Detective From the Future

Chapter 212: Interim team leader.

Chapter 212: Interim team leader.

After seeing the crowd disperse, Han Bin couldn't help but ask Dai Ming Han: "Director Dai, why are you waiting for me?"

Dai Ming Han replied in disbelief: "Did you catch the suspect?"

"Yes, Captain," Han Bin replied.

"Okay! You did a great job."

Dai Ming Han showed a satisfied look: "In six hours, a major food poisoning case was solved. Your Captain Zheng really didn't see the wrong person."

"That's what I should do," Han Bin said.

Dai Ming Han nodded and continued: "This case, which was reported to the Municipal Bureau, attracted great attention from the leaders of the Municipal Bureau. Deputy Director Feng Bao Guo and Chef of the Bureau Chen (Chen Dong Liang ) rushed to the hospital to express their condolences to the families of the poisoned victims."

"According to Captain Zheng, is it true the number of poisoned people has increased to thirty-two?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, fortunately, you caught the suspect selling poisonous beef in time, otherwise the consequences will be more serious. In order to prevent more poisonous beef from entering the market, the government may take measures to the emergency, and this matter will become important, and it will even alarm the city. Commissioner, you, my child showed your face this time," Dai Ming Han said with a smile.

Han Bin scratched his head. When he was on the case, he didn't think so much about eating. He was just worried that more ordinary people would be poisoned and wanted to grasp the source of the poisoned oxen as soon as possible.

"Come on, come with me to my office and tell me in detail what happened," Dai Ming Han patted Han Bin on the shoulder.

The upper-level department was very concerned about this matter. If Chief Dai Ming Han called and asked in person, Han Bin could not refuse, then the pleasure for him would be great and it would be a lot of fun, so he told him what happened in full.

Dai Ming Han listened carefully and concluded: "Yes, you are decisive, clear-headed, and dare to take responsibility. You can handle things."

"Director Dai, Qian Jin Feng from Beixi Zhang Village is suspected of selling poisoned beef. Do you want to arrest him immediately?" Han Bin asked.

Dai Ming Han was silent for a while before saying: "Beixi Zhang Village is not under the jurisdiction of our branch, and according to Qian Guang Yue's confession, Qian Jin Feng's cattle were poisoned to death. , so he should have reported the case to the local police, and the poisoning cases will not be aggravated somewhat."

"So I will first contact the local police station and ask them to arrest the person."

Dai Ming Han heard it and said with a smile, "Haven't you eaten yet?"

Han Bin was a little embarrassed and said, "This case was very urgent, so I didn't consider the meal at noon."

"Go to eat something, and I'll call you if I have something for you to do," Dai Ming Han said.


As soon as Han Bin arrived at the door of the Qingdao Third Criminal Investigation Team's Second Group Office, he smelled instant noodles. It was really fragrant. He walked into the office and found that Tian Li, Zhao Ming, and Sun Xiao Peng were all sitting there eating instant noodles and couldn't help but swallow his saliva: "It's quite delicious, you, have you brought the mine?"

"Brother Bin, we thought the deputy director Dai invited you to a big dinner party," Zhao Ming said smiling.

"Even if the deputy director Dai has thought of inviting me to a big meal, it will be for our whole group. You, my child, I won't let you eat instant noodles," Han Bin sniffled and picked up some coffee from the table instant noodles with chicken and mushrooms.

"Hey, Brother Bin, you guessed really wrong. For me now, no big meal is as delicious as eating instant noodles," Zhao Ming winked.

"Do you want braised beef flavor?" joked Tian Li.

"The smell of braised beef is so bad that for Master Kong beef, I eat ten bowls of noodles without fear of being poisoned," Zhao Ming snorted.

"Ha ha..." Everyone laughed.


After eating instant noodles, Han Bin went back to work. Although the matter has been cleared up, the file, proceedings, documents, transcripts, seals, and test reports cannot be overlooked and when he got home it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Han Bin took a shower, opened a bottle of wine, took a plate of sea rice, a plate of peanuts, a plate of dried fish, and a cucumber, lay down on the sofa, and sat down watching television and relaxing with a glass of wine.

Today, after a busy day, Han Bin was also under tremendous pressure. First, it was the first time he had handled a matter independently as the leader of the second group; second, as Dai Ming Han had said, this case was related to the safety of too many people. A minute late could add one more victim, that's why he had to solve the case as fast as quickly, and as quickly as possible.

