Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 38: Fu Yuxin woke up!

On the cold morning of December 30, 2023, the world slowly awakened, but for Fu Yuxin, it was a bewildering start to the day.

Her eyes flickered open, and as consciousness returned, she groaned softly, "My head..." Her hands instinctively reached for her throbbing temples, clutching them as a wave of pain surged through her.

With great effort, she managed to sit up, her surroundings an enigma.

The room seemed unfamiliar, casting shadows of confusion over her groggy mind. "Where am I...?" Her voice trembled as she muttered, staring wide-eyed at the unfamiliar setting.

Gradually, her vision began to clear. She gazed out of the window, revealing an unknown neighborhood that added to the puzzle.

Her memories from the previous day trickled back, like a slow-moving stream.

"Right... I was with Wang Xiao..." She whispered to herself. But in the next instant, her eyes widened in shock.


With a swift kick of the quilt, her heart raced as she glanced down, her breath held in anxious anticipation.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she realized she was still clothed.

Yet, a lingering unease persisted, and she furrowed her brow. "Who changed my clothes?" The question hung in the air, unanswered and unsettling.

Her face contorted with bewilderment, unable to grasp the mysterious turn of events.

Determined to unravel the situation, she gingerly attempted to swing her legs out of the bed.

Suddenly, a searing pain coursed through her legs, freezing her in place.

"What!?" Her cry of alarm echoed through the room, and she found herself once again reclining on the bed.

Her face grew paler by the second, a mounting dread clawing at her senses.

Trembling, she lifted her pajama, revealing the absence of undergarments.

"I...!?" Her voice trailed off, a mixture of disbelief and fear gripping her.

Tentatively, she tried to put her legs on the floor once more, only to be met with an even more excruciating pain, this time emanating from between her legs.


The room seemed to hold its breath as she grappled with this unsettling revelation, her world spinning into an unknown abyss.

Her breaths came in shallow, panicked gasps, each inhale tinged with the bitter taste of fear.

Her heart drummed a frenzied beat, matching the chaotic cadence of her thoughts as she grappled with the horror of the situation.

A suffocating weight of confusion bore down on her, mingling with an insidious sense of violation that left her trembling.

How had she, Fu Yuxin, ended up in this disoriented state, stripped of her dignity and memories?

The questions reverberated in her mind, but the answers remained elusive, shrouded in a haze of distress.

"No-no-no..." she whispered desperately, her head shaking in disbelief. Cold beads of sweat formed on her brows, a chilling realization seeping into her consciousness.

Dread clutched at the edges of her thoughts, urging her to confront the source of her torment.

Summoning every ounce of courage, she steeled herself to probe the searing pain that emanated from between her legs, tracing it to its origin.

Her fingers trembled as they moved tentatively, confirming her worst fears.

Tears welled up in her eyes, a tempest of emotions crashing within her—shame, anger, despair—all fighting for dominance.

"Wang Xiao... Why!?" The words escaped her lips in a broken whisper, the betrayal cutting deep, leaving an indelible mark on her soul.

A newfound sense of violation gnawed at her core, leaving scars that were more than just physical.

Amidst this torment, fragments of memories began to piece themselves together, a cruel jigsaw puzzle that revealed glimpses of the night before.

Flashes of blurred images and muffled sounds taunted her, faces and voices dancing in her mind's eye, but remaining frustratingly out of reach.

With each passing moment, the brutal reality of her situation became more undeniable.

She had been violated, and a sense of helplessness washed over her like a suffocating tide, leaving her grappling with the shattering aftermath.

"Drink the glass of water kept on the left," a sudden voice sliced through the dense air, jolting her from her whirlwind of emotions.

Startled, she turned towards the door, hastily swiping at her tears, and asked, her voice trembling, "W-Who are you!?"

Her gaze locked with that of a mature woman, and despite her distress, a flush of embarrassment colored her cheeks at the awkwardness of being seen in such a state.

Lin Xue, with a touch of sympathy in her eyes, approached calmly.

She took the glass of water, placing it gently in front of Fu Yuxin. "If you want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, it's crucial to drink it now. I've mixed the medicine in it," she clarified.


Lin Xue's words pierced through the fragile facade that Fu Yuxin had struggled to maintain.

Overwhelmed by the sheer weight of her situation, she suddenly broke down, her sobs echoing through the room.

Tears streamed down her face as she reached for the glass of water, her hands trembling.

She took a shaky sip, the liquid catching in her throat, making her choke. "Wh-why is this happening..." she gasped between sobs, the bitterness of the medicine mirroring the bitterness of her reality.

Lin Xue watched with a mixture of sympathy and concern, understanding the turmoil that had enveloped Fu Yuxin's world.

She offered a comforting hand on her shoulder, a silent gesture of support in this darkest hour.

As the glass emptied, Fu Yuxin's sobs began to subside, leaving behind a profound sense of despair.

She looked up at Lin Xue with eyes that had witnessed the depths of despair, silently pleading for answers in the midst of her shattered reality.

Lin Xue took a deep breath, gathering her composure before giving Fu Yuxin a concise overview of the situation.

The reality of it hit Fu Yuxin hard, and she choked on tears, her chest tightening with a mixture of pain, anger, and a sense of violation that she could hardly put into words.

As Lin Xue explained, Fu Yuxin's gaze fell upon a small, familiar package nearby.

After a moment of hesitation, she mustered the strength to reach for it, her eyes red from crying and the exhaustion of the previous night weighing heavily on her.

She opened the package, revealing the necklace and earrings, along with a small slip of paper.

Her hands trembled as she picked it up.

Lin Xue, contemplating the situation, snatched the note from her grasp, advising, "You don't need to read it."

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