Dragon Blood Warrior

Book 4: Chapter 6: Saving the unconscious girls

Book 4: Chapter 6: Saving the unconscious girls

Aiwa was, after all, a skilled person now. After seeing Tachi and the maids collapse, he immediately realized that someone had released chemical gases in the vicinity through his consciousness receiving an external disturbance.

[Hehe, no wonder you didnt return. Originally, you were enjoying the Tanzya women at this place!]

Aiwa heard two women walk in as he lied down on top of Tachi. They werent random strangers ,but rather his sister-in-law Sili and his fiance Dolly.

Sili walked up to the bed and lifted Aiwas body. Looking at Aiwas thick meat stick still inside Tachis flesh hole, Sili slapped Tachis snow-white b.u.t.tocks, saying: [Youre really fearless of being stabbed to death by my brother-in-laws meat stick!]

Dolly was a conservative and honest girl so she felt her older sister was speaking very vulgarly.

[Older sister, lets think of a way to take Aiwa back! But, you were really excessive for doing that. Nothing will happen to him, right?]

Dolly was anxious that her older sister would injure Aiwa. She followed her in order to bring Aiwa back to Montelago City and marry him. But if something would happen to Aiwa, she would become a widow.

[Hes so heavy. How will we be able to move him? Weve gone through a long and difficult journey, lets rest a bit here.]

Sili directly lied down on the bed and started to relax, [Youre really a conscienceless guy, indulging in pleasure and not returning back home since you have beautiful women here!]

[Older sister, will Aiwa be fine?]

Dolly became anxious when she saw Aiwa remaining motionless.

[It will be fine, he wont die. I only used bewitching powder, so it shouldnt cause any harm to him. Only, these Tanzya s.l.u.ts wouldnt be waking up anytime soon. This bewitching powder has different effects on men and woman, the kind I used is more effective on women. Who asked them to capture our man?]

Sili proudly said, [How can he be reluctant to leave this simple and crude region? He really doesnt have future prospects! How could this place be luxurious than our prime ministers house? This is simply a kennel compared to our home.]

Dollys felt quite annoyed when she heard her Older sister Sili say Our man, thinking, He is obviously my, Dollys man. How did he become ours?

[Older sister, perhaps Aiwa was forced to stay here. How can you say that hes indulging himself in pleasure here? I heard he was drugged by a Tanzya woman and brought over to Tanzya, so he couldnt have been indulging in pleasure.]

Dolly unexpectedly defended Aiwas corrupted livelihood.

[If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. My younger sister, you still havent married him and youre already defending your man! All right, if you say that he was forced to stay here, what about now? Take a look; didnt you say he was a scholarly young hero? Would he really be unable to handle these little girls? Hes clearly seeking pleasure! Although Tanzya isnt a large country, its can be considered as a noticeable tribe. The leaders daughter must surely be a beauty. Right! Dolly, take a look at that woman under Aiwas body, couldnt she be the Princess of Tanzya?]

Sili turned around and raised Tachis chin, looking at her appearance.

Dolly also remembered after Sili mentioned it. When she was at Ha.s.s, her father had told that Aiwa was going to marry the Princess of Tanzya, therefore, the prime ministers house could recover its face after rescinding her engagement with Aiwa. However, Dolly and her older sister Sili became anxious when they heard their father say this, because these two girls had already become Aiwas women. Although Dolly hadnt given her body to Aiwa, the older sister Sili had already given her chast.i.ty to Aiwa in front of Dolly.

Dolly also followed Sili and carefully looked at this naked girl, although her beauty was at the stage where one couldnt be fussy about it, she didnt feel that she was the Princess of Tanzya.

It was because Dolly couldnt see even a little bit of pampered and spoiled flavor on her face, if she was the Princess, then her face would have possessed a certain type of arrogance which wasnt present on this girls face.

Dolly shook her head after looking at Tachi.

[This woman is quite pretty; maybe shes the Princess of Tanzya! Lets make her rescind her engagement with Aiwa after she wakes up and leave this place together with Aiwa.]

Although Sili was the older sister, the things she said were quite senseless at times.

[Older sister, did you forget? Didnt you say that the bewitching powder you used is more effective on women? How will this girl be able to wake up when even Aiwa hasnt woken up?]

Dolly shot a skeptical glance towards her older sister.

