Chapter 185

185 Chapter 185: End of the world

The Danite General known as Jai Kagh was the first Danite to fall into the hands of the humans as a captive and while everyone thought this would be a good, more world changing event that overshadow this happened almost in near succession rates!

The tyrant gang and other forces waiting outside the sand storm in the Sahara desert were wiped out by the Danites and only the Tyrant gang pillars and Leaders were left alive after they swore allegiance to the Danite forces. Danny and the others were able to escape due to his teleportation abilities, if not he would have been one of the casualties!

Meanwhile, Alex released the video of what happened in hopes that the world would turn against the United States but the unexpected happened. After seeing what a mere soldier of the Danites could do to Shanghai, many countries weaker than the rest were reluctant to fight back.

Joining in this war meant near extinction of their people so they were more inclined to join the United States in hopes of allying with the alien race to secure a tomorrow for their people. This outcome took Alex by surprise and shockingly, a staggering amount of the world powers joined, leaving behind only a few to form a resistance against the enemy.

As Alex predicted, it seems the United States and the Danites have been in contact longer than expected. It was confirmed that the Danite war suits were no different from the Ainsworth family battle suits. In fact, they were both made from the same foreign material which allows them to have as many adaptive features as it does already.

“THIS IS A WAR WE CAN NOT WIN, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN WE WON’T FIGHT!” Alex once said to his friends with a stern look on his face.

As a man, he would rather die fighting than Live and serve some unknown invaders. He only worried about Tracy. He was involved in a fight he cannot win, his death also means her death as well.

At a point, he was questioning his reason for fighting. No matter how much he thought about it, he is getting involved in this war because of his personal views of life. He simply didn’t want his fate to be decided by others, so what about his friends? Why drag them to their death alongside him?

Wasn’t that being selfish?




“Alex!!!” A voice jolted him back to reality, making him frown. Those seated at the round table all sighed and shook their heads. They are all world leaders who refuse to bow to the Danite’s, so they formed a temporary Alliance. Each of them represented a country or at least a strong faction.

On the round table, Alex was the youngest. A youth not even up to 20 yet. He represented the nameless family and has repeatedly played a major role in all the activities involving the Danite race and the US. He even had the backing of China’s most powerful Ss rated deviant, the Dragon emperor!

No one could refute his claim to be worthy enough to sit amongst them, what they felt was a pity. They gazed at him like a child with so much burden put on his shoulder. They didn’t blame him for spacing out like this in such a situation. None of them were sure they would have done this well if they were to take his place.

“I am sorry... I was lost In thoughts. What did I miss?” Alex adjusted himself as he spoke but even then he couldn’t help but let his thoughts run wild.

It has been a month since they clashed with the Danite Prince and just as the alien said, it had plans of taking over Africa and it has been doing so. All countries in Africa had been forced to join forces to form a united stand against the enemy. With the presence of the Culture, Ahiak, other African S rated deviants who should be less than five in number, and the nameless who also decided to remain in Africa, the alien forces have been shown down. Alex couldn’t stop them entity but they were able to slow them down with the numerical advantage but at the cost of many lives.

Meanwhile, other ally countries would have loved to give them a hand but the Danite allied forces which included the US and other countries had their forces at their borders. They couldn’t afford to leave their countries defenseless.

“How do you plan to deal with this problem? How much longer can Africa hold?” Dragon Emperor of the immortal palace asked with a frown.

“I will say a few months... The culture is extremely powerful but overwhelmed as we speak. We lack quality troops so we can only create a quality individual to counter them” Alex said with a stern look, leaving everyone confused.

“He is trying to say my upgrade ability is limited by time and number. The more people I use it on, the weaker the effects and the duration fall considerably. My power is not absolute” Vendetta was present to represent not just the culture but Africa as a whole.

They were currently recognized as the number one force in Africa.

“So what do you mean by creating a single quality individual?” Red of Russia leaned forward and asked.

Without speaking, Alex placed his fingertips on the table and absorbed its properties, creating a wooden fist.

“Matter absorption is an ability that allows me to absorb the properties of everything I touch. It is also the reason why I have been leveling up fast... I started out by absorbing the powers of the beast cores and refining their power and using them to strengthen my ability. Now I can practically absorb all forms of energy to upgrade my abilities” Alex explained briefly.

“Basically, you are asking for our resources to help push your abilities to the SS ratings” Shin Yan Jun said coldly.

“Yes,” Alex replied without a hint of emotion.

“If Africa falls you all have no backup and support... I plan to die alongside the culture and everyone else fighting there. You are already at a stalemate due to the condition of things right now. Without us, when the Danites turn their attention to you all, your defeat is imminent!” Alex’s words sounded more like a threat.

Hearing this, everyone frowned and leaned on their chairs in thought while Vendetta’s gazed at Alex with strange eyes. He could tell Alex meant every word he said but the question now is why would someone go so far for people he had no connection to?

He could easily hide out in China or Russia. Powerful countries where his chances of survival is far greater, yet he chooses to remain in Africa and fight the front lines.

Do good people really exist?

“What I do now is for freedom. I just broke away from the Briggs and regained my freedom. I won’t let anyone take it away. The safer option is to go with any of you and wait out and see how things play out. But the only chance with the higher chance of absolute victory... It may be riskier but that is the path I chose!” Alex explained to Vendetta when he noticed his gaze. He could see the obvious confusion in his eyes.

“Are you positive your chances of winning will be higher if we send more resources to just you?” Dragon emperor asked with a frown on his face.

“You already saw what I could do in my weakened state when my power was boosted to the SS ratings by Vendetta.... Imagine me at full power, at the SS ratings and a boost from Vendetta, pushing my power past the level any human has ever reached...” Alex said with a frown on his face!

Hearing this everyone shivered. The gravity ability is truly a terrifying specialist ability that has shown its strength time and time again. If Alex can take that power over the SS ratings, no one would be able to stop him. He may truly become invincible!

Do they want that?

An Invincible human with no allegiance to any side?

“Are you all stupid?” God’s eyes asked with a slight frown on his face.

“You see a way forward, yet you are all worried about his allegiance? If the human race is burnt to the ground, who will be left alive to worry about it? We have a problem now. We tackle it. When the time comes, we will deal with that problem” God’s eye said coldly and everyone nodded in agreement.

“How much resources do you need to make this breakthrough?” Bishan of India asked with a raised eyebrow.

His question got the attention of many, promptly. They all wanted to know the number of resources they would have to share amongst themselves.

“I honestly don’t know. I just keep consuming until it happens... I thank you all for your generous donations in advance. Don’t worry, I will keep you all updated” Alex laughed lightly as Kid placed his hand on his shoulder while grabbing on to Vendetta and vanished!

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