Chapter 144

144 Chapter 144: First time skip

Alex emerged from the skull of the beast with the massive beast core te size of his body. While his hands were on it he felt warm energy flowing through his body so he let go of it.

Alex had no plans of absorbing this and causing the entire world to ask how he did it. Since he took down the purgatory snake, the body and beast core will be used to forge a beast gear for him so it’s still a win win situation.

His first tiger class beast gear.

“For a moment there I didn’t feel human anymore” Alex muttered as he gazed at his body.

The red color was already fading, as well as the strange feeling. For a moment there he felt invincible....

“No one is truly invincible in this world” Alex recited to remind himself not to get carried away.

He watched Silver and the others approach so he greeted them with a warm smile and a thumbs up.


The news of the Nameless family spread in an instant and many people talked about it, Alex Briggs, Silver Ainsworth, and Tracy Ainsworth left their families in the big four to create a new family. Although it sounded strange people were excited.


Rumors of the nameless family surpassing the big four began spreading and Alex did nothing to help matters. His achievements in the past months and his rapid growth from a D-rated human to a B-rated human in barely six months shook people’s hearts.

Many felt in a decade or so, with such terrifying growth speed, Alex would reach the SS ratings. Only then will he be able to sit amongst the big four as equals.

As for the main occupation of the Nameless family was its ties with the military. Since they had no other options but to join the military and become a government-owned faction. During this time they will have the protection of the president and the resources of the country at their disposal, as long as they can keep proving their worth.

During this time, Alex was promoted to the level of sergeant and under him were Silver, Blitz, Blaze, and Queen who are the core members of the nameless family.

The war in Virginia raged on but without the enhancer prototypes, the military had the advantage and quickly began to suppress the enemy, slowly pushing them out of the state.

For a few extra bucks, Tracy and Silver occasionally created what Alex referred to as weapons of mass destruction and chaos and sold them to the government. It didn’t take long before they made their first million dollars and many more came rolling in.

With Alex serving the military steadily while Silver and Tracy sold their gadgets and weapons to the government, they were stable at least and had a very good relationship with the government even though they have never met the president.

During this time, the nameless squad took a lot of missions and never failed. They always proved themselves to be capable and because of that they never left the lips of people.

In the blink of an eye, a year passed since the Nameless family established itself in the United States...

“How long now?” Silver asked as he walked over and gazed at a monitor, looking at Alex who sat cross-legged in a room alone. The room was full of red mist and within it was a hazy figure as stiff as a sculpture.

“He hasn’t moved or spoken for a month now... how can someone go this long without eating or drinking?” Tracy looked scared.

“Have you heard about cultivation... Legend had it that most cultivators would sit still for thousands of years while practicing... Alex is just doing the same” Silver said calmly.

“You are full of crap” Tracy rolled her eyes and kept gazing at the monitor.

After the purgatory snake incident, Alex rewatched the clip and was stunned by the blood-red body he possessed back then. He could remember that body which only one man has used! Wilder Briggs!

This is the third and supposed final stage of the Demon-kin secret technique. Where the user sheds his human skin and becomes the true demon within the mask. There is more to this mode that Alex did not know since he only has information on the first and second stages of the martial technique.

Either way achieving the third stage became a goal and he took it seriously. Under his orders, all purple crystals acquired during their operation were presented to him. He has been practicing nonstop and for a while now he has been in this state.

Alex was in some sort of trance where he watched the changes his body was undergoing. It felt like each tissue that made up his flesh was getting reconstructed, granting him the legendary immortal body of the Briggs. Something even Damian doesn’t possess yet.

It felt like all his body was set ablaze and blocks of ice were placed on them at the same time. The same feeling of destroying and reconstructing something at the same speed and at the same time.

Even a fool could tell that after this transformation, Alex would be much stronger than before.

Virginia was almost free from the grips of the tyrant gang and after suffering so many defeats on various grounds, the Tyrant gang went silent and became less bold. For a short, while peace returned to the states and right now the mansion owned by the Nameless family was built in Virginia a land surrounded by monsters and demons.

After a year of successful service as a military officer, Alex received a double promotion and instantly became a lieutenant with a small army by his side.

“Why is he doing this? Why is he trying so hard” Tracy asked.

“The next task given to him is something too much... Too big for the Nameless so he is going there alone... he needs to gather as much power as possible before taking part in it” Silver said calmly as he gazed at the watch on Alex’s wrist showing the B rating!

He has officially become a B-rated human in just one year, six months!

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