[Oh! I forgot. Dolly, how did you figure out that this pretty s.l.u.t isnt the Princess of Tanzya?]

Sili couldnt understand this.

[Although Im doubtful, I think that although this girl is quite pretty, she definitely isnt the Princess. Its possible that she could be a fallen Princess though.] Dolly said thoughtfully. Although this girls face didnt possess a aristocratic arrogance, there was a tint of indescribable temperament present between her forehead.

Dolly was unwilling to investigate further, she only wanted to bring Aiwa back and marry him.

[Older sister, werent you too excessive with the drugs? He wouldnt choke right? Why hasnt he still woken up?]

Dolly shook Aiwa but he didnt show any reaction.

[Aiwa! Aiwa! Its me, your fiance Dolly!]

Dolly shook him a few times, but Aiwa still didnt react, not even his breath could be felt. Dolly gradually started to sob.

She difficulty pushed Aiwa from on top of Tachis body, making his meat stick also follow him and come out of Tachis flesh hole. Sili saw that meat stick was covered in blood but still hadnt gone soft.

[My brother-in-law is really fierce. Using such a huge thing to pierce such a little girl, how could she have endured it?]

Aiwa had the choice not to, but he still used his meat stick to pierce her when she suddenly became hypers.e.xual. Therefore, she naturally knew the pleasure of that huge meat stick. She missed this huge meat stick very much since she hadnt seen Aiwa after that event, and looking at it now made her heart itch immediately.

Her hands caressed Aiwas slimy meat stick, [Pitiful girl, how could you have endured such a thick thing?]

Sili caressed Aiwas meat stick while gazing at Aiwas handsome face.

[Aiwa ]

Dolly thought Aiwa wouldnt wake up anymore and started crying, however, Sili didnt think that much. Wasnt it just bewitching drugs? How could it take the life of a strong man like Aiwa? She was very proficient at using this thing, and had complete grasp on its use, therefore she simply ignored Dolly.

Dolly wept while lying on top of Aiwas body, appreciating his bulky masculine figure.

Aiwa was actually fine; he just didnt know that it was Sili and Dolly at the beginning. Right now, he was just pretending to be unconscious and looking at their play. Since he wasnt unconscious, it was impossible for him to not have any reaction when Sili used her hand to caress his meat stick.

[Aiwa, youre really fierce ]

Sili caressed Aiwas thick meat stick as she brought her face to it, [Aiwa, youve really made me suffer!]

Aiwas meat stick was still slimy since it had just come out of Tachis flesh hole. However, Sili didnt care about dirtying her face; the reason she promised to come so far with Dolly was to spend a joyful night after with Aiwa after finding him.

This was a good chance; Aiwa was already naked, there wasnt any need of removing his clothes.

Moreover, the huge bed here seemed like it had been prepared for her.

As Dolly was lying on the bed crying, she couldnt see her older sister Sili playing with Aiwas meat stick.

Sili toyed with it until it became huger, then, she extended her tongue out to lick Aiwas stiff meat stick.

The more she licked it that meat stick, the thicker it became. The more she caressed it, the longer it became.

[Dolly, take a look at how large Aiwas thing has become!]

Sili couldnt help but shout when she saw that long meat stick.

Dolly stopped weeping, and looked towards Aiwas lower body. She couldnt help but cry out: [How did it become so huge?]

[It must be the work of these Tanzya women, who knows what kind of drugs they gave to Aiwa!]

Sili immediately said, she believed it was impossible for a mans thing to become so huge.

[These Tanzya women are really repulsive!]

It was improbable that Dolly would curse, this was perhaps the most vulgar sentence she had spoken since her birth.

[Whats the use in scolding? Quickly think of a way to calm Aiwas l.u.s.t!]

Sili reminded her younger sister Dolly.

[How can his l.u.s.t be calmed down?]

Dolly couldnt understand.

[Younger sister, youre really foolish, naturally by doing that thing with him! A mans thing will calm down after ejaculating. Quickly strip your clothes and have a round with him, hell calm down after that.]

Sili said.


Dolly felt shy when her older sister asked her to undress.

[Of course, arent you his fiance? Is there a need to be shy in sleeping with your fiance?]

Sili said anxiously.

[But..We still havent married each other!]

[So what if you arent married yet? Hasnt this older sister already slept with him once? If you dont want to do it, then only this older sister can do it. You..wont blame older sister right?]

