Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 271: Battle Aganist Jormungandr (1)

Chapter 271: Battle Aganist Jormungandr (1)

A black dragon and silver serpent stared at each other, both trembling with power and the urge to destroy the other.

It was then Jormungandr made its move as it released a world-shaking roar causing the sea around them to change.

A maelstrom was being formed undersea as the water elements around began to obey the command of Jormungandr.

The whole sea around these two titans began rotating and twisted before to the shock of everyone who watched in the palace.

The sea rose straight up into the sky, reaching up to tens of thousands of meters before rotating around these titans.

A spiraling dome of water was formed, with the sky getting darker and raining coming down harshly.

As the clouds were being summoned from all directions, blocking out the sunny rays that were here before.

Jorgunmandr narrowed its eyes before releasing a roar that caused countless waves to rise before they smashed down towards Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin released a roar that blew back the waves around him while shaking the area around him as a wisp of blue-black energy pervades from it.

These wisps revolved around him, softly twisting and bending the area around it.

Jorgunmandr narrowed eyes as it felt an instinctual fear ringing inside of it as if the being in front of it was its predator.

The laws of the world trembled as Tang Wulin figure lit up, the blue-black wisp surging, energy roiling, releasing the most terrifying power.

Tang Wulin clenched his fist as he began moving it, shining more and more brilliant as it pierced forward.

Jorgunmandr's eyes flashed before it hacked out with its tail that burst with divine and terrifying energy.

The fist broke through the sky, while the tail moved to intercept it, both moving in a flash and producing shocking changes to the world.

To those around, they saw the illusionary scene of world fissures were being formed, the sky cracking and the void being broken.

Before they finally clashed with each other, sending a thunderous and earth-shaking shockwave through the area.


Tang Wulin rosed his other arm as he moved out, it shined with a terrifying radiance that rushed into the sky like an eruption and lighting up the sky.

The energy shaking everything in the skies above and earth below before he cleaved down, slicing through space itself.

'Magic Dragon Severing Blade.'

That resplendent light formed into a long blade that began shaking the skies, hacking through everything in its path.

The elements of the world couldn't stop its descent as it made its way to Jorgunmandr.


Suddenly, a divine aura erupted!

The water around it began to surge before it erupted into a torrent that shined with golden-black energy that hacked upwards.

It was releasing a terrifying amount of killing intent that could shake the elements around as they pierce forward towards the blade.

In the next instant, they clashed with others and shook the area around!

Cracks were being formed as these attacks released a terrifying noise before their wisps scattered around.

Jorgunmandr's whole figure erupted with fluctuations like a sea, divine radiance even more so immediately submerging the sea below.

It shot straight towards Tang Wulin; it figured turning into a golden-black stream of light that pierced forward like a spear.

Tang Wulin simply had clenched his fist that shined with power before he punched out, his fist descending.

They clashed once again! With a great line that exploded around them and blinded everything around.

It was terrifying to the extreme, making one's soul tremble!

The people inside of the palace were truly lucky as if it wasn't for the golden sphere that was formed around them.

They would have been swept and blasted away from these two figures clashing.

A testament to the power of the Fairy Sphere, a skill Tang Wulin was able to use from the faith of all of the sea beasts in the ocean.

The two sides were clashing, the destructive force was too great, difficult for one person to completely defend against everything!

When the light scattered, Tang Wulin and Jorgunmandr were still confronting each other, their aura shaking the sky above.

Yet bits of blood was leaking from Jorgunmandr as it felt Tang Wulin Energy bypassing its defense and injuring it.

It was internally shocked but now it could finally understand why it felt such instinctive and unrestrained fear towards him.

This figure in front of it has the power to injure and maybe even kills it!


The wound was instantly closed the next second, as its aura became even more brilliant, changing the color of the sky to the color golden-blue.

It was terrifying and dazzling, as the skies were no longer dark but colorful and filled with life.

"You can do better than this, little snake."

Tang Wulin erupted with power, drowning out the skydome and showering the skies with a rain of light. He struck out with his fist, blasting towards Jorgunmanr who swiftly evaded the attack by moving outwards.

Then streams of water dragons appeared all round it before they pierced towards Tang Wulin, collapsing the area around them.

Tang Wulin didn't move to evade as he hacked down with a fist, not towards the streams of dragons but Jorgunmandr to its surprise.

Yet to its shock and disbelief, not only did those attacks not do anything but were nullified as the fist came crashing down.

Instantly, the power of the sea and divinity swirled about, blocking the fist for one second before it forcibly broke through.

The fist continued smashing forward as if nothing could stop it!

Jorgunmandr felt the fist smashed into its face, shattering its scales and making it bleed.

But before it was sent flying, its tail made contact with Tang Wulin's side, slicing through his scales and making blood gush from him.