While watching TV, Han Bin sent Tan Jing Ya a few WeChat messages, and the two chatted lukewarmly.


Well, life is not that easy. If you want to meet someone who likes you, who is suitable in all respects, and who can meet you at the right time, the probability is very low... Of course, this is also related to the person's vision and the partner selection conditions.

Regarding Han Bin's family background, appearance and work, if he has a blind date with a woman of average appearance, body, and temperament, the other party will sue him definitely. Han Bin is also someone who would rather be indulgent than overbearing, and can't find anyone better than his ex-girlfriend, so why did he break up with her? Why did he slam the door in her face?

Han Bin felt good about Tan Jing Ya, but he couldn't understand what the other party was thinking. The other party never took the initiative or refused.

Let's talk first, if it doesn't work, then let's change.


When Han Bin was in college, the buddies in the neighboring dormitory had a saying: "To be used as a spare tire by one woman is a craze; to be used as a spare tire by two women is stupid; to be used as a spare wheel by ten women, that's your backup." Of course, this sentence is enough to be heard, but not true.


Falling in love takes energy and relationships need to be nurtured unless you're someone who doesn't take work for granted, who hangs around all day, who has the energy and spirit to be a spare wheel for others.


But Han Bin had no such hobby. He didn't like wearing hats either. According to him, if he loves a woman, he must chase her away, if he cannot catch up with her, then he will let go, he must not continue to chase after her. There will be better ones to come.


The next morning the weather turned chilly and the cafeteria was empty and a bit shady, so he just went to the office to eat. He asked for a pancake and a can of leeks and returned to the office to boil a bag of milk to make a cup of coffee. When Li Hui asked for a Roujiamo, a stick of fried dough, a tea egg, and a bowl of soy milk. Seeing that Han Bin was using milk to make coffee, he pursed his lips, "You are too particular."

Han Bin smiled and said: "Life always needs a sense of ritual."

"I can eat enough," Li Hui snorted.

Tian Li smiled and looked him up and down. Li Hui was a little hairy when she saw him, and he looked at her, feeling pretty good about himself: "What's wrong."

Tian Li sighed: "I finally know why you don't have a girlfriend."

Li Hui: "..."

"Brother Hui, let me tell you, men need to understand romance, for women to love them," Zhao Ming winked.

"Aren't you single, you can laugh a hundred paces." Li Hui rolled his eyes, wondering where the other party's sense of superiority came from.

"When I was in school, I was the man of the year. Let me tell you, the girls who like me always line up. The row of the beautiful, the row of the good figures, the row of beautiful female students, you can see, this guy is full of girls, the gongs and drums are loud, and it's quite spectacular," Zhao Ming raised his head, at a forty-five-degree angle, and looked at the ceiling.

"Ehhh, what are you saying? kid, your brain is pumping?" Zheng Kaixuan walked into the office and gave Zhao Ming a brainstorm.

"Ha ha..." Everyone laughed.

Zhao Ming blushed and scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll talk to you about a serious matter," Zheng Kaixuan said solemnly:

"Yesterday's case was handled wonderfully, and it was highly appreciated by the leaders of the Municipal Office and Qingdao Branch Chief Chen Dong Liang and Deputy Branch Director Dai Ming Han. Chen Dong Liang the branch chief has already approved after speaking with deputy director Dai Ming Han, the police star this month to our group."

"Really? Branch head Chen Dong Liang congratulated us!" Tian Li was surprised.

"My dear, this month's bonus has been settled," Li Hui said happily.

"What else did branch head Chen say, did he mention to me?" Zhao Ming asked curiously.

"Chief Chen said that the honor belongs to all members of our second group. Let you make persistent efforts to handle each new case well. He is optimistic about you and will continue to pay attention to you," said Zheng Kaixuan.

"Tsk tsk, that sounds soothing." Zhao Ming patted his chest.

Zheng Kaixuan glanced at everyone, his eyes fell on Han Bin, and he said sternly: "In addition, starting today, Han Bin officially becomes the acting leader of the second group. and is fully responsible for organizing the work of the second group, and everyone will support his work in the future so that your group's performance will be improved to a higher level."

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