Sili watched Dollys reaction to check whether she was willing.

[Then..You can do it with him. Ill be thankful if youre able to calm his l.u.s.t.]

Dolly felt too embarra.s.sed to undress in front of her older sister, and since her older sister was ready to do it, it was fine to hand it over to her.

[Older sister really isnt taking advantage of the situation; its you who wants me to do it with him, all right?]

[Quickly do it! I wont blame you, saving his life is more important.]

Dolly urged Sili to undress.

[All right, who asked you to be my younger sister!]

Sili a.s.sumed a helpless appearance as she stripped her clothes.

Aiwa had merely raised her skirt when he f.u.c.ked her last time and didnt strip her clothes. Right now, after Sili stripped completely naked, an exquisite girls body appeared in front of Dolly.

[Older sisters figure is really good!]

[Dont forget whose older sister I am!]

Sili proudly said to her younger sister: [Arent you also a natural beauty? Aiyah! Since my younger sister is so shy, this matter can only fall on this older sister!]

Sili had already climbed on the bed as she said this. She and Dolly rolled Aiwas body over, making him lie on his back. The meat rod between his crotch stood erect in high spirits, throbbing along with pulse.

[Dolly, lick him once so that it can smoothly enter inside.]

Sili squatted down, but she discovered that Aiwas meat stick had already become dry. If she stuck it in like this, it would be make her uncomfortable.

[How should I lick it?]

Dolly asked shyly.

[Stupid girl, you cant even do this. Extend your tongue out to lick his shaft, or just suck on it with your mouth!]

Sili said.

Dolly obediently lowered her head, and opened her small mouth. She then proceeded to suck Aiwas thick c.o.c.k. Her small and tepid mouths sucking made Aiwa feel a spell of pleasure. If it wasnt for the fact that he wanted to trick these sisters, he would have been moaning by now. This was the first time he was enjoying his fiances mouth and he didnt expect her small mouth would bring such pleasure to him, at all.

[Licking twice is good enough, leave the rest to this older sister.]

Sili couldnt help but shout after looking at her younger sisters pleasant appearance sucking Aiwas meat stick.

Dolly unwillingly released Aiwas meat stick and retreated to the side, looking at her older sister Sili ride Aiwas body. Sili separated her legs, and used her hand to stick Aiwas thick meat stick inside her flesh hole.

Sili was after all a girl, and her flesh hole had been pierced by Aiwa only once, therefore, she was still very tight. Luckily, her l.u.s.t had also been ignited when she was caressing Aiwa, making her very wet. She slowly crouched down, slowly inserting that meat stick inside her by relying on its slipperiness.

[Oh ]

Sili opened her small mouth wide, releasing a very clear moan. The process of that meat stick getting engulfed by her v.a.g.i.n.a was simply indescribable; it was a wonderful feeling! Her brows couldnt help but furrow from the pleasure.

[Older sister, does it hurt?]

Dolly couldnt help but ask after seeing her older sister moan and then furrow her brows. She naturally couldnt understand what Sili was feeling.

[Oh A little ]

Sill didnt want her younger sister to know how pleasant riding Aiwas meat stick felt, This older sister can face anything in order for my younger sister!

Sili directly descended down, making Aiwas meat stick directly reach until it reached her cervix.

[Aaaahhhhh ]

[Older sister, theres no need to do it if it hurts.]

Dolly felt sorry for her older sister.

Sili closed her eyes and waved her hand, indicating that theres no need for Dolly to be anxious.

Dolly didnt speak after that and instead silently looked at her older sister bouncing up and down on her fiances body.

Aiwas meat stick was really long, moreover, it was especially thick and hard, covering all of Silis flesh hole, making her feel as if her v.a.g.i.n.al walls were going to split. If it wasnt for her younger sister to make it a bit slimy, it would have surely hurt her.

She was unable to take Aiwas entire meat stick inside her flesh hole, a chunk was left outside. However, Sili displayed her skills quite well, not inserting Aiwas meat stick deep inside her, she used her narrow and tight flesh hole to wrap around his p.e.n.i.s tightly and work on the shaft! Her rapid movements brought extreme pleasure to Aiwa.

The shaft of the p.e.n.i.s was a sensitive region to man; the stimulation brought by Sili rapid movements was tenfold the normal pleasure he felt.

