Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 32:

When Shen Fangyu heard this, his hands paused, and after a long while, he turned his head to Jiang Xu and said, "That's it. It's not that I don't have a salary. I can earn more if I lose my money." He interrupted with other matters. : "Are you hungry, I'll get you something to eat."

"Not hungry, Shen..."

Seeing that Jiang Xu looked like he was about to start talking about selling the house again, Shen Fangyu hurried to the kitchen. He wandered around the kitchen of Jiang Xu's house, and accidentally found a pile of braised beef noodles along the wall, which was comparable to a supermarket. giant tower.

Jiang Xu's voice chased after him, "Shen Fangyu, listen to me—"

"Jiang Xu," Shen Fangyu interrupted directly: "What's wrong with you, instant noodles all taste the same, are you not tired of eating them?"

"Shen Fangyu—"

Before Jiang Xu finished speaking, Shen Fangyu walked up to him in three steps at a time, put his hands on his shoulders, "You should go to sleep, rest more to recover quickly, the vagus nerve is easily excited at night, be careful when you sleep later No, even if you don't sleep by yourself, it's time for our daughter to go to bed, go to bed early and get up early, don't you feel healthy, what do you want for breakfast tomorrow?"

Shen Fangyu coaxed and pushed Jiang Xu back to the bedroom, pressed him on the bed, covered the quilt, and quickly slipped out of the bedroom before Jiang Xu had a chance to speak. He thoughtfully helped Jiang Xu close the door, thinking that the lock had just broken, so he deliberately reached out to hold the door panel.

But the prediction was wrong, Jiang Xu didn't hit him with a pillow today.

Shen Fangyu looked at the closed door, and walked away for a while, which was rare, until his stomach groaned twice, then he suddenly came back to his senses, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

The kitchen structure of Jiang Xu's house is very simple, and you can see the end at a glance. He and Jiang Xu's instant noodle Pagoda Mountain looked at each other, and finally chose to open Jiang Xu's refrigerator.

Then Shen Fangyu, who was looking for food in the middle of the night, saw what an empty granary was.

The refrigerator in Jiang Xu's house was spotless and clean, not even the slightest smell of food. Shen Fangyu even wondered if the refrigerator had never been used by Jiang Xu since he bought it. Even the samples in the electrical appliance store would not be empty. so.

Is Jiang Xu the **** who opened the valley?

Shen Fangyu stood in front of the refrigerator for a while with a face full of shock, reconfirmed again and again that there was indeed nothing else to eat in the whole house except instant noodles Pagoda Mountain, and finally turned to look at the neatly arranged instant noodles wall.

While looking at each other, Shen Fangyu seemed to see the row of braised beef noodles smiling complacently.


Jiang Xu is not hungry, he is really hungry, and...he really needs to get used to the life of eating instant noodles earlier.

Shen Fangyu took two buckets out of it, quickly unpacked them, and filled them with boiling water.

An accident at night interrupted his work. Seeing the PPT received from the students in the mailbox, Shen Fangyu raced against the clock to scan the progress of their experiments in the gap between instant noodles. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work, you won’t even be able to do a PPT.”

Shen Fangyu put down the tablet depressedly, and walked to the door of Jiang Xu's bedroom with two bowls of delicious instant noodles.

This time he remembered to knock on the door, but unfortunately he had no hands, so he had to knock with his knee, but the lock was still broken, and with a little effort, the door opened by itself.

Jiang Xu, who was lying on the bed, looked at him and said, "Shen Fangyu, I don't agree—"

"Don't talk about selling the house." Shen Fangyu cut him off sharply, "Otherwise I'll tell Teacher Cui tomorrow that you injured your hand by yourself."

"..." Jiang Xu was silent for a moment, "Then knock on the door?"

"I really remembered to knock on the door this time." Shen Fangyu shook two bright red instant noodle boxes in front of him, "The main thing is that I don't have hands."

As he spoke, he walked into the room, and Jiang Xu, who had been lying peacefully just now, sat up slowly, "Take it out."

Shen Fangyu: "Huh?"

Jiang Xu pointed out the window, "If you dare to eat instant noodles in my bedroom, you can go out and sleep on the street."

"Hey, let me tell you why you are such a messy person. Who is used to your cleanliness?" Shen Fangyu said, "Seeing how messy your bedroom is, I thought we were the same person."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the bedroom, and was about to complain about the plush dolls that made him have a nightmare all night, but found that except for the long-eared rabbit beside Jiang Xu, all the plush toys in the room disappeared.

Holy crap...it's haunted.

"Jiang Xu," his voice trembled a little, "can you see the doll in this room?"

"I put it away." Jiang Xu looked at him lightly.

Shen Fangyu: "..."

"You had a nightmare last night," Jiang Xu continued to output, "Talking in your sleep is so noisy."

Shen Fangyu's mind was full of lawsuits, "You think you don't talk in your sleep?"

"What did I say?" Jiang Xu raised his eyes.


Shen Fangyu recalled the five-character sleepwalking sentence, and felt that if he repeated it in front of Jiang Xu now, it should be the same as scolding himself, so he watched his eyes carefully and said, "I don't care about you."

I could tell you were talking nonsense just by looking at Jiang Xu's face, "You're so grown up, you're still afraid of ghosts."

When Shen Fangyu heard the words, anger arose from his heart, and the evil turned to gallbladder. He decisively returned to the dining table with two buckets of instant noodles, and didn't leave a bowl for Jiang Xu.

