Doupo: Life Simulator System

Chapter 172: Sharing Time

Chapter 172: Sharing Time

When Xiao Ming returned to his courtyard in the Elder Zone, it was already dark.

After opening the courtyard door and entering, Xiao Ming saw no one in the hall, and before he could think about what was going on, he heard the sound of a room door opening, and out of it came a beautiful figure dressed in white.

When the figure dressed in white saw Xiao Ming, a smile appeared on her delicate face as she said, "Xiao Ming, you're back."

"Hmm, I caught up with my Master after the meeting ended. By the way, Xian'er, where is everyone?" Xiao Ming asked curiously.

"Sister Zi Yan came to drop us off at the courtyard and shortly after, she left again. She mentioned that she would go get some candies". said Xiao Yi Xian with a puzzled face, she didn't expect the Academy to have candies.

Xiao Ming smiled wryly, he already knew what candy Zi Yan was talking about, but since he already imagined that something like this would happen, he said nothing and continued to listen.

Xiao Yi Xian continued in a softer voice, her head looking slightly down, "Little Sister Qing Lin practiced some more in the afternoon, saying that she wanted to help you defeat the bad guys as soon as possible, now she fell asleep."

Hearing her words, Xiao Ming thought of something and checked Xiao Yi Xian's face more carefully and could tell that she looked very fatigued as if she had overexerted herself.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming understood what happened and approached her as he said with concern, "Neither of you two need to overexert yourselves, especially you, Xian'er, don't take what happened today in the wrong-"

His words stopped abruptly.

Feeling Xiao Yi Xian's delicate hands tightly squeezing his robe, and her beautiful face crestfallen close to his chest, Xiao Ming was stunned.

He finally reacted a few seconds later when he felt her hands trembling slightly, which made him think no more, and hugged her lightly, while one of his hands gently stroked her hair.

The toxins on Xiao Yi Xian's skin rushed inside his body, but Xiao Ming didn't care, and just circulated his Dou Qi lightly to dispel them.

In the large hall, besides the silence, only a slight sobbing could be heard from time to time.

After a few minutes, the sound of sobbing ceased and Xiao Ming heard a low voice coming from near his chest.

"Ever since we met, you've always taken care of me, even now, without knowing what's going on, you still do."

Hearing her words, a faint smile formed on Xiao Ming's lips as one of his hands continued to stroke her purple hair, "How could I not? From the moment I decided to take you in, your well-being became part of my concerns."

With her beautiful face crestfallen, Xiao Yi Xian spoke in a faltering voice.

"I've never felt this feeling before, the feeling that someone cares about me... it feels so good..."

"I have always been afraid... that you would come to dislike me, and consequently abandon me. In order not to lose this feeling, I have been selfish..."

"...Remember when we talked about our childhood in Hai Bodong's Map Store?"

"Mhm" Naturally, Xiao Ming remembered it, after all, it was when he finally ended his seclusion and began instructing Xiao Yi Xian and Qing Lin, the medicinal bath accident also occurred at that time.

When he helped Xiao Yi Xian get better control over her poison, they used to talk about their childhood and other experiences while resting, and according to what Xiao Yi Xian told him at that time, was that after losing her parents, she had been raised in a small orphanage in one of the northern cities of the Jia Ma Empire., in that small orphanage, seeing children's suffering, her dream became to be an Alchemist. And that was when she started to learn about medicine until finally moved to Qingshan Town to save as many people as possible.

Xiao Ming recalls that at that time, he felt that there were several questionable points in her history. Did she learn about medicine in a small orphanage? And how could she travel freely afterward? One had to know that in this world no one did anything for charity, the orphanages that existed on the Continent were nothing more than a method used by some forces to get people from outside, basically slaves or servants, who would be loyal to that force when they grew up. And for someone with Xiao Yi Xian's talent, the chances of them letting her go afterward were basically nil. But as he thought that everyone had their own secrets, he did not ask any more questions at that time.

Before saying the next words, Xiao Yi Xian took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"The truth is that I lied to you that time. Actually, I have never been in an orphanage, since I was orphaned, I had to survive by my own means, and no one ever cared about me. Make no mistake, I was never a helpless child, many times I had to steal in order to survive. It was one of those days when I saw a crowd of people surrounding a middle-aged man with a special robe, the looks of those people were full of reverence, and that scene was something that would leave a mark on me from that moment on."