Sili was sometimes quick, sometimes slow, sometimes shallow, sometimes deep, completely taking the matter into her own hands.

At the same time, Aiwa kept experiencing the tenfold stimulation at the shaft of the glans. Soon enough, Sili started to feel tired as she had been moving up and down there for quite a long time.

However, Sili didnt wish to share with her younger sister. When she felt tired, she withdrew her body and used her mouth to suck Aiwas c.o.c.k and again used her hole after some time of recovery.

Aiwa and Sili had both almost reached their o.r.g.a.s.m after going through three rounds like this.

At the moment Silis rhythm went unstable from the trembling, Aiwa suddenly acted and pressed Sili under him, storming deep inside her.

[Aaahh Aiwa youll kill me!]

[Aiwa! You finally woke up.]

Dolly yelled happily.

How could Aiwa take notice of Dolly at time moment, he was busy continuously thrusting inside Silis flesh hole.


Silis moans changed into yells as she started to secrete more and more juices, but Aiwa had no intentions of stopping; he kept thrusting until that meat stick reached inside her womb.

[Aaahh ]

Aiwa straightened his back, spurting waves of s.e.m.e.n inside her as Sili fainted after screaming.

[My older sister, she..]

Dolly became anxious when she saw her older sister Sili faint.

[Shell be fine.]

Aiwa waited until he had finished e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. inside her and turned back to answer Dolly.

Sili also opened her eyes slowly after Aiwa withdrew from her body, but she was feeling limp all over and was unable to move.

[I was really scared just now, I thought you..]

Dollys heart relaxed after she saw Aiwa wake up. She threw herself into his embrace.

[Hehe, I wont die so easily.]

Aiwa patted Dollys shoulder, asking: [How did you two come here?]

[I came to find you along with older sister after we heard that the Princess of Tanzya wanted you to become her husband. We went to Favargo first, but they said that you were missing; therefore, we knew that youre still at Tanzya. You dont know how many difficulties we faced in order to find you. We didnt dare come in during the daytimes celebration, and so we had to wait until dusk to slip past the guards. Just now we had no choice but to use bewitching powder, you..wouldnt mind it right?]

Dolly had already considered Aiwa to be her family; therefore she felt a sense of security lying in Aiwas embrace

Just now, as the fiance, Dolly hadnt taken the initiative to calm Aiwa down; Aiwa could understand her since she was saving herself for their wedding night.

And the reason Sili seized this chance was because she understood in her heart that Aiwa didnt belong to her.

[Thank you, Dolly.]

Aiwa was moved by Dolly.

[But ]


[My father has already rescinded the engagement between us. What should we do?]

[Whats the difficulty with that? Wouldnt it be fine if we just become husband and wife at that time?]

Aiwa made this matter seem simple, but Dolly knew that her father would definitely make things difficult for Aiwa in order to save his face as the Prime Minister.

The other three girls still hadnt woken up by now.

[Will they be alright?]

Dolly became anxious. She feared that the drug amount would not be enough when the bewitching drug was released inside the tent, but these three girls were still unconscious.

[Dont mind these vixens, no need to pity even if they die. As long as Aiwa is still alive, itll be fine.]

Sili said.

[Aiwa, can you save them?]

Dolly was a kindhearted girl, she didnt wish for these three girls to die because of her.

[Let me try.]

Aiwa estimated that the bewitching drug wouldnt kill a person, but since Dolly had requested him, there was no harm in using to opportunity to enjoy another round.

He checked the breaths of all the three girls first; although their breaths were weak, they were still even. He stripped the two maids. Their figure was quite good, and their skin was very flexible since they were young, especially their perfect b.r.e.a.s.t.s could provoke a mans affection. One of the maids among them had spa.r.s.e pubic hair; making her plump groin even more attracting.

Aiwa separated that girls legs in front of Dolly; looking at the nectar flowing out of her small entrance made Aiwas blood boil.

Aiwas well-built body softly pushed down on that girls smooth body, bringing his thick meat stick to that girls entrance.

That maid slightly furrowed her brows at the moment Aiwas thick meat stick entered inside her, making her caress her small hill-like b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Aiwa lightly thrust inside her for a moment until the liquids inside were plentiful. Then, Aiwa suddenly pushed down, piercing deep inside. The maid also moaned unconsciously while raising her body.

