Chapter 223

223 Chapter 223: Return of a God

The elders stood and gazed at Alex strangely. They believed him and didn’t mind him reaching earth for an hour or so but they were worried about his safety. Earth is a place infested with Danites and powerful guardians like Alex. While he may be strong they have quantity over there and quality as well. Thinking you can just come and do as you please and leave can be considered the gravest sin you can commit.

They were worried about Alex’s well-being especially since the growth of the future of their race depends on him.

“We will dispatch our best forces as well and some of us will accompany you to make sure everything goes well smoothly” Jalic Gale said with a slight frown after pondering on the issue. The other elders nodded in.

They were ready to dispatch their best just to make sure Alex survives even if it means the death of their forces

“Are you stupid?” Alex asked with a raised eyebrow.

He knew what these people were thinking but what they didn’t know was that they were seeing Alex differently now like some king or something. He could see the look in their eyes and for the sake of their prosperity if he asks them to make him the sole ruler of their race they will do so but that’s not what he wanted.

He still had a life to live after all of this. He wasted so many years of his life fighting. In fact, it’s a surprise he is still alive. For that reason, he was grateful he got the body of Jaric Gale who had an astonishingly long lifespan. Even if it takes centuries for him to resolve the problem with the Danites. He would still have time to live and enjoy everything he has missed in life.

“I don’t need protection. I just need two things. A tracker that will let you guys pinpoint my location and outside that I would need my actions to be broadcasted across both worlds and where ever your influence can reach” Alex said.

“You are drawing too much attention. We are not ready!” Elder Tane said with a frown. He felt Alex was going too far now. He was going to throw away the opportunity they had now all for some crazy reason.


“We can do the rest. We can have it streamed on earth, but we can’t go farther than this please” Jalic Gale begged.

Seeing the elders reject and beg Alex sighed. Living too long has really crippled these people’s minds. Many say with age comes experience but Alex refuses to believe that. Well, it is true that with age comes experience but such experience doesn’t necessarily make the person smart.

Looking back at his time on earth. Even before the disaster, only one percent of the world’s population controlled ninety-nine percent of the world’s resources. The rich kept getting richer and the poor kept getting poorer! The reason for this is simply because the majority of the world’s population is dumb.

Give those so-called wise elderly men a second chance at life and they will still end up poor. Age doesn’t build maturity, character defines a person and character requires maturity to develop.

In his eyes, these so-called elders are no more than little kids struggling to protect what they want, regardless of the outcome. No detailed plan, no proper back up yet they are one of the smartest people in the universe.

‘Book smart and enlightenment are not the same thing... I have to keep that in mind when I have my child in my hands and train him’ Alex set a reminder in his head.

“What I will give you is a short explanation of my intentions.” Alex said calmly.

“In this world, there are various forms of power. Amongst them, I have only two. Strength and Fear. I have been using that all my life to get desired results. I have no reason to tell you my exact intentions and possible outcome but all I have to say is this. Would you rather build an honest relationship with me based on respect and honor or would you prefer I use the only forms of power I know to gain the desired results?” Alex asked coldly with a strange flash in his eyes.

Quickly the elders lowered their heads in fear and didn’t say a word while Alex gazed at them coldly. After a while, he could only sigh and look away.

“Just do as you are told.... I have my reasons for it and an expected outcome” Alex said coldly before taking a seat.


The video of Alex Briggs already sent the world into chaos. Many questions were asked as he appeared on every new broadcast channel! The main topic was to find out the authenticity of the video! Everyone watched Alex die a gruesome death at the hands of Tracy Ainsworth and the God sect. Although there was an interference it still isn’t enough for him to survive!

A man was cut from the waist down and also got a blade driven deep into his heart. How the hell is he supposed to survive that?

Many felt this may be a trick or something or at least that’s what the world painted it to be the leaders were very much aware of the truth. That video is as real as it can be especially since they can’t trace it.

Alex must have the help of another race. Probably the alliance! No one knows for sure and that’s what they found extremely frustrating. Even the Danites had no answer to their question right now.


A loud explosion rocked the sky and the tremors could be felt across the world! The light screens appeared once again showcasing the sky above tearing and ripping apart! Everyone stood and watched in shock as this happened!

Bolts of lightning surged around the location as a lightning ring was getting formed. It reminded these people of the previous time when the Danites first appeared in China, Shanghai! It was this method they used but theirs was not as fast as this!

Everyone watched in anticipation, wondering who would dare force his way into the earth in such a bold manner!

Their eyes remained fixated on the screens as a figure finally stepped out of the lightning ring. The figure wore a high-quality black trousers with black boots and a black jacket which was left unzipped. A strong wind blew around him as his grey hair fluttered alongside the jacket.

Gazing at the black cracks all over his body and his grey eyes, many would want to call him ugly but strangely they found this man extremely handsome! His face looked extremely familiar!

Those sharp eyes!

The confident look on his face!

Only one man can invade the world and still carry this same cocky air around him!

“Alex...” Tracy gasped.

“He is really alive...” Silver couldn’t help but speak.

People ignored the screens above and began videoing the figure standing above Washington DC. With this, it was confirmed!

Just a few hours ago the government said the video was fake and yet the man in the video just appeared in front of them now. How could they not be shocked?

“You don’t have to worry about anything. I simply came to take a few things and return to where I came from. You have no reason to be afraid now” Alex said calmly with the familiar voice that struck fear into the hearts of many.

“Why are you all so silent? I expected a warm welcome upon my return... sighs.... Did you really think I will be killed so easily? Alex Briggs cannot die in such a manner. You know Tracy, it will take more than a blade to the heart to kill me. At that point, it was so painful I couldn’t tell what hurt more. The blade to the heart or the fact that the woman I loved was the one holding the blade” Alex said with a smile as he stood in mid-air with his hands shoved in his pocket.

No one dared to face him yet! Or maybe it was just that the world was still in shock.

His eyes darted around for a while and frowned for the first time.

“My power has risen and initially I believed nothing can get past these eyes but I guess I was wrong. Well done Silver! As careful as always. I don’t know what you did but I can’t find my son or any of you. But I am sure you live in the united states... You thought ahead once again and put up preventive measures just to stop me from finding you guys and my son... bravo!” Alex said coldly.

Watching him from the screen in the living room, Silver revealed a bitter smile. He had to put so many things into consideration before the construction of their home in the average residential area where no one would suspect. Just like Alex explained this was to hide them from anyone who would look for them but it wasn’t necessarily meant for him in particular.

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