Douluo Dalu 5 Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 1096: leave me some

Chapter 1096: leave me some

So much so that the first elder, second elder and third elder of Nong have now become the object of public attention, and they have never been taken seriously.

"Emperor Zhun goes in person, isn't this sincerity enough?" Seeing Tang San's wry smile, Xu Anyu couldn't help laughing.

Tang San sighed and said, "Okay, okay. Crystal City is the largest city, so it doesn't count as burying them. But don't worry about it, Great Elder. I have already promised Tianyang Tianjinghuang, you know. Yes, without his support, I would not be where I am today. Second Elder, I may have promised to go out and give it to the Great Demon Emperor Tianhu. In the future, I will become an emperor, and I will count on him to control my luck for me."

Xu Anyu looked at him suspiciously and said, "Don't you think about the Eight-Tailed Tianhu Ping Wife Group?"

Tang San said angrily: "You think too much, I don't dare to lend me two courage!"

Xu Anyu said with a bit of jealousy: "Young Master Mei has become more attractive, and we should be considered rivals in love. That can only be given to me as the third elder?"

Tang San snorted disdainfully, "Who is your rival in love? My Xiaomei didn't even look at you, okay? Don't be too affectionate."

Xu Anyu's eyes widened immediately, "You're so disrespectful. You don't expose shortcoming when scolding others."

Both of them couldn't help laughing.

Xu Anyu seemed to suddenly remember something, and his face became serious, "Brother Jin, I have something to beg you."

Tang San said: "What?"

Xu Anyu smiled bitterly and said, "leave me some."

Tang San looked at him with deep eyes and said, "What are you keeping?"

Xu Anyu said with a wry smile: "You know. It seems that there are three emperors occupying the position of the emperor. Let's not say that the power of the sword of the beautiful young master is extremely powerful, and it is definitely not something that ordinary emperors can support. The pillar will exceed 300 meters. You alone will occupy a large position. I have been retreating these days, and have deeply experienced the mystery of divine power. It is indeed another level of power, not to mention that you still have The perception of the power of life and death. Once you become an emperor, you will occupy a huge position. You two add up, there is no place for me! I am a quasi emperor. It is meaningless. Can you leave it for me Click on the place, wait until we all become emperors, and then you will explode, and let's squeeze the positions of other emperors together."

In fact, when Xu Anyu first arrived, Tang San had guessed the purpose of his visit. As Xu Anyu said, everyone is smart, and everyone can see that whether it is him, Xu Anyu, or Young Master Mei, as long as he becomes emperor, he will never be an ordinary emperor like Jingfeng Demon Emperor. By.

It seems that three thrones are vacated, but can they really accommodate all three of them? It's hard to say.

Xu Anyu didn't expect that he would lose to Tang San and become the third-ranked quasi-emperor, but now he had to come and beg.

Tang San smiled slightly, looked at him with deep eyes, and said, "Brother Xu, don't worry, I promise, when you become emperor, there will be enough vacancies. Do what you say."

Xu Anyu was stunned, he didn't expect Tang San to agree to him so easily, you know, this is the emperor's position! He came here more for the sake of clichs, to see that he didn't really occupy a large position when he became emperor.

The original emperor's pillar of King Kong Jingjing was more than 200 meters and close to 300 meters, while the crystal demon emperor was 600 meters away. Therefore, it is said that three thrones are vacated.

In Xu Anyu's view, Young Master Mei became emperor, and the Emperor Tianzhu should be able to reach about 300 meters. He had such a height just after becoming an emperor, and he was already extremely powerful. And as long as Tang San becomes emperor, the Emperor Tianzhu does not exceed 400 meters, there will still be enough vacancies for him, when he suppresses some strength, he should be able to become emperor barely.

And now, with Tang San's guarantee, it was naturally the best.

"Brother Jin. This is really a great kindness without saying thanks!" Xu Anyu showed gratitude.

Tang San smiled and said: "Didn't you say, we are our own people? Besides, we are all the emperors of the new generation, we will need to help each other in the future."

"That's right. We can never be enemies. If you don't want my light element elf, I'm afraid I'll run away from you. What's more, we also have the inheritance of the crystal crown. Become emperor together, it is considered Inherited her legacy. We will always be good brothers."

Xu Anyu, as the powerhouse of the Dragon Clan and the new city owner of Crystal City, this friendship is still very important and precious.

Tang San smiled silently, Xu Anyu would never have imagined where his promise came from. For Jingjing's sake, what about giving him an emperor in the future?

Xu Anyu said: "Okay, then I won't bother you anymore. Call me when you are ready to go. I will accompany you back to Jianmu City."

Xu Anyu left. Tang San quietly changed his form in the room, turning into the appearance of an ordinary person, wearing a cloak to cover his aura, and quietly teleported away.

First out of the ancestral courtyard, and then teleported from outside the ancestral courtyard to the familiar corner of the ancestral courtyard.

The tavern was very deserted, and after the end of the Battle of the Emperor, it returned to its deserted state.

In a dark corner, a man in gray sat behind the desk.

Tang San quietly appeared in the chair opposite it and sat down.

"This is the last payment." A bag of amethyst coins flew over.

The other party took the bag and looked at the amethyst coins in it. He didn't need to count it carefully to know the amount. "You gave too much."

"You accomplished your mission very well, giving more is the basis for continuing cooperation next time." Tang San said lightly.

The man in gray nodded and put away the bag, "We will still contact you in the old way in the future. Although I don't know the purpose of the mission you asked us to carry out, as long as it damages the ancestral courtyard, we are willing to do it."

"Hmm. UU read and contact me later." Tang San's figure immediately disappeared without a trace. Even if the man in gray is the best at hiding in the world, he doesn't know how he did it at this moment.

After everything, Tang San finally left the ancestral courtyard with the elders of the Blue Gold Tree Clan and returned to Jianmu City.

The elders followed Tang San in a carriage out of the city, then got off the carriage and flew towards the direction of Jianmu City.

Looking at the scenery under their feet constantly passing by, they can't help but feel like they are in a different world.

When they came to the ancestral court, they were still penniless and weak blue-gold tree clan. When they returned, they had become a powerful race that the world was watching. Not only did they have a quasi-emperor, but they also married another quasi-emperor. Even the sacred mountain of the emperor, which belongs to them, has already begun to be built in the ancestral courtyard. This kind of honor is unprecedented in the ancestral court.

The Blue Gold Tree Clan is no longer a weak race that is left to be kneaded by others. The Blue Gold Tree Clan has once again stood up.

Tang San and Xu Anyu walked together, Tang San rode the crystal dragon, and Xu Anyu rode his own avatar, the bright holy dragon. They flew in front, two dragon knights-like existences, representing the new generation of the ancestral court.

The elders of the Blue Gold Tree Clan followed, and all the way back to Kerry City, no matter what race or main city they passed, strong men would greet them in the air or **** them. , or welcome into the city to rest, it is completely the treatment of the emperor.

The news of the Battle of the Emperor has always affected the hearts of all races in the entire Fairy Continent. The information of all the games was spread to all races in the first time. Even if you didn't see the game for the first time, there was a lot of information, and even the process of the game was clearly transmitted to every corner of the ancestral courtyard.

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