demons didn't attack them because they didn't come close.

Which would explain why that one horse demon was staring at them, watching their movements.

"Still, this is bad." Said Yali with a frown causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

It's one thing that land from another plane was able to come into theirs but it's even worse when they don't know-how.

This was far worse than the demon seed problem. As at least with the demon seed, they would only be making a portal and not transferring literal land into their plane.

And they knew how to deal with the demon seed, proof from what the Sea God Pavilions did ten years ago. And also the actions of Tang Wulin and his friends, which Yali was a bit irked about after she found out from Na'er.

This problem was simply something that anyone would fear.

The genuine fear of the unknown.

"I fear they might have left this continent and invaded the others." Mutter Yali causing Tang Wulin to furrow his brows.

"Maybe, although I am confused about why the plane hasn't done anything to them. Doesn't it usually destroy or expel intruders?"

"That is usually the case but sometimes the plane might utilize those foreign forces to help accomplish its goal." Said Yali, causing Tang Wulin to glance at her.

"You don't think..."

"I am unsure, but there might be a chance that the Planar Lord of this world might be using these creatures." Said Yali.

'What do you guys think?' Thought Tang Wulin towards Sleipnir and Yggdrasil.

"I am not sure either, as this Planar Lord isn't the same one from all those years. So I am unsure about their belief or method of helping the world."Said Sleipnir with a sigh.

This bit of information caused Tang Wulin to slightly widen his eyes.

'The Planar Lord is different?'

"Yes, the planar lord before was your father, Tang San. But this one, I am unsure, although I can tell there as strong as a 2 class God."Said Sleipnir causing Tang Wulin to furrow his brows.

'So why didn't they interfere with the Calamities? While I don't mind it, since I got to fight them, it's a bit weird.'

"They might be stabilizing the world, helping it from falling apart. Or they might have been unable to interfere."

"Which is why they used you. I am sure you notice how much the plane dearly loves you."Said Yggdrasil causing Tang Wulin to inwardly nods his head.

He wasn't sure if it was his connection with his father that made the Plane like him so much or if it was something else.

At the same time, he was wondering why a second class god was here if the god realm was swept away.

But he couldn't think more about it as Yali spoke up.

"First the abyss and now the demons, it seems like ever since the disappearance of the Gods. Our world has been getting troubled left and right."

"Hopefully none of the Monarchies were transported as well." Said Yali.

"Wouldn't we have found out by now? Although I only fought one of them, it doesn't seem like it's in their nature to stay hidden."Said Tang Wulin, causing Yali to nod her head.

"I agree but even if they didn't come over now. That doesn't mean they can't come over, meaning we will have to quickly explore this island. Before heading home and reporting this."Said Yali.

"Hopefully this land has an answer for us on, how they were able to come here."

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