Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 51: King of Eternal Darkness

Chapter 51: King of Eternal Darkness

For the operation this time, Ye Feng deployed 300 soldiers from the Valiant Dragon Special Forces. He had already blocked out all the major roads to isolate these criminals from the crowded areas and he made sure that they wont find out about it. It took months of preparation and they even sent some soldiers to pretend to be influenced by the criminals terrorist acts. There was a lot of thought that had gone into this plan. Finally, the hard times are over and these guys were caught.

There were at least ten criminals that were captured, all of whom were wanted by the Federation. At least two out of twelve envoys from the City of Sin were involved in this operation and Zhan Jing was one of them.

The fighting power of these people was not terrifying. What made them so was their sly and strange criminal tactics. They could really be described as great crime masters. Capturing them could possibly track down the other criminals from the City of Sin. This was the most crucial part of their plan.

For this operation, the Federal Intelligence Agency had put in quite a bit of effort.

I havent asked for this officers great name! Zhan Jing looked at Ye Feng with a spurious smile.

Ye Feng replied plainly, You dont have to know. With your criminal records, you will be spending the rest of your life in the Federal prison.

Ay Zhan Jing sighed.

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes. Dont try to pull any tricks here, its useless. Your Spiritual Power has also been confined by us, you dont have a chance.

Zhan Jing raised both his hands. He looked at his handcuffs and he started laughing. Commander Ye, do you believe that you will remove my handcuffs later personally?

Ye Fengs pupils constricted immediately.

Ye Feng, commander of the Valiant Dragon Special Forces, the rising star of the younger generation of the Heaven Luo military. Youre 34 years old this year and you have a 6-year-old daughter, Ye Ling Tong, am I right? Zhan Jing smiled faintly and looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng only felt a chill down his spine as he listened to him.

If I hadnt done it on purpose, how could you guys, the Federal idiots, be able to capture me? Didnt you notice that I havent murdered anyone yet? I just didnt want to give you guys the chance to kill me on the spot because I still needed some time. Do you really think that our City of Sins appetite is so small? Do you think just one billion Federal dollars is worth mobilizing such a big force? How childish. If we have to play, well make sure to make it big. There are at least two-thirds of your Valiant Dragon Special Forces people that arent here right now to prevent alerting the enemy, right? So, just with you guys alone, its not enough eh!

Stop with your lies. Ye Feng tried to keep his composure. He obviously wouldnt be thrown into confusion just because of those remarks.

Well wait and see, then.

Di, di, di A shrill alarm sounded all of a sudden and the lights in the think tank centre was dimmed.

And a hundred levels below, all of the lights were extinguished instantly. The whole Horizon Building was in complete darkness, other than the places with natural light.

Coming, coming! Zhan Jing laughed hysterically.

Ye Feng took a step forward and grabbed him by the neck, Whos here? What exactly are you guys doing?

Just at this moment, the military internal communication device rang.

Ye Feng answered without hesitation.

Hello, Commander Ye. A deep voice came through the device.

Ye Feng could tell immediately that this wasnt someone from his Valiant Dragon Special Forces.

Who are you? The other party actually managed to hack into the military internal communication system this was simply insane. These criminals werent just boasting, just, how did they do it?

In the City of Sin, everyone calls me the King of Eternal Darkness. The intel you guys received is accurate, our target is indeed located in the Horizon Building, but we werent going for the think tank centre. Right now, there is a total of 12,345 people in the Horizon Building what a big number and they are in our control. In the building, there are 160 people from the City of Sin and they are currently installing bombs. In approximately five minutes time, all of the load-bearing spots will be fitted with one. The internal Soul Guidance power system was already shut down by us. If these over 10,000 people want to leave the building, it would take at least half an hour. Furthermore, we have already sealed the main door and all of you are isolated from a 100-storey barrier wall. So, you have five minutes to consider. I dont need you to do anything else, just let Zhan Jing go then leave the think tank centre with your subordinates.

Bastard! Ye Feng cursed and almost crushed the communication device in his hand.

He didnt expect that there would be over a hundred people from the City of Sin this time. This was the biggest operation that this organization ever had and their target was actually this big building in Zi Luo City!

With more than 10,000 hostages, if they really bombed the building, this would be the first tragedy in over a thousand years for the Federation.

Dont be mad, anger doesnt help. Commander Ye, actually, we are reasonable people. As long as you do as I say, I promise that not a single bomb would explode. Of course, you dont really have any other choice and can only choose to trust me. Oh, youre only left with four minutes. Please make a decision soon. Otherwise, everyone will die with Zhan Jing.

He hung up!

Ye Feng turned around all of a sudden and he threw a punch at Zhan Jings face that sent this great crime master flying.

Zhan Jing wailed in pain as he knocked himself against the wall at a distance and fell.

Ye Feng quickly dialed his subordinates communication device but he realized that all communications were cut off, including their internal military signal he couldnt contact his own people at all.

At this moment, they were isolated and helpless!

At the Trampoline park

Lan Xuanyu was jumping in high spirits and after an hour of playing, he could already perform some complicated moves together with the staff members working in the trampoline park. Rising high into the air and doing a flip, he really enjoyed the feeling of being free and unrestrained. Even the staff members praised him and said that he was talented.

Then, just at this moment, suddenly, all the lights went out.

Lan Xuanyu was left in midair and was about to land on the trampoline in the next second. His body tensed up but a familiar scent carried him down.

Nan Chengs voice resounded next to his ear. I think that the power went out. Xuanyu, be careful.

The screams around them started ringing and there were also staff members shouting, Everyone, dont panic, the power outage is definitely temporary and the building has a backup power system.

The changes were simply too sudden so how could everyone not panic? Right after that, there was an ear-piercing alarm.

The screams and shouts got louder and louder. Thankfully, the emergency lights on the safety passageway were still on and many people were already rushing towards the exit.

Mommy, Mommy, whats happening? What should we do? Lan Quanyu asked Nan Cheng nervously.

Dont be afraid, Mommy is here, Mommy will protect you. Nan Cheng carried her son. She wasnt very panicky indeed, she was a Spirit Emperor ranked Spirit Master after all. A Spirit Emperor with six rings was relatively strong. Even without any Soul Guidance device, she had the ability to protect herself and her son.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Chi chi chi!

The blood-curdling shrieks occurred again and again.

Nan Chengs face turned pale. She directly carried Lan Xuanyu and jumped down on a trampoline.

Although she wasnt a combatant, she could still recognize the sound of a Soul Guidance gun!

The shrieks resounded and beams of light crisscrossed in the dark trampoline park.

Lan Xuanyu was even more afraid when he heard the screams, he hugged Nan Cheng tightly. Nan Cheng pressed her son under her body and because the trampoline was soft, it didnt hurt Lan Xuanyu at all. She used her own body to protect her son along with a layer of ice to cover her body to protect herself.

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