After supper, he went to clean up the wreckage of the bathroom mirror, checked the time of the follow-up meeting with a few students, and when he walked back to the bedroom lightly, Jiang Xu had already turned off the lights.

He thought Jiang Xu had fallen asleep, and was about to take off his shoes and lie down on his floor, when a faint voice came from the bed: "Shen Fangyu."

"Are you scaring ghosts in the middle of the night?" Shen Fangyu, who almost had a sudden cardiac arrest, covered his heart, looked at Jiang Xu's silhouette in the dark, and said sleepily, "Why are you still awake at this late hour, and you have to go out to the clinic tomorrow."

Jiang Xu was quiet for a while, until Shen Fangyu's eyes gradually got used to the darkness, and he could slightly see his expression clearly.

Jiang Xu said, "I have something to tell you."

"Sell the house?" Shen Fangyu made a gesture to plug his earplugs.

"It's not a house sale."

Shen Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"I asked Tang Ke. His friend said that there was something wrong with the review of the journal. I'm afraid it's hard to say when Dr. Kenn's paper will be published. He asked me to prepare for the worst, and... There is something that I haven't told you," Jiang Xu paused, "Until now, I haven't got a visa to go abroad."

"So, regarding your suggestion during the prenatal checkup that day," he looked at Shen Fangyu, "I think having a baby is probably the best choice at this stage."

Shen Fangyu was stunned. He didn't expect that Jiang Xu's words would lead to such a turning point in the end.

No matter what objective reasons exist, this is the first time Jiang Xu, who is extremely determined to get rid of the child, has offered to give birth to the child.

"I just pretended I didn't hear what you said just now." Jiang Xu said, "Don't try to sell the house anymore, I don't want you to go bankrupt for me."

"Didn't you say you won't mention selling the house...Jiang Xu," Shen Fangyu shook his head, and said to Jiang Xu, "Money is not a problem, this is what I should compensate you for."

After Jiang Xu listened, his voice suddenly became a little angry:

"What kind of uncle are you? Who wants you to sell houses and cars here? You are Yang Xier who sold her life to save her father, and I am Huang Shiren, a landlord and bully who exploited you? You are the father of the child, but I am not the father of the child." Don’t make compensations all day long, and don’t act like I’m the victim and you are the perpetrator, okay? I let you come to my house and tolerate you tearing down two doors of my house like a husky, not for you to come To make it up to me, Shen Fangyu, can you correct your mentality."

The first time he made a sound, it was probably because he had just finished drafting a few times, and he didn't even catch his breath, so he didn't give Shen Fangyu a chance to stop him.

Finally, he finished what he hadn't said before.

Shen Fangyu stared blankly at Jiang Xu, unable to react for a long time.

In the past, Jiang Xu could solve problems with rolling his eyes and a speechless face, and never said a word to him. It was the first time he heard Jiang Xu yelling at him one after another like a machine gun, and he was stunned for a while.

And Jiang Xu finished speaking after holding his breath, and fell into silence.

The two were quiet for a while, and finally Jiang Xu took a look at Shen Fangyu and asked, "Do you remember when we were juniors, we went out to debate on behalf of the school?"

Jiang Xu's decision to have a child and Jiang Xu's tirade against him made Shen Fangyu still in a state of bewilderment, and he nodded in disbelief when he heard the words.

"What did you say at that time?" Jiang Xu reminded him.

Shen Fangyu thought for a while, "I don't remember."

Jiang Xu: "..."

At that time, the topic of the final debate was the cliche "cooperation and competition". The argument drawn by the opposing school was that competition was more important, while the argument of A Medical University was that cooperation was more important.

The debater from the opposing school used the fertilization process as an example. Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of sperm compete, and only the fastest and best-performing sperm can enter the fertilized egg and develop into a fetus.

At that time, Shen Fangyu laughed after hearing it. He stood beside Jiang Xu and told the other party with a bit of high-spirited publicity.

"The real fertilization process is actually a cooperative process. Countless sperm that first arrive at the egg cell, use their lives to dissolve the corona radiata and zona pellucida on the outer layer of the egg cell, so that the lucky one who arrives late can contact the egg cell smoothly." to the egg cell to complete fertilization."

"The sperm that can really enter the egg cell is not the best, but the luckiest, because it has countless partners who work with it to create its success."

"Without cooperation," Shen Fangyu said, "No matter how strong a competitor is, it will be difficult to succeed."

The sunlight outside the competition classroom window slanted down on Shen Fangyu's face, shining brightly on his eyes.

For some reason, Jiang Xu remembered that scene for many years.

He even remembered what color of clothes Shen Fangyu was wearing that day, that he hadn't buttoned it properly that day, that he had a cynical expression and a wry smile on his face.

...I remember that after Shen Fangyu finished speaking to the opposing debater, he turned his head and glanced at him with a bit of embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, the person who said this last sentence forgot.

"Shen Fangyu," Jiang Xu looked at him, "Conception itself is a process of cooperation. I agree with you coming to my house because you said..." He lowered his eyes, "You are also the child's father."

"You..." There was a moment of silence, Shen Fangyu seemed a little incomprehensible, and swallowed with difficulty, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Xu despaired of the understanding of the person in front of him, he lifted the quilt expressionlessly, turned his back to Shen Fangyu and fell asleep.

"It means that if you mention selling the house again, get out of here."

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