Chapter 181

181 Chapter 181: Dragon Emperor

I’m”Thank you for saving us” Cherry said in a low tone with his face lowered.

He dared not look Alex in the face or raise his voice. This is a kid he fought twice and won, using purely his level to oppress the child but right now he isn’t even sure he can take one punch from Alex.

The way the situation turned out was extremely shocking and even now he has reached the A ratings, successfully becoming one of the five fingers of the Tyrant gang, he is no different from a cannon folder that can be sacrificed at any time.

“Don’t be delusional to think for a moment that I did this to save you or your thugs. I simply have something I want to see... and as always, I need you to lead the way” Alex said calmly with the cat on his shoulder.

He wasn’t as buffed or ripped as before. Neither did he have a terrifying presence, yet he commands fear from everyone. Seeing him like this terrified a lot of people.

While Alex simply levitated forward, Cherry and the rest walked forward. After climbing the stairs, they walked into the massive triangular entrance, and immediately every one of the goons fell on their knees, spitting out mouthful of blood as an invisible force crushed them!



They were reduced to a bloody paste, Meanwhile Mr. Blade and Cherry quickly released their aura to battle force. They had blood trickling down their nostrils but they wouldn’t fall or die easily. Yet, they could not move as well.


Alex felt the pressure and luckily his strength was far beyond that of any normal S-rated deviant so he didn’t seem to be affected by this. His eyes were like two black holes and he gazed at Mr. Blade and Cherry and frowned.

He needed someone to film what was going on, so he sighed and let his gravity power spread. Instantly the two felt like the weight placed on them was gone and their body was lifted off the ground by the invisible force.

“My martial technique and body were affected by my weakened state, but my deviant Powers still remain at their peak” Alex said shortly and didn’t bother speaking again.

The camera was wired to the clothes of the two fingers of the Tyrant gang, so they proceeded.

What they saw was a wall by the sides, blocking them from seeing what was going on, and then more floating stairs ahead.

Alex gradually levitated forward without hesitation. The gravity of the room increased with each stair climbed and Alex guessed that there are more than one entrance into this place. This was the alien’s way of making sure that not just anybody can claim their sealed artifact.

“What do you plan to do? If you have any other agenda, you wouldn’t have brought us up here since the cameras are on us. The pillars of the tyrant gang wouldn’t have to know what’s in your head” Cherry said coldly without a care in the world.

He didn’t care that the Tyrant gang leaders were watching.

“It doesn’t change a thing. Those who will most likely appear at the top of these stairs will be SS-rated individuals. None of you leaders, outside Danny, is qualified to climb these stairs. So your leaders won’t be able to come here even If they wanted..” Alex said while shrugging his shoulders

They couldn’t understand what he meant because they were walking. Up the stairs with their power. If they could they would have noticed the gravity kept increasing and Alex was sure no normal S-rated guardians would be able to climb to the top.

“That leaves me with, them” Alex said coldly as he reached the top of the platform and all the gravity restrictions vanished.

There he saw the Hall family leader, who represented America. Kira of the God sect and not the four frauds of the Hall family bearing their title, Dragon emperor of the immortal palace, teacher of Master Ye. Red, of the Russian regime forces. All six members of the culture of Nigeria!, Bishan of India, and finally, Shi Yan Jun of North Korea.

“It seems the South Korean representative didn’t make it” Alex said with a slight chuckle which drew everyone’s attention.

Seeing Alex’s condition, everyone on the massive platform was stunned and speechless. The last image of Alex in their head was that of the immovable god who was the first to murder a member of the invading alien race but right now he looked empty and dry.

He was no different from a living husk.

“What happened to you, little one?” Dragon emperor was an extremely old man who is one of the elders of the immortal palace. He is said to have lived for close to two centuries now and Alex could tell why.

The man wore the normal Taoist blue robe but he looked extremely old and skinny. He was practically walking bones that made someone like Alex look healthy as a horse!

“Combining too many foreign combat techniques with the power of my pet pushed my body to its limit and beyond. Leaving my body in a weakened state. Right now I’m not half as strong as I should be” Alex said calmly. He didn’t even bother hiding anything, making the enemy feel uneasy.

“Yes, yes, I understand... some martial techniques are not to be combined. It is simply a recipe for disaster... I hope your body is healing?” the dragon emperor said with a sincere look on his face.

“Hahaha, of course, I am healing even though it is at a slow pace... you have nothing to worry about. Thank you for your concern” Alex gave the man a respectful bow.

“Hahaha! It’s nothing little one. You saved the life of my favorite student. It’s only natural I act this way. If by chance you need my help in anything, don’t hesitate to ask” the Dragon emperor said with his fluent English.

“You dare familiarize yourself with a terrorist? Even if you are an old monster, don’t think the world will take this sitting down!” The Hall family leader said with a fierce look on his face.

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