Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 76: Where is she now

Chapter 76: Where is she now

Nan Chengs eyes lit up. Thats quite possible. Probably because we didnt want money so they wanted to compensate us in other ways. Hubby, Im a little regretful, we should have accepted the money. Now that our son is fine, do you think we should ask for compensation from them?

Lan Xiao nodded helplessly. Well talk about this when we get home, the academy would give us an explanation too. It was a huge incident, after all.

The VIP tickets really had a special spot to inspect the tickets; the door was very small and wasnt eye-catching but after walking through the door, there was a red carpet and it led all the way to the venue directly.

Second row!

When Lan Xuanyu and his family found their seats, it was actually the second row. Also, the VIP seats were much more spacious and they were provided with a bottle of water along with a paper bag. In the paper bag, there was a figurine of Master Le, he was in a silver outfit, had blue hair and looked very dashing.

The second row! Awesome! Nan Cheng grabbed her sons hand excitedly and shook it.

Lan Xuanyu was slightly annoyed by the queue. Mommy, is it really so good? Im tired, Ill sleep a bit first!

Nan Cheng was stunned. Son, are you feeling unwell?

No, dont worry. Lan Xuanyu leaned against the backrest and closed his eyes. He hasnt completely recovered and the impact on his sea of consciousness was quite severe.

It was a full house. Entering the venue took over an hour and once they had their tickets checked, there wasnt an empty seat in the entire place; just counting the security guards alone, there were over a hundred of them.

Ladies and gentlemen, Master Les concert will begin soon, please remain quiet and let us appreciate Master Les voice together. An announcement was made and the entire place fell into silence as all eyes were now directed onto the stage.

A ray of spotlight fell from the sky and shone on the stage.

The music started playing and the brilliant acoustics made that sound echo around their ears.

Nan Chengs brightly-lit eyes were glued to the stage she was in the second row! She could see the stage very clearly and Lan Xiao was also curious as he looked towards the stage with his wife.

Then, a figure slowly descended from the top and as he came down, a melodious voice could be heard.

Her silhouette blurred, as though experiencing a thousand years of reincarnation.

Her voice so clear, from the countless reverberations from the past.

Her fragrance of musk and lily, that lingers at the edge of my senses despite the passing of ages.

Her soft and slender hands, my best anchor and harbor.

One life, three worlds, one of our soul, the second of society, and the last contained within the depths of our hearts.

Where is she now?

His voice was pleasing to the ears with a tinge of grief that made ones heart rise and fall with emotions. It immediately spread throughout every corner of the venue.

Lan Xuanyu, who was already asleep, was slowly woken up by that voice. It was so euphonious that his eyes moved towards the stage subconsciously.

Master Le was still dressed in his silver attire that day and his blue hair fell over his face nicely. Being in such close proximity, one could see how handsome his face was. With the lights on stage shining on him, he could only be described as flawless, especially with that slight melancholic air around him which made the girls even more intoxicated.

Of course, this included Nan Cheng. When she first saw Master Le in person, she blushed and her breathing nearly stopped, she wasnt any different from those young girls.

Too handsome, hes simply too handsome and his voice was so moving.

Master Les voice echoed throughout the place.

The songRemembrance had drawn the hearts of countless people.

Nan Cheng finally understood why so many fans who attended his concerts before said that it felt different listening to him sing this song live than through a broadcast. It was truly a collision of hearts! It was as if his voice wasnt ringing their ears but their hearts.

As a Spirit Master with six rings, she questioned herself if her heart was strong enough but with Master Les voice, it felt like she didnt have any defense at all. It was so easy to be immersed and enchanted by it.

Not only to mention her, but even a man like Lan Xiao was stunned by his voice. He seemed to have returned to the time when he went on the expedition alone and recalled how he missed his family so much.

He sings really well!

Lan Xuanyu widened his eyes as he watched Master Le on stage and he felt an inexplicable sense of warmth. What does this feel like? He couldnt put a finger to it but he just had this feeling that he wanted to get near him.

The song ended and what followed was pin-drop silence. In the next moment, the audience broke into rapturous applause, screams, and cheers like the entire place were about to overturn.

Master Le nodded slightly on stage and Nan Cheng suddenly felt like his gaze was in their direction. Just a glance and she felt her breathing becoming faster. His eyes were too beautiful, so dashing!

Protect time, protect you!

Protect time, protect you!

Protect time, protect you!

The audience chanted and shouted their slogan. In fact, it was because of this slogan that Tang Les agency changed the name of his new song to this after discussing it with him.

Tang Le bowed slightly and thanked the audience, then, he lifted his hand slowly and pretended to press a button in the air.

The fanatic scene quickly calmed down.

Thank you for liking this song. But today, I only want to sing Remembrance once. Next, I would like to give this song to all of you, Protect time, protect you. At the same time, I would like to invite a member of the audience to sing with me and complete this song.

The second he said that, the entire place was in an uproar.

Sing with Master Le? Since when is Master Le so approachable? This is the icy Master Le ah!

However, this was simply too exciting. Even after the new song was released in Heaven Luo City, Master Le actually came up with something novel in Zi Luo City this was simply unlike him!

Me A girl had already jumped up excitedly.

Almost all of the fans were seething with excitement, especially the girls.

Master Le is about to perform Protect time, protect you! And he wants to invite someone up, clearly to sing to her, right? How wonderful is this?

This is amazing, it is a huge blessing! Master Le was willing to sing to his female fan this was simply out of this world!

The place instantly fell into a frenzy.

Le Qingling was in the backstage and was stunned too because this wasnt prearranged! The organizer was shocked as well.

Zhuang Zijian immediately rushed to Le Qingling. Manager Le, why didnt you tell us beforehand? We could use this for publicity! Your agency is so professional, how could you guys miss such a good opportunity? Whats going on? Could you tell us next time and allow us to do some prior preparation? This list of names could even be auctioned. With Master Les current popularity, it would fetch a high price for sure. If we donated the profits from the auction, it would be beneficial for Master Les name too!

Le Qinglings lips twitched and she turned to look at Zhuang Zijian. CEO Zhuang, if I told you that Master Le was suddenly hit upon this wild idea and I didnt know about it at all, will you believe me?

Zhuang Zijians lips twitched as well. This this alright, up to him then, as long as the audience likes it. Manager Le, my heart really cant take organizing an event with you guys! Thankfully, he didnt disappear all of a sudden today.

CEO Zhuang, do you believe that the fans now cant wait for him to leave the place. This way, they might have another new song, Le Qingling laughed.

Zhuang Zijian quickly waved his hands, Dont, dont, Im afraid of dying. My heart really cant handle it, I nearly had a heart attack that day. Im not young anymore, cant take so much excitement! I cant compare with you young people!

Then, I shall pick someone, Master Les voice resounded again. Please remain silent, thank you.

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