"A few days later, I stole a book about medicinal herbs, that was the first and last time I stole something other than food or a blanket to sleep on. In that book, I learned how to make medicines from common herbs, and my dream became to be an Alchemist like that man."

"You must think I wanted to do it to help people, but it wasn't that way, mostly, I just wanted recognition, I wanted people to look at me with the same eyes of reverence that they gave that man."

Xiao Ming didn't say any words and just listened to her attentively.

"After learning a little about medicinal herbs, I volunteered to help some small doctors in the cities in exchange for more knowledge, by that time, I already knew that my Dou Qi attribute did not meet the requirements to be an Alchemist, however, I did not give up, and having the necessary knowledge, at the age of sixteen, I moved to Qingshan Town and joined a small medicine store to treat the wounded mercenaries."

"I knew that a large number of deaths occurred in that town due to battles with magical beasts, and I knew that in that place, I could become recognized and that everyone would see me with those same eyes of gratitude and reverence, that's why I moved there."

"I have always been so selfish, while you took care of us, I was worried about myself, that your impression of me would not diminish, and I have gone so far as to lie to you. I thought everything would be fine, but seeing you today with Hu Jia, whom you knew since you were a child, getting along so well... in addition to what happened in the afternoon, made me realize that things could no longer keep going this way... I know that you must hate me now, I feel I'm not worthy of your care, nor of having such good sisters as Qing Lin and Zi Yan, I will understand if you no longer want to see me again-".

"You did well, Xian'er" As Xiao Yi Xian became more and more emotional, a clear voice sounded over her head, which caused her to stop her speech, as she turned to look up, she saw Xiao Ming looking at her with a gentle smile and a caring look on his face.

"Nothing you did was wrong, you looked for a way to survive and that's why you are here. It's also not wrong that you sought acceptance from other people, no one does anything out of the goodness of their heart, we all have selfish desires from time to time."

"You should also know that when I took you and Qing Lin in, my motives were not selfless." Xiao Ming said slowly, as he moved his hand to wipe the small crystalline drops on Xiao Yi Xian's cheeks.

"Now you are ashamed of the things you did to survive in the past, doesn't that show that you have always been a gentle girl? If there's one thing I can be sure of, it's that you really like helping people, otherwise, the smile I saw you make back then wouldn't have been so genuine". Xiao Ming said as he recalled Xiao Yi Xian's touching smile while tending to the wounded mercenaries in Qingshan Town.

"Xian'er, you don't need to be ashamed of your past, it's thanks to all those experiences that you are where you are now, otherwise, how do you think I could have found you if you had never been in that little medicine store?"

"Do you still remember how we met?"

Recalling when they first met, she tried to stab him and ended up fainting herself, Xiao Yi Xian blushed furiously.

"Hehe, didn't you think I was a pervert back then? It's normal that you were suspicious of me at that time, but then, you spent more time by my side and finally came to understand me better. Likewise, I'm not waiting to meet a perfect version of you, but the real you."

"Besides, what you have achieved since you were a child is incredible."

Indeed, Xiao Ming was very impressed, with no one to help her, Xiao Yi Xian was able to learn so much at such a young age, and also cultivated to a decent level before he found her.

Hearing these words from her dearest person, a large stone was finally released from Xiao Yi Xian's heart, despite the cold of the night, her body felt warm inside and she could not help but step forward and hug him tightly.

Raising her head, she saw his eyes looking at her warmly, causing her heart to start beating wildly, but she did not avert her gaze.

Seeing Xiao Yi Xian's extremely touching gaze, Xiao Ming also could not look away.

In the large dark hall, only two shadows could be seen embracing for an indefinite time.


It was almost midnight when a white figure suddenly appeared in the courtyard hall

"hehe, I got a lot of medicinal herbs this time, I'll tell Xiao Ming tomorrow to refine them into rich candies for me." the pigtailed figure was drooling as she thought of the delicious candies she would eat tomorrow.

"And why don't you tell me now?" Suddenly, she heard a voice at her back.

"Xiao Mi-!" The pigtailed figure recognized the voice and was shouting his name as she turned around and was about to jump into the person's arms.

But before she could finish her words, the person extended his hand and covered her little mouth.

"Don't be so loud, Zi Yan, both Xian'er and Qing Lin are already asleep, instead, why don't you explain to me where you got those herbs from?" After speaking, Xiao Ming slowly withdrew his hand from her mouth and said with his eyes rolling.

"Hehe, Xiao Ming! Good thing you're here, oh yes, these herbs… I got them from the herb wa- oh no, from the Mountain Range outside the Academy, I want you to make them into rich pills!".