Jorgunmandr's body broke through the water below, making the water rise and splash all around with blood leaking.

'Is a divine sense really that terrifying?' Thought Tang Wulin as he knew Jorgunmandr shouldn't have been able to counter and yet it still did.

But this thought didn't stop him from inhaling.

A terrifying amount of energy began to swirl around Tang Wulin, forming a maelstrom in front of him as he continued inhaling.

Before he released it below, the beam of energy descended like a shooting star, unstoppable and world-shaking.

As the beam of light was approaching the seas, the water began twisting and spinning, forming a bottomless abyss.

To the slight surprise of Tang Wulin, the enormous spinning waves began rising, forming a tornado of water. The water tornado began vibrating, spinning rapidly before it hacked up towards the beam of light.

The wisp of energy and water scattered around the raging seas as these two attacks collided.

Jorgunmandr resurfaced from the water, glaring at Tang Wulin with hatred, causing the sea to become even more violent.

Tang Wulin roared as his entire body had countless streaks of energy begin winding behind him before he hacked down with his wings.

The countless streaks of energy began descending downwards, illuminating the skies above and shooting down like stars. There were too many to count, all of them interweaving through the sky and filling it all up.

It wasn't wrong to say that it was as if the apocalypse was happening as these streaks of energy hack down.

Jorgunmandr let out a roar as a wave of black mist began emerging from its body. The mist was swirling around it, shaking the area around it as if it was going to destroy everything.

Jogunmand began moving upwards towards the countless streaks of light, with dark mist all around it, giving off a terrifying pressure.

It was as if Jorgunmandr was the sky itself, overlooking everything below as it crashed into the streaks of energy and disperse them all.

It ascended into the sky like a flying carp, suppressing everything around it and breaking through all obstacles.

Space around it began to break apart from how terrifying the mist swirling around it was and how otherworldly it was.

Tang Wulin's whole body illuminated the sky as it began to be covered with a blue aura before he rushed towards Jorgunmandr.

Each wisp that scattered off it, began breaking apart space around it.

Within the next instant, they both reached and hit each other with full force!

The sky began to cave in, the water below them rose into the heavens, with the clouds from above being blasted away.

As for the whirlpool that was swirling around both of these two titans, they began to be pushed back.

It truly was a battle between beings who have reached and surpassed the peak!

The two smashed together, Tang Wulin fist struck out piercing towards the head of Jorgunmandr who swiftly evaded the attack.

Then it hacks out with its tail, cutting through the area like a whip before it reaches Tang Wulin whose eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

Tang Wulin didn't make any movement to evade the tail. Leading it to smash into his side but his arms did grab on to tail as it made contact.

Jormungandr's eyes slightly widened when it felt its danger sense going off but it was too late as Tang Wulin struck it.

A right hook into its face caused it to stagger back before Tang Wulin delivered a right reverse punch that twisted its head.

He continued with these punches, as he started raining them down, treating Jorgunmandr as a punching bag.

Each of his punches was delivered with his Dragon Slayer Art covering it, making the damage even worse for the serpent.

Jorgunmandr released a roar as a wave of divine energy erupted from its body before it shot out with its head.

Tang Wulin was caught off guard, but his instinct allowed him to react in time, smashing his fist towards the incoming head.

But the serpent displayed its flexibility as it swiftly coiled around Tang Wulin fist before its head smashed into his chest.

As Tang Wulin staggered a bit, Jorgunmandr moved its head before biting into the side of Tang Wulin's neck.

While moving its body to coil around him, and using its free serpentine tail to smash into his side.

Its entire body was a weapon, and it coiled around Tang Wulin wildly attacking and using all of its parts as a weapon.

Tang Wulin had released a roar before he grabbed the serpent heads and forcibly pulled it off his body before throwing it away.

Yet as if it was expecting this, Jorgunmandr tail pierced forward, aiming to puncture through Tang Wulin side as it smashed forward.

Yet Tang Wuli swiftly reacted with a fist that smashed the tail away before he released another beam of energy.

Jorgunmandr quickly moves out of the way before releasing a draconic cry that rang through the area.

Its eyes glowed with a terrifying light as the whirlpool around them began trembling. Then countless streams of water began shooting out from the whirlpool moving towards Jorgunmandr.

A terrifying light began to coil around these ten thousand streaks of water, every single one resembling a shooting star.

Brilliant divine radiance shone, making the surrounding space split apart and the elements of the world tremble.

These ten thousand streaks of divine water grew as their lengths began reaching over ten meters before they hacked forward.

Jorgunmandr brandished its tail, as the streams of divine water reached it before it swept out and smashed forward like crashing stars.

Tang Wulin watched as a tail and over tens of thousands of streams of water flew out, sweeping towards him.