Dolly stared at Aiwa while he worked this maids body as she was concerned about her life. Looking at the maids reaction after Aiwa pierced inside her body, she calmed down. However, she felt shy looking at the maid using her hands to caresses her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, seeing it couldnt help but make her nether regions moist.

The maid recovered her unconscious appearance after the pain from having her hymen break open gradually disappeared. Aiwa wiggled in her body for a moment before directly thrusting till her cervix and pulled out of her after transmitting a bit of energy to her.

Dollys sight followed Aiwa: [This is enough?]

[Shell be fine in a while.]

Aiwa came over to the other maid.

This maid was the one who used her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to scrub Aiwa in the bathtub. Her appearance right now seemed more erotic and attractive. Aiwa separated her legs, revealing her small hole dripping with nectar.

Aiwa stooped down to lick and suck on her v.u.l.v.a. The maid actually gave a small reaction, just then. Her l.a.b.i.a slightly opened and closed, proving that her v.a.g.i.n.a was also twitching softly.

[Mmn . . .]

That maid moaned at the time Aiwa licked her c.l.i.toris with his tongue, but she was still in a half-conscious state and hadnt genuinely recovered her consciousness.

[Dolly, can you help me?]

Aiwa got up from the maids body and asked.

[How should I help you?]

Dolly asked curiously.

[Come and help me lick her, I will send energy to her in a little bit.]

[I cant do that..]

Dolly helplessly looked towards Aiwa.

[Come, Ill teach you.]

Saying this, Aiwa raised Dollys skirt, exposing a pair of snow-white thighs.

[No, Aiwa, I..I want that..to be left until we marriage night.]

[I know. Im only going to teach you how to lick.]


Dolly obediently raised her skirt and after removing the obscene clothing, she shyly lied down.

Aiwas blood started boiling the moment he saw Dollys lovely v.u.l.v.a. He caressed her spa.r.s.e pubic hair as he stooped down. Dollys body tensed up at the, moment the warm breath from his mouth fell on her bottom lips.

Aiwa slowly stuck his mouth on her v.u.l.v.a. Dollys body couldnt help but tremble; her sensitive reactions due from the licking made Aiwas meat stick erect immediately. His tongue softly swept inside, making her body shudder continuously.

[Oh ]

Dolly moaned as v.a.g.i.n.al secretions started to flow out of her. After that, Aiwa pressed his tongue against her c.l.i.toris, ma.s.saging it. This made Dollys entire body stiffen up.

[Aaahh Wu ]

Dolly twisted her body as a kind of itching feel started to spread throughout her body. Her hands grabbed the bed sheets as she raised her pelvis upwards, pressing her v.a.g.i.n.a against Aiwas tongue.

However, Aiwa stopped at this moment.

Dollys face was already flushed at this moment; she didnt dare look towards Aiwa.

[Dolly, didnt getting licked by Aiwa like this feel very pleasant?]

Sili, who was slowly recovering her strength made fun of her from there.

[Older sister ]

Dolly shyly pulled her skirt down to cover her elegant legs, and wore the obscene clothing back on.

[Aiwa, she is after all your fiance, wouldnt it alright to take her chast.i.ty now, anyway that day is going to come sooner or later.]

Sili said.

Dolly coquettishly glanced at her older sister but she didnt say anything.

Aiwa laughed from the side. Dolly didnt wait for Aiwas instructions, as she approached the maid and then proceeded to use the technique she saw being used on herself.

Although Dolly was shy, she was a intelligent girl. She had already grasped the essentials when Aiwa was giving her oral s.e.x. Her tongue deftly swept past that maids v.u.l.v.a, ma.s.saging on top her v.u.l.v.a from time to time, making the half-conscious maid gradually moan.

The more intensely the maid moaned, the more enthusiastically Dolly licked her; she even learnt to suck on the c.l.i.t. Right now, Aiwa was also sucking that maids erect nipple, making that maid wriggle her body.

[All right, let me take over.]

Aiwa said.

Dolly withdrew back, letting Aiwa push down on that maids body.

After Aiwa made some shallow and deep thrusts inside her, he suddenly pushed down, thrusting deep inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a.

A painful expression appeared on that maids body as she squirmed.

[Aaaahhh ]

That ripping sort of pain made that maid scream in her unconscious state.

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