Zi Yan said channeling her voice solely towards Xiao Ming, as she jumped into his arms and wriggled her little head on his chest.

Suddenly, sensing a strange yet familiar scent on Xiao Ming's chest, Zi Yan stopped her movements abruptly.

Xiao Ming already knew that this would be the result, but he was in a good mood today, so he didn't continue to question her, instead, he stroked her purple hair as he said.

"Alright, but you left the girls alone today, for several days, I will be busy refining pills to attract Han Feng and company, so I need you to stay longer to take care of them."

"Xiao Ming, I want to join too!"

Coming to her senses, Zi Yan immediately said.

During the afternoon meeting, she knew that it would be useless to try to get the Elders to take her into account in the battle against Han Feng and his group, so she waited until this moment, when she was alone with Xiao Ming, to say to him.

"You won't go, it might be dangerous for you, and First Elder Su won't agree either." Xiao Ming shook his head.

Although he thought that Zi Yan could take care of herself, it really wasn't necessary to put her at risk, besides, Zi Yan couldn't stand still, and her waiting several days in one place was something he could not imagine.

"Xiao Ming, nothing will happen to me, I also want to fight by your side! Do you really want me to do nothing when someone wants to attack you…?"

After a little discussion, Xiao Ming gave up and agreed to let her join, on the condition that she would only participate in the battle between Dou Kings.

Zi Yan was satisfied with the arrangement, and after giving the medicinal herbs to Xiao Ming for safekeeping, she contentedly went to her room.


After lying down on his bed, Xiao Ming began to recall his day.

First, there was Hu Jia's arrival, then the situation with Xiao Yi Xian, and finally Zi Yan's mischief.

He began to think that it was easier to deal with those upper echelons of the forces than with women.

But then he remembered Yun Yun and Medusa, which made him no longer know what to think.

While Xiao Ming was absorbed in meaningless thoughts, small footsteps sounded outside his room.

Hearing these small footsteps, Xiao Ming turned on the light stone and stood up strangely.

'Zi Yan forgot to tell me something? But why doesn't she use her spatial power?'

Opening the door, Xiao Ming realized he had made a mistake.

A little girl with pigtails and emerald green eyes stood behind the door, in her little arms she held a pillow tightly, and her sleepy eyes looked straight into Xiao Ming's handsome face. Who else would it be but Qing Lin?

"Qing Lin, what are you doing here so late at night?" asked Xiao Ming in bewilderment.

"Qing Lin wants to sleep with Young Master!" Qing Lin replied with a red face, but her eyes contained expectation.

"Why do you want to sleep with me so suddenly?"

"It's because..." According to Qing Lin, she was having recurring nightmares and the solution, she said, was for him to accompany her to sleep.

When Xiao Ming asked her why she hadn't gone with her Sister Xian'er, Qing Lin nervously replied that she tried sleeping with her for a while, but it didn't work, yet she is sure it will work with him.

This left Xiao Ming completely speechless, he and Xiao Yi Xian had been talking all night until recently. She had not even been in her room.

Obviously, Qing Lin was sleeping peacefully in her room and was awakened by Zi Yan's shout, and for some reason, she wanted to come and sleep with him and made up this excuse on the way.

It was for this reason that she did not even know that Xiao Yi Xian was not in her room for the most part of the night.

Xiao Ming sighed, but when he saw her tired little eyes, he couldn't refuse and let her come into the room.

When they were in bed, he made a space for Qing Lin, and arranged the pillow she had brought in between the two of them, so that she could sleep comfortably.

Then, he helped her untangle her pigtails and gave her a blanket.

Excitedly, Qing Lin, whose hair was loose, happily rolled over her space on the bed, looking like a little ball of green hair, and after a while, she finally hugged her pillow as she fell asleep.

Seeing Qing Lin fall asleep, Xiao Ming smiled faintly, turned off the light stone, and went to bed as well.

Not even twenty minutes passed before Xiao Ming felt a soft body hugging him tightly like an octopus.

Opening his eyes, he saw that, to no one's surprise, it was Qing Lin hugging him, and she seemed to still be asleep, looking further, he realized that both the pillow Qing Lin had brought and the blanket he had given her had strangely flown away.

Shaking his head and feeling tired, Xiao Ming took his blanket and covered her up, as he hugged her lightly and fell sound asleep.

A few minutes later, hearing Xiao Ming's even breathing, a faint smile formed on Qing Lin's lips.

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