He could feel his instincts screaming at the terrifying properties of the divine energy around the water and the tail.

He released a roar that tore through the air, sky resonating around him before his body lit up and a fist struck out.

'Magic Dragon Apocalypse Fang.'

Tang Wulin's fist of raw power was matchless, a fist that wished to suppress and devour everything in the world, shattering the space before it.

One could see his black-blue fist was blazing raw soul power pervading outwards, illuminating the sky like a comet.

In the next instant, the fist and the tail that was surrounded by a stream of divine water clashed!

The energy that scattered from their clashes fell into the sea below causing gigantic explosions and deep pits to form.

In the next instant, the two of them rushed at each other, using their body as lethal weapons!

The two of them clashed, instantly exchanging a thousand attacks, clashing like sparks. Both of their blood and divine energy overflowed into the sky, scattering the clouds above.

From the distance, it was as if two gigantic suns were clashing with others, trying to overpower and dominate the other.

But both of their overflowing lights were terrifying, causing a great life and death battle to happen.

Each collision releasing dazzling light that shone bright, illuminating the skies and seas in an expanse of brilliance.

Tang Wulin released a roar as a stream of energy erupted from his mouth. The blue-black stream of energy surged, piercing through the skies and shattering space.

Jorgunmandr roared out as multiple tornadoes made out of water rose under and behind it before they hacked towards Tang Wulin.

As the beam and water tornados clashed, shaking the sky, Tang Wulin fist and Jormungandr tail struck out.

They clashed once again, shaking the sky even more and causing cracks to appear.

Fist and tail collided, head and tail smashed into each other, blood splashed out.

Around these two's surroundings, great cracks appeared in the sea, splitting it apart as the water rose even more.

The whirlpool around them began rotating even faster as if it was reacting to their battle as both of their aura rose even more.

Tang Wulin tailed lashed out against Jorgunmandr who rapidly used the water elements around it to delay the attack.

Then it pierces out its tail, aiming for Tang Wulin chest, but it was swiftly smashed away from a backhand before he struck out with his other.

They exchange a thousand moves with each other once again. They were reverberating through the world and resonating with the plane.

Tang Wulin rushed in front of Jorgunmandr, with his fist smashing down as an overflowing radiance covered it.

Jorgunmandr counted with its tail, these two beings fist and tail collided causing an endless light to explode around them.

The sky once again began to rumble and trembled.

The two exchanged fists and tail, techniques, and all types of attack as they used one more powerful than the other.

Each trying to overpower the other having no regard for their surrounding area and how this will affect the world.

The shockwave from their clash was reverberating through the seas, no longer was it calm even from a distance.

Forget about the people below, a battle like this could be felt from over a thousand kilometers away, with everyone wondering just what is happening.

Jorgunmandr released a roar as it spat out a continuous stream of venom, melting space as it moved towards Tang Wulin.

The venom gave off a terrifying feeling as if even the slightest contact would be the destruction of one body and soul.

Tang Wulin's eyes slightly narrowed as he could tell that this attack was truly terrifying, even if one was able to withstand the impact.

As the venom would continue to hurt and damage its victim, with it being able to ignore one's durability.

Against any opponent, Jorgunmandr venom would be a sure kill technique but against Tang Wulin, it was nothing more than an annoyance.

Tang Wulin rushed towards Jorgunmandr, his whole figure erupting with a dazzling light, and as the energy began to swirl around him.

Jorgunmandr was surprised he would do such a thing but then it felt its danger sense go off but it was too late.

'Apocalypse King Dragon Shakes The Earth.'

Instantly, sixteen fierce dragons had appeared next to Tang Wulin before they rushed forward, releasing an earth-shaking roar.

As the venom reached Tang Wulin, to the shock of Jorgunmandr, he instantly vanished.

'Time Magic: Compression.'

As if he wasn't there in the first place, it was then it felt its divine sense warn him. But it was too late as Tang Wulin appeared above him.

Tang Wulin hacked down with his tail that was erupting with power, as the sixteen heavenly dragons smashed down.

Jorgunmandr's body began giving off a dark light as it got ready to move away. But it felt itself stagger as a wave of energy swept through.

'Apocalypse King Dragon Shocks The Heaven.'

'Apocalypse King Dragon Swings it Tail.'

Jorgunmandr could do nothing as the tail crashed down on his head, causing blood to flow from his head.

Then the sixteen dragons crashed into, biting and smashing their head into its body, knocking him down before exploding.

The explosion stirred up a tremendous wind as even more blood fell into the sea before Tang Wulin began to inhale.

'Magic Dragon Roar.'

A beam of light pierced through the sky towards Jorgunmandr before it engulfed its body, with another explosion ringing out.

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