Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 631: Invitation and Encounter

Chapter 631: Invitation and Encounter


The two enormous ships came to a stop very close to each other, allowing small boats to easily move between them due to their proximity.

Duncan was captivated by the grand Ark, admiring its complex designs that featured advanced academic facilities and soaring spires. As he observed the ship, he noticed the varied populace: guards and crew members bustling about with purpose, while scholars and students, dressed more casually, seemed relaxed. He was particularly drawn to the elegant, spider-like steam-powered walkers navigating the Arks complex structures, a display of technological advancement far beyond any city-state.

Duncan knew that the inhabitants of the Ark were likely watching them just as closely.

The ocean shimmered under the setting sun, with gentle breezes stirring the water and casting a golden glow across the surface. Mysterious green streaks glowed from the area of the Vanished towards the Ark, creating a striking contrast at the meeting point of the two colors. Duncan felt the presence of an invisible barrier at this juncture.

After a prolonged silence of this standoffish stance, Duncan, puzzled, turned to a shadowy figure beside him and asked, Why havent they made a move yet?

Perhaps theyre still evaluating the Vanished? Agatha suggested quietly from the darkness. I thought they would have reached out by now.

Duncan mused, Could they be trying to communicate via radio?

Do we even have a radio on this ship? Agatha asked, confused.

Not yet, Duncan admitted. I planned to install one at Wind Harbor.

Their conversation was interrupted by a flurry of lights and flag signals from the Arks top deck, seemingly sending a coded message.

Amidst advanced technologies, it was these traditional methods of communication by lights and flags that bridged the two ships.

Reading the signals, Duncan exclaimed, They want the Vanished to dock with the Ark? Are they serious?

From his subconscious, Goatheads cautious voice advised, Captain, this might be a trap. Proceed with caution.

Duncan sighed, looking towards the Ark. I understand your concern, he said, running a hand through his hair. But my main goal was to connect with those on the Ark. Their invitation is quite timely.

As he spoke, Duncan expertly steered the Vanished closer to the imposing Ark, his eyes vigilant, scanning not only the Ark but also nearby warships. Using his unique spiritual abilities, he probed the surrounding sea for any potential threats or anomalies.

Despite his instincts telling him it wasnt a setup, Duncan remained cautious. Now engaging with a key figure from the Four Church, he pondered the intentions of the Truth Pope, the divine representative of the God of Wisdom, Lahem.

He suspected that the Arks crew might be equally wary. Having extended an invitation to the Vanished, they likely harbored their own concerns about how the unpredictable Ghost Captain would respond.

Duncan wasnt naive about the current dynamics. Since reemerging from subspace, he had been forging connections with various city-states and religious factions. Take Vanna, for example. Her assignment to accompany the ship was a deliberate effort by the Storm Church to foster friendly relations. Yet, to many, the Vanished remained an enigmatic, almost supernatural entity.

As a result, both the ship and the church were carefully gauging each other. Although they were beginning to communicate and understand each other, trust was still tenuous. The Four Church sought to determine if the ghost captain had truly returned as a human and if the recent actions of the Vanished were sincere peace gestures or deceptive tactics influenced by the chaos of subspace. Conversely, Duncan evaluated the sincerity from the other side.

During this period, Duncan stayed in contact with his closest advisors.

Morris, a trusted ally, had studied under the Truth Pope at the prestigious Academy of Truth. This mentorship highlighted the Academys unique position within the Four Church alliance. Followers of the God of Wisdom valued the dissemination of knowledge, and their religious structure mirrored that of academic institutions, with roles akin to teachers and students, including the Truth Pope himself.

The Academy of Truth was renowned for producing eminent scholars. A select few had the privilege of studying directly under Pope Lune aboard the academys Ark.

I think you have little to worry about, Morris reassured. Ive discussed the Vanished extensively with my mentor. Of all the Popes in the Four Church Alliance, his perspective on the Vanished is notably balanced, rational, and impartial.

While Morriss reassurances were meant to comfort, Duncan grappled with deeper concerns. Its not just your mentors stance thats troubling me, Duncan reflected internally. Whats curious to me is the Academy Arks swift movement to Wind Harbor. When Pland was in turmoil, the Grand Storm Cathedral only appeared after the storm had subsided. And during the crisis in Frost, the Death Churchs Ark was notably absent.

Morris explained, drawing on his knowledge of the churchs dynamics, Wind Harbors proximity to the border means the Churchs Ark often patrols this area, so their rapid response is typical. Wind Harbor might have sent an SOS to the academy days before. Also, he paused, the Academys Ark is primarily manned by elves.

This last piece of information focused Duncans attention.

As the Ark approached the Vanished, it resembled a floating compact city-state. Part of its hull expanded in Duncans view, revealing a facade that resembled a natural shoreline.

Soon, guiding beacons and flags appeared along this shoreline, accompanied by the deep sounds of massive engines and the hissing of steam valves. Duncan watched in awe as part of this cathedral-like ship transformed, extending a massive structure into the watera makeshift dock specifically for the Vanished.

Duncan relinquished control of the ships wheel, allowing the Vanished to navigate itself. The ghost ship carefully evaluated the mechanical dock from the Academy Ark before slowly moving towards the boarding platform.

Its obvious to him that the Vanished held a hint of skepticism in the approach.

Yet, something else soon caught his attention.

Looking up, he focused on the space above the Academy Ark.

There, he saw ghostly, tentacle-like apparitions resembling disembodied souls, vast spectral beings emanating from the Ark. These phantom figures hovered overhead, their edges lined with constantly shifting tentacles, creating ever-changing silhouettes!

Duncans attention was fixed on these ethereal manifestations from the Academy Ark, reminiscent of a similar scene he had witnessed when the Grand Storm Cathedral appeared in the city-state of Pland!

Previously, Duncan had believed the spectral figure he saw represented the mighty Storm Goddess, Gomona, worshiped by the Storm Church, embodying the mysterious and immense power of the ocean. However, when he saw a similar specter around the Ark of the Academy of Truth, it unsettled him. He wondered if this spectral appearance was common to the sacred ships of various churches. Was this ethereal vision a characteristic shared by all four legendary Ark ships? What did this presence signify?

These thoughts quickly filled Duncans mind. But just then, movement caught his eye at the edge of his vision. Figures began to emerge on the gangway connecting the Vanished to the Academy Ark.

Duncan pushed aside his swirling thoughts and focused on the group approaching.

Leading the group were four steam-powered mechanized walkers. They escorted a smaller group across the gangway and stopped midway between the Vanished and the Ark. Positioned like vigilant sentinels, they crouched on either side of the bridge, alert for any threats, while the group they protected continued towards the Vanished. This group consisted of guards in the distinctive uniforms of the Academys Knowledge Protectors, aides dressed as apprentices, and an elderly, rotund man dressed in a scholars robe at the forefront.

Duncan recognized this figure from Morriss descriptions.

This was undoubtedly the respected leader of the Academy of Truth, the mortal representative of the God of Wisdom, Lahem, and Morriss esteemed mentorLune.

To Duncans astonishment, the Pope himself had come in person, accompanied only by this small group, and was now heading straight towards the Vanished.

Summoning his unique ability, Duncan transformed into a blazing trail of fire. This glowing arc raced across the deck and ended at the edge of the gangway, where he reverted to his human form.

The group from the Academy Ark was taken aback by this fiery entrance. They instinctively moved to protect Lune. Yet, the venerable elf raised his hand, signaling them to relax, and gave Duncan a reassuring smile.

Captain Duncan Abnomar, its an honor to make your acquaintance, the wise old elf said, nodding warmly, This marks our maiden meeting.

Duncan replied respectfully, The honor is truly mine, returning the nod.

However, just as Duncan was about to engage in deeper conversation, he noticed something unusual about the Popes appearance.

Surprisingly, the Popes body appeared faintly